Solutions for Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome There's something in this report for everyone

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Some high carbohydrate fruit: banana, grapes, melon Dried fruit: sultana, apricot, prune, raisin, fig, date etc Pulses: lentil, butter beans, chick peas, flagolets etc Mixture of nuts, seeds, dried fruits

Arrowroot flour: for thickening gravies

Diluted fruit juice: Grape juice, pineapple juice, apple juice, tomato juice.

Most foods from packets and tins will have hidden additives, so avoid these. Be careful with sausage which contains rusk. ALL OTHER FOODS ARE FORBIDDEN!!! - this means no tap water, tea, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, wheat (bread, biscuit, cake, pasta, pastry), rye (Ryvita), corn, dairy products (milk, butter, cheese, yoghurt, dried milk), vinegar and sugar. Try to avoid drugs and medicines, many of which contain fillers of corn, lactose, colourings etc.

Getting worse on the diet

This is almost to be expected. The reasons for worsening are as follows:

▪ Hypoglycaemia - this is the commonest reason for worsening and may take weeks to settle. There are some nutritional interventions which help greatly (see HYPOGLYCAEMIA - Not just about diet!)

▪ Caffeine withdrawal - again a common problem. Usually results in headache, which clears in four days.

▪ Food allergy withdrawal may cause many different symptoms. Some people report feeling 'flu like. Typically this lasts four days, but symptoms like eczema, arthritis, allergic muscles and fatigue can take weeks to clear. One patient with prostatism took 4 months to clear!

Meal suggestions


Bacon, eggs, fried tomato.

Smoked fish (kippers, mackeral with lemon juice).

Nuts and seeds (see Probiotics - we should all be taking these all the time and double the dose following antibiotics and gastroenteritis)


Cold meat, fish (tinned fish in olive oil is fine), prawns, salami, smoked fish, rusk free sausage (ie 100% meat), avocado.

Salad (lettuce, cucumber, tomato, celery, peppers etc), French dressing. Green vegetables with nut/seed oils

Home-made soup (made from meat stock, not cubes, only with allowed vegetables). Nuts and seeds



Meat, fish or eggs, potato or rice, any vegetable. Fruit

Muesli made from rice flakes, millet flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, fresh fruit etc (some health food shops do "gluten free" muesli with the above ingredients). Use fruit juice to wet the dry cereal. Puffed rice or rice cakes, nut butter. Oatcakes.

Buckwheat flakes.

Always remember: breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a king and supper like a pauper!

In practice, make the Stone Age diet your staple diet, but relax the rules when you socialise.

What to do if you are no better on the diet

Stick with it! This is the evolutionarily correct diet and greatly reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer and degenerative conditions! The three common reasons for not improving are:

▪ Because of multiple allergies to foods (i.e. there is something on the diet that you continue to react to). In this case consider a rotation diet, or starting on desensitisation ENZYME POTENTIATED DESENSITISATION - INTRODUCTION

▪ Because of a gut dysbiosis - i.e. the wrong bugs in the gut. Consider a gut fermentation test or Comprehensive Digestive Stool analysis to look for parasites, bacterial overgrowth or yeast overgrowth. FERMENTATION IN THE GUT AND CFS.


▪ Because you trigger a detox reaction.

Recommended reading:

· "The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance" Brostoff and Gamlin, £9.99.

· "Not All In The Mind" - Richard Mackarness

· "The Food Intolerance Diet Book" Workman, Hunter and Alun Jones.

· “Dr Atkins Diet Revolution” - Dr Robert C Atkins.

· “The Detox Diet” - Dr Paula Baillie-Hamilton 0-718-14545-3 from

If you wish also to lose weight

As a general principle I don't like my CFS patients dieting because cutting calories makes you tired, cold and depressed and you can do without those things! However, if you are extremely strict with CHO, the body switches into a state of ketosis. To burn fats in the body is a two stage process - the first stage is conversion of fats to ketones, the next is ketones to carbon dioxide and water. Both stages release energy for the body to use. However, the second stage requires some CHO - if there is none then ketones are excreted in the breath and in the urine - one literally pees out calories. This is very good for morale when every time you pee you lose calories and weight! To do this diet properly you really need to get the book “Dr Atkins Diet Revolution”, which goes into detail of exactly which foods you need. Also I can supply ketostix which measure ketones in the urine and tell you if you are doing the diet correctly. Atkins permits dairy products but I recommend avoiding these. He also permits various artificial sweeteners which should be avoided. I recommend the use of Stevia, an extract of a South American plant.


Rotation Diets

The idea behind a rotation diet is that one continues to react to foods that are in the gut for possibly up to three days. So no food is eaten within that time. Day 1 has a group of foods you are allowed to eat, then a completely different group of foods for days 2, 3 and 4 before repeating the cycle. You can find an example of a 4 day rotation diet on the website (it could be worse – there are 7 day rotation diets! If it’s Wednesday it must be parsnip!!!). Or phone the office for a hard copy. Obviously avoid any foods which you know you are allergic to.

Very Restricted Diets eg lamb, pear and rice

I used to give patients very restricted diets (such as lamb, pears and rice) to sort out their allergies. I no longer do this for two reasons. Firstly I found a few patients got stuck on a very restricted diet and were unable to expand it. However I do occasionally do a rare foods diet for a limited period of time – say two weeks. Secondly I now have a technique called EPD (ENZYME POTENTIATED DESENSITISATION) which turns off food allergies without one having to know what those allergies are. It can do this because all the different food antigens are represented in the vaccine. I use EPD if I am convinced that a patient has food allergies but is not responding to the elimination or rotation diets.

The supermarkets are now catching on to the demand for grain free, dairy free and yeast free products and there is a much better choice of foods than ever before.

The Problem of Addiction

These days I find myself talking more about addiction than allergy and there is no doubt carbohydrate addiction is a major cause of tiredness. It results in hypoglycaemia and maybe you can identify with the following scenario.

I estimate that over 90% of people who consult me are addicts. Addiction usually starts off in life with sugar, but then moves onto carbohydrates generally, chocolate, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and maybe onto other hard drugs. There is a carbohydrate addiction gene which switches on when the carbohydrate content of the diet exceeds 4%. This makes one endlessly crave carbohydrates when carbohydrates are available. This does not make sense until you think from an evolutionary point of view. Protein foods such as meat, fish and shellfish, were available throughout the year, but every so often there would be a bonanza when, for example, the banana tree would ripen. The only way man could store this food source was to eat it and store it as body fat. So once carbohydrate appeared in abundance and he started to eat it the carbohydrate gene was switched on to create a craving Homo Sapiens who ate to excess, put on weight and was thereby able to store it in his body for leaner times ahead. The problem in modern times is that carbohydrates are now freely available and we continue to crave them and continue to put on weight. Furthermore, once you put on weight, the imperative to use your brain and your body to seek new food declines and so you become sluggish and lethargic. The converse of this is true. If you wish to lose weight then eat a very low carbohydrate diet such as the Atkin’s diet and often you will see an immediate improvement in your mental and physical energy levels.

The reason we become addicted is because consuming the addictive foods has a direct effect on brain neurotransmitters causing the release of happy hormones such as serotonin, adrenaline, noradrenaline, endogenous opiates and possibly others. These have the combined effect of giving

energy (both physical and mental) as well as a calming effect (everybody recognizes comfort foods – or reward foods). These are highly desirable in the short term, but you can’t have an upper without a downer, and soon, levels of happy hormone start to decline. We recognise the symptoms, start to crave again and go for another shot of addiction. Sometimes we vary the addiction and switch from one addiction to another.

In the long-term chronic addictions lead to chronic fatigue!

I began the following supplements (I am still repaying the loans)

i) B-12 as myacobalamine (which is naturally derived, as the common synthetic cyanocobalamine form is ineffective)

ii) Non refrigerated probiotics (turns out it is non bioactive and wasn't helpful)

iii) Krill oil for Omega 3 and 5

iv) Multivitamin

v) Green superfood blend

vi) Calcium+

vii) Tumeric, a brand unlike otherts that does not contain lead

viii) Apple cider vinegar (Braggs kind, though the darker formulas are more beneficial)

ix) Garlic extract

x) Cinnamon extract

xi) 'Renew life' brand 'Critical liver support'

I alternated days I took apple cider vinegar

Vitamin, fats and oils, mineral deficiency

copper, sulphur, magnesium

80% of people in the U.S. are deficient of this mineral. Which may or may not catch your attention... until you find out how important this mineral is the health of your body.

Studies have found that this single mineral is involved in over 300 metabolic processes in your body that's essential to your wellness. Things like heart muscle activation (for heart health), blood vessel relaxation (for blood pressure), regulating bowel movements (for healthy digestive system) and managing blood sugar levels (linked to obesity, diabetes) and much more.

See what I mean by getting your attention! Discover out what this mineral is and why so many people are deficient (hint: it’s not your fault). I'll show you a simple solution to this epidemic, so you can protect your health and the health of others you care about.

Diet and Blood Sugar Levels

Lack of whole protein and fats.

Repetitive and monotonous diet, which is rooted in grains and all forms of sugar.

The "cucumber" secret for healthy blood sugar...We're calling it the "cucumber" secret. And it turns out it's a weird but incredibly effective way to support healthy blood sugar. It's not even a cucumber -- it just looks like one. It's just too odd for explanation. But the fact is, it plain works. If you're concerned about maintaining healthy blood sugar, this is one secret you need to know...

problematic foods to avoid: diet canola oil or fake olive oil. diet GMO corn sensitive, Bleached enriched pasta bread rice years, Soy products for years, Deep fried foods and candy for years, chlorine fake vitamins

Testosterone replacement therapy

Many have benefited from this, download the free ebook 'The Definitive testosterone Replacement Therapy Manual' by Jay Campbell

Appendix Notes to self for further consideration and research

Look into DMSO.

Also, The Principles and Practices of Transdermal Therapy


Chinese Medicine: The Powerful Heat Clearing Anti-Viral Herbs

Learn more:

Recently, I discovered a way to rev up your cellular power stations using a laser. And I know it works, because I tested it on myself at the clinic run by my colleague Dr. Joseph Purita.

He's one of the leaders in intravenous laser blood therapy. I introduced you to Dr. Purita recently in my letter about his breakthroughs in platelet-rich plasma therapy. He runs the Stem Cell Centers of America in Boca Raton, Florida.

Dr. Purita doesn't consider himself an anti-aging doctor. He's more interested in the laser's ability to kill pathogens like viruses and bacteria, and how it activates white blood cells.

But lasers energize your mitochondria, too. And that's how you get the energy boost.

After I got to Dr. Purita's office, I had a catheter placed in my arm. The tip of the catheter had a tiny bulb that emits a special laser beam.

With the flip of a switch, a pale blue light comes on. The beam glows so cool, it can't damage any healthy cells. In about 10 minutes, all the blood in my body circulated past the beam.

Suddenly, I felt hyper-alert and brimming with energy. I was more focused and clear-headed than I've ever felt in my life.

When I told Dr. Purita, he wasn't fazed.

"Everyone feels like that."

This new energy lasted for hours and changed me somehow. I can still feel some of the effect.

Aside from renewed strength and vigor, strong mitochondria mean you can fight off atherosclerosis,1 fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,2 diabetes, cardiomyopathy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,3 and many other diseases that can contribute to your physical and mental decline as you age.4,5,6,7,8

Dr. Purita will be speaking at my Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit on October 8-9, and I'm looking forward to offering IV laser blood therapy at my new Palm Beach Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine

But if you can't come to my Anti-Aging Institute, you can still fire up your mitochondria at home.

Fire Up Your Mitochondria in 5 Simple Step

CoQ10: Feed your mitochondria the best fuel. CoQ10 is like high-octane gasoline. But I recommend ubiquinol, which is a reduced form of CoQ10 that's 8 times more bioavailable. I've been reduced to the level of cellular fuel. I recommend at least 50 mg. a day.

PQQ: Its full name is pyrroloquinoline quinone, and it triggers your cells to make more mitochondria. In one study, mice grew a staggering number of new mitochondria after they were fed PQQ for eight weeks.9 I recommend 10 mg. a day.

L-carnosine: Normally, your body uses this biochemical to repair tissues and clear away toxins. But it also increases the energy output of mitochondria. And it can even revive mitochondria and make them better than they were before. I recommend 500 mg. twice a day.10

Quercetin: Quercetin is a plant pigment found in onions, apples, berries, grapes and red wine. It's a powerful immune-system booster. And it can help cells grow mitochondria and even protect against toxic stress.11,12,13

Exercise: Short bursts of intense exertion naturally create more energy producing mitochondria, especially in your heart and brain.15 So my PACE fitness program is ideal for pushing your cells to make more of the tiny power plants.

Therefore it is important for us to understand the conditions that cause blood to degenerate. A main cause is the presently widespread 'leaky gut syndrome'. In this condition the intestinal wall is permeable to microbial products present in the intestines, and also to only partly digested proteins which can now enter the blood. This greatly weakens not only the immune system, which tries to keep the blood clean, but also the vitality of red blood cells which become increasingly susceptible to invasion by pleomorphics. Leaky gut syndrome appears to be a frequent outcome of antibiotic and chemo therapy and of other drugs that interfere with our intestinal flora. This allows Candida and other pathogenic microbes to take over and invade the intestinal wall, causing inflammation and making it permeable.

Also contributing are chronic infections and inflammations in other parts of the body. Further implicated is anything that reduces our vitality, such as stress and worry, pharmaceutical and recreational drugs, processed food and nutritional deficiencies, exposure to microwaves and electromagnetic radiation, root canal treatment, fluoride and mercury as from amalgam fillings, and generally pollution of any kind.

According to Reich T-bacilli originate from the degeneration of every type of protein. This degeneration starts when proteins lose their vitality. We commonly experience two forms of protein degeneration: one comes from the inappropriate use of cooked food, and the other from gradually accumulating protein waste in our tissue.

Food can lose its vitality through cooking, storage or various mechanical processes. Food begins to lose vitality immediately after cooking, and a few hours later it has completely disappeared. Therefore, if we eat soon after cooking we still get much of the original vitality but the next day this cooked food may become a source of T-bacilli. In a similar way does fresh food lose its vitality during long or inappropriate storage or mechanical processing, and can then become unhealthy. This should not be a problem with properly dried food and baked products.

Another observation of Reich may provide a solution. If bions are mixed with T-bacilli then the latter will be eliminated. Therefore if we mix some fresh food high in vitality with devitalised food then the overall body reaction will be positive. This also ties in with the observation that cooked food tends to cause digestive leukocytosis. This is an increase of the number of white blood cells after eating cooked food, indicating the presence of something toxic, but this reaction does not occur after eating raw food. Apparently leukocytosis can be prevented by adding some raw food to cooked food.

The second form of protein degeneration is the accumulation of protein wastes inside cells and tissue. This commonly happens as we age, and is especially noticeable in all kinds of degenerative diseases. Up to 70% of the volume of some cells can be filled with stored decaying matter. This problem arises mainly from habitually eating proteins without their natural enzymes. Most of these enzymes are destroyed by heating over 45 degrees C. The solution is either to eat mainly raw food, or under-eat, or have periodic raw food cleanses.

Understanding Autoimmune Diseases

The mechanism of mycoplasma infections lets us understand the true nature of autoimmune diseases. During the acute initial stage of a bacterial infection the immune system eliminates most of the invading microbes but some of them manage to survive by hiding inside the cells of a vulnerable organ or gland. They may remain there, possibly in their mycoplasma form or even as spores, until the vitality of the host, and especially of the immune system, sufficiently decline.

Then they gradually come out again into the blood, but this time camouflaged by being clothed in the biological markers of the cells in which they have been hiding. This may work for some time but eventually the immune system looks through the deception and starts attacking these imposters. Unfortunately, genuine body cells with the same markers get attacked as well. This then leads to an autoimmune disease involving the organ or gland in which the original invaders had been hiding.

However, my own experience in addition to publications by others show that such autoimmune attacks can be stopped with appropriate natural therapies. To be successful the blood needs to be cleaned of the pleomorphics that weaken the immune system and the red blood cells. Then immune cells can also eliminate the disguised microbes with the deceptive markers from the blood. This eventually stops the attack of normal body cells with these markers. Any surviving invaders may hide again as spores in suitable host cells. Such spores may even be transmitted to the offspring.

Cancer may start with a primary infection similar to that described for autoimmune diseases, or from pleomorphic microbes arising in tissue weakened by accumulated protein waste. In this case the body contains the microbial infestation by encapsulating it. This is similar some trees forming bark tumours when stung by certain wasps. As long as the blood is clean a tumour is just a tumour, not malignant and not a cancer.

However, if the blood becomes infested with pleomorphics, often in response to an emotional trauma, the encapsulated microbes start multiplying and develop into higher forms. They produce growth hormones which cause the tumour to expand. Now the tumour is malignant but still contained. This situation may persist for many years with the tumour slowly growing or becoming dormant for long periods, depending on the vitality of the body and the strength of the immune system.

Eventually, after many years, and with a worsening pleomorphic presence in the blood, some tumours may form distant metastases. But the trend in modern medicine is to remove even small tumours. This now allows more dangerous microbes to spill into the blood, and dormant micro-metastases already present to spring into life years earlier than they would otherwise have done (

However, even these metastases do not normally kill the patient. Commonly tumours only kill directly if they press on vital body structures. Instead, most cancer patients die from cachexia - severe weight-loss and muscle wasting. The cause of this cachexia is progressive anaemia due to the destruction of most erythrocytes by pleomorphics. This is the main cause of death from cancer.

Regenerating the Blood

It should now be obvious that the most important requirement to overcome a chronic disease, or to become really healthy and make our body disease-proof, is the regeneration of our blood. We need to remove any higher pleomorphic forms, and recharge our red blood cells with vital energy. This is the goal. When the blood has been regenerated then the immune system seems to be capable of eliminating pleomorphic invaders also in tumours and affected organs. This then shrinks tumours and stops autoimmune attacks.

Our effort may start with sanitising the gastro-intestinal tract by using a combination of anti-microbial remedies and suitable probiotics or fermented foods. Continue this for several months or until any related disease symptoms are under control. For a recommended program see Combine this with a high-quality diet high in fresh raw food (e.g., preferably a moderate exercise program and suitable outdoors activity. Try to minimize the negative factors mentioned in the previous section.

In addition pay attention to blood in meat products. Blood that is low in vitality disintegrates rapidly into pathogenic pleomorphics, and especially T-bacilli. This shows the wisdom of ritual slaughter whereby the blood is drained from the animal. This is supported by the holy books and religious traditions of meat-eating societies, not only in Islam and Judaism, but also based on Bible traditions in early Christianity. In contrast, fresh and healthy blood is a powerful healing agent and has been used for transfusions to cure cancer. The Masai rarely eat meat but typically drink fresh blood of their cattle mixed with raw milk. Zulu tribes also drink fresh animal blood, and Mongols would drink blood from one of their horses.

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