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C. Planck. Four fold magics. Part 2 of chap. XIV, pp. 363 375, of W. S. Andrews, et al.; Magic Squares and Cubes; 2nd ed., Open Court, 1917; Dover, 1960. On p. 370, he notes that the number of m dimensional directions through a cell of the n dimensional board is the m th term of the binomial expansion of ½(1+2)n.

Maurice Wilkes says he played 3-D noughts and crosses at Cambridge in the late 1930s, but the game was to get the most lines on a 3 x 3 x 3 board. I recall seeing a commercial version, called Plato?, of this in 1970.

Cedric Smith says he played 3-D and 4-D versions at Cambridge in the early 1940s.

Arthur Stone (letter to me of 9 Aug 1985) says '3 and 4 dimensional forms of tic-tac-toe produced by Brooks, Smith, Tutte and myself', but it's not quite clear if they invented these. Tutte became expert on the 43 board and thought it was a first person game. They only played the 54 game once - it took a long time.

Funkenbusch & Eagle, National Mathematics Mag. (1944) ??NYR.

G. E. Felton & R. H. Macmillan. Noughts and crosses. Eureka 11 (1949) 5 9. They say they first met the 4 x 4 x 4 game at Cambridge in 1940 and they give some analysis of it, with tactics and problems.

William Funkenbusch & Edwin Eagle. Hyper spacial tit tat toe or tit tat toe in four dimensions. National Mathematics Magazine 19:3 (Dec 1944) 119 122. ??NYR

A. L. Rubinoff, proposer; L. Moser, solver. Problem E773 -- Noughts and crosses. AMM 54 (1947) 281 & 55 (1948) 99. Number of winning lines on a kn board is {(k+2)n   kn}/2. Putting k = 1 gives Planck's result.

L. Buxton. Four dimensions for the fourth form. MG 26 (1964) 38 39. 3 x 3 x 3 and 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 games are obviously first person, but he proposes playing for most lines and with the centre blocked on the 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 board. Suggests 3n and 4 x 4 x 4 games.

Anon. Puzzle page: Noughts and crosses. MTg 33 (1965) 35. Says practice shows that the 4 x 4 x 4 game is a draw. [I only ever had one drawn game!] Conjectures nn is first player and (n+1)n is a draw.

Roland Silver. The group of automorphisms of the game of 3 dimensional ticktacktoe. AMM 74 (1967) 247 254. Finds the group of permutations of cells that preserve winning lines is generated by the rigid motions of the cube and certain 'eviscerations'. [It is believed that this is true for the kn board, but I don't know of a simple proof.]

Ross Honsberger. Mathematical Morsels. MAA, 1978. Prob. 13: X's and O's, p. 26. Obtains L. Moser's result.

Kathleen Ollerenshaw. Presidential Address: The magic of mathematics. Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 15:1 (Jan 1979) 2-12. P. 6 discusses my rediscovery of L. Moser's 1948 result.

Paul Taylor. Counting lines and planes in generalised noughts and crosses. MG 63 (No. 424) (Jun 1979) 77-82. Determines the number pr(k) of r-sections of a kn board by means of a recurrence pr(k) = [pr-1(k+2) - pr-1(k)]/2r which generalises L. Moser's 1948 result. He then gets an explicit sum for it. Studies some other relationships. This work was done while he was a sixth form student.

Oren Patashnik. Qubic: 4 x 4 x 4 tic tac toe. MM 53 (1980) 202 216. Computer assisted proof that 4 x 4 x 4 game is a first player win.

Winning Ways. 1982. Pp. 673-679, esp. 678-679. Discusses getting k in a row on a n x n board. Discusses 43 game (Tic-Toc-Tac-Toe) and kn game.

Victor Serebriakoff. A Mensa Puzzle Book. Muller, London, 1982. (Later combined with A Second Mensa Puzzle Book, 1985, Muller, London, as: The Mensa Puzzle Book, Treasure Press, London, 1991.) Chapter 7: Conceptual conflict in multi-dimensional space, pp. 80-94 (1991: 98-112) & answers on pp. 99, 100, 106 & 131 (1991: 115, 116, 122 & 147). He considers various higher dimensional noughts and crosses on the 33, 34 and 35 boards. He finds that there are 49 winning lines on the 33 and he finds how to determine the number of d-facets on an n-cube as the coefficients in the expansion of (2x + 1)n. He also considers games where one has to complete a 3 x 3 plane to win and gives a problem: OXO three hypercube planes, p. 91 (1991: 109) & Answer 29, p. 106 (1991: 122) which asks for the number of planes in the hypercube 34. The answer says there are 123 of them, but in 1985 I found 154 and the general formula for the number of d-sections of a kn board. When I wrote to Serebriakoff, he responded that he could not follow the mathematics and that "I arrived at the figures ... from a simple formula published in one of Art [sic] Gardner's books which checked out as far as I could take it. Several other mathematicians have looked through it and not disagreed." I wrote for a reference to Gardner but never had a response. I presented my work to the British Mathematical Colloquium at Cambridge on 2 Apr 1985 and discovered that the results were known -- I had found the explicit sum given by Taylor above, but not the recurrence.

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