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Winning Ways. 1982. Philosopher's football, pp. 688 691. In 1985, Guy said this was the only published description of the game.
This is best viewed as played on a n x n array of squares. The n(n+1) vertical edges belong to one player, say red, while the n(n+1) horizontal edges belong to black. Players alternate marking a square with a line of their colour between edges of their colour. A square cannot be marked twice. The object is to complete a path across the board. In practice, the edges are replaced by coloured dots which are joined by lines. As with Hex, there can be no ties and there must be a first person strategy.
M. Gardner. SA (Oct 1958) c= 2nd Book, Chap. 7. Introduces David Gales's game, later called Bridg it. Addendum in the book notes that it is identical to Shannon's 'Bird Cage' game of 1951 and that it was marketed as Bridg it in 1960.

M. Gardner. SA (Jul 1961) c= New MD, Chap. 18. Describes Oliver Gross's simple strategy for the first player to win. Addendum in the book gives references to other solutions and mentions.

M. Gardner. SA (Jan 1973) c= Knotted, Chap. 9. Article says Bridg it was still on the market.

Winning Ways. 1982. Pp. 680-682. Covers Bridg-it and Shannon Switching Game.

In Oct 2000, I bought a second-hand copy of a 5 x 5 version called Connections, attributed to Tom McNamara, but with no date.
4.B.8. CHOMP
Fred Schuh. Spel van delers (Game of divisors). Nieuw Tijdschrift vor Wiskunde 39 (1951 52) 299 304. ??NYS -- cited by Gardner, below.

M. Gardner. SA (Jan 1973) c= Knotted, Chap. 9. Gives David Gale's description of his game and results on it. Addendum in Knotted points out that it is equivalent to Schuh's game and gives other references.

David Gale. A curious Nim-type game. AMM 81 (1974) 876-879. Describes the game and the basic results. Wonders if the winning move is unique. Considers three dimensional and infinite forms. A note added in proof refers to Gardner's article, says two programmers have consequently found that the 8 x 10 game has two winning first moves and mentions Schuh's game.

Winning Ways. 1982. Pp. 598-600. Brief description with extensive table of good moves. Cites an earlier paper of Gale and Stewart which does not deal with this game.

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