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Many of the items cited in the Common References have extensive bibliographies. In particular: BLC; BMC; BNC; DNB; DSB; Halwas; NUC; Schaaf; Smith & De Morgan: Rara; Suter are basic bibliographical sources. Datta & Singh; Dickson; Heath: HGM; Murray; Sanford: H&S & Short History; Smith: History & Source Book; Struik; Tropfke are histories with extensive bibliographical references. AR; BR are editions of early texts with substantial bibliographical material. Ahrens: MUS; Ball: MRE; Berlekamp, Conway & Guy: Winning Ways; Gardner; Lucas: RM are recreational books with some useful bibliographical material. Of these, the material in Ahrens is by far the most useful. The magic bibliographies of Christopher, Clarke & Blind, Hall, Heyl, Price (see HPL), Toole Stott and Volkmann & Tummers have considerable overlap with the present material, particularly for older books, though Hall, Heyl and Toole Stott restrict themselves to English material, while Volkmann & Tummers only considers German. Santi is also very useful. Below I give some additional bibliographical material which may be useful, arranged in author order.
Anonymous. Mathematical bibliography. SSM 48 (1948) 757 760. Covers recreations.
Wilhelm Ahrens. Mathematische Spiele. Section I G 1 of Encyklopadie der Math. Wiss., Vol. I, part 2, Teubner, Leipzig, 1900 1904, pp. 1080 1093.

Raymond Clare Archibald. Notes on some minor English mathematical serials. MG 14 (1928-29) 379-400.

Elliott M. Avedon & Brian Sutton Smith. The Study of Games. (Wiley, NY, 1971); Krieger, Huntington, NY, 1979.

Anthony S. M. Dickins. A Catalogue of Fairy Chess Books and Opuscules Donated to Cambridge University Library, 1972 1973, by Anthony Dickins M.A. Third ed., Q Press, Kew Gardens, UK, 1983.

Underwood Dudley. An annotated list of recreational mathematics books. JRM 2:1 (Jan 1969) 13-20. 61 titles, in English and in print at the time.

Aviezri S. Fraenkel. Selected Bibliography on Combinatorial Games and Some Related Material. There have been several versions with slightly varying titles. The most recent printed version is: 400 items, 28 pp., including 4 pp of text, Sep 1990. Technical Report CS90 23, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. = Proc. Symp. Appl. Math. 43 (1991) 191-226. Fraenkel has since produced Update 1 to this which lists 430 items on 31pp, Aug 1992; and Update 2, 480 items on 33pp, with 5 pp of text, accidentally dated Aug 1992 at the top but produced in Feb 1994. On 22 Nov 1994, it became a dynamic survey on the Electronic J. Combinatorics and can be accessed from:

It can also be accessed via anonymous ftp from After logging in, do cd pub/fraenkel and then get one of the following three compressed files: games.tex.z; games.dvi.z;

Martin P. Gaffney & Lynn Arthur Steen. Annotated Bibliography of Expository Writing in the Mathematical Sciences. MAA, 1976.

JoAnne S. Growney. Mathematics and the arts -- A bibliography. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal 8 (1993) 22-36. General references. Aesthetic standards for mathematics and other arts. Biographies/autobiographies of mathematicians. Mathematics and display of information (including mapmaking). Mathematics and humor. Mathematics and literature (fiction and fantasy). Mathematics and music. Mathematics and poetry. Mathematics and the visual arts.

JoAnne S. Growney. Mathematics in Literature and Poetry. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal 10 (Aug 1994) 25-30. Short survey. 3 pages of annotated references to 29 authors, some of several books.

R. C. Gupta. A bibliography of selected book [sic] on history of mathematics. The Mathematics Education 23 (1989) 21-29.

Trevor H. Hall. Mathematicall Recreations. Op. cit. in 1. This is primarily concerned with the history of the book by van Etten. [This booklet is revised as pp. 83-119 of Hall, OCB -- see Section 1.]

Catherine Perry Hargrave. A History of Playing Cards and a Bibliography of Cards and Gaming. (Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1930); Dover, 1966.

Susan Hill. Catalogue of the Turner Collection of the History of Mathematics Held in the Library of the University of Keele. University Library, Keele, 1982. (Sadly this collection was secretly sold by Keele University in 1998 and has now been dispersed.)

Honeyman Collection -- see: Sotheby's.

Horblit Collection -- see: Sotheby's and H. P. Kraus.

Else Høyrup. Books about Mathematics. Roskilde Univ. Center, PO Box 260, DK 4000, Roskilde, Denmark, 1979.

D. O. Koehler. Mathematics and literature. MM 55 (1982) 81-95. 64 references. See Utz for some further material.

H. P. Kraus (16 East 46th Street, New York, 10017). The History of Science including Navigation.

Catalogue 168. A First Selection of Books from the Library of Harrison D. Horblit. Nd [c1976].

Catalogue 169. A Further Selection of Books, 1641-1700 (Wing Period) from the Library of Harrison D. Horblit. Nd [c1976].

Catalogue 171. Another Selection of Books from the Library of Harrison D. Horblit. Nd [c1976].

These are the continuations of the catalogues issued by Sotheby's, qv.

John S. Lew. Mathematical references in literature. Humanistic Mathematics Network Journal 7 (1992) 26-47.

Antonius van der Linde. Das erst Jartausend [sic] der Schachlitteratur -- (850 1880). (1880); Facsimile reprint by Caissa Limited Editions, Yorklyn, Delaware, 1979, HB.

Andy Liu. Appendix III: A selected bibliography on popular mathematics. Delta-k 27:3 (Apr 1989) -- Special issue: Mathematics for Gifted Students, 55-83.

Édouard Lucas. Récréations mathématiques, vol 1 (i.e. RM1), pp. 237-248 is an Index Bibliographique.

Felix Müller. Führer durch die mathematische Literature mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der historisch wichtigen Schriften. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Mathematik 27 (1903).

Charles W. Newhall. "Recreations" in secondary mathematics. SSM 15 (1915) 277 293.

Mathematical Association. 259 London Road, Leicester, LE2 3BE.

Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets in the Library. No details, [c1912], 19pp, bound in at end of Mathematical Gazette, vol. 6 (1911 1912).

A First List of Books & Pamphlets in the Library of the Mathematical Association -- Books and Pamphlets acquired before 1924. Bell, London, 1926.

A Second List of Books & Pamphlets in the Library of the Mathematical Association -- Books and Pamphlets acquired during 1924 and 1925. Bell, London, 1929.

A Third List of Books & Pamphlets in the Library of the Mathematical Association -- Books and Pamphlets added from 1926 to 1929. Bell, London, 1930.

A Fourth List of Books & Pamphlets in the Library of the Mathematical Association -- Books and Pamphlets added from 1930 to 1935. Bell, London, 1936.

Lists 1 4 edited by E. H. Neville.

Books and Periodicals in the Library of the Mathematical Association. Ed. by R. L. Goodstein. MA, 1962. Includes the four previous lists and additions through 1961.

SEE ALSO: Riley; Rollett; F. R. Watson.

Stanley Rabinowitz. Index to Mathematical Problems 1980-1984. MathPro Press, Westford, Massachusetts, 1992.

Cecil B. Read & James K. Bidwell.

Selected articles dealing with the history of elementary Mathematics. SSM 76 (1976) 477-483.

Periodical articles dealing with the history of advanced mathematics -- Parts I & II. SSM 76 (1976) 581-598 & 687-703.

Rudolf H. Rheinhardt. Bibliography on Whist and Playing Cards. From: Whist Scores and Card-table Talk, Chicago, 1887. Reprinted by L. & P. Parris, Llandrindod Wells, nd [1980s].

Pietro Riccardi. Biblioteca Matematica Italiana dalla Origine della Stampa ai Primi Anni del Secolo XIX. G. G. Görlich, Milan, 1952, 2 vols. This work appeared in several parts and supplements in the late 19C and early 20C, mostly published by the Società Tipografica Modense, Modena, 1878-1893. Because it appeared in parts, the contents of early copies are variable and even the reprints may vary. The contents of this set are as follows.

I. 20pp prelims + Col. 1 - 656 (Abaco - Kirchoffer). [= original Vol. I.]

Col. 1 - 676 (La Cometa - Zuzzeri) + 2pp correzioni. [= original Vol. II.]

II. 4pp titles and reverses. Correzioni ed Aggiunte. [= original Appendice.]

Serie I.a Col. 1 - 78 + 1½pp Continuazione delle Correzioni (note that these

have Pag. when they mean Col.).

Serie II.a. Col. 81 - 156.

Serie III.a. Col. 157 - 192 + Aggiunte al Catalogo delle Opere di sovente citate,

col. 193-194 + 1p Continuazione delle Correzioni (note that these have

Pag. when they mean Col.).

Serie IV.a. Col. 197 - 208 + Seconda Aggiunta al Catalogo delle Opere più di

sovente citate, col. 209 - 212 + Continuazione delle Correzioni in

col. 211-212.

Serie V.a. Col. 1 - 180.

Serie VI.a. Col. 179 - 200.

Serie V & VI must have been published as one volume as Serie V ends

halfway down a page and then Serie VI begins on the same page.

Serie VII.a. 2pp introductory note by Ettore Bortolotti in 1928 saying that this

material was left as a manuscript by Riccardi and never previously

published + Col. 1 - 106.

Indice Alfabetico, of authors, covering the original material and all seven Series

of Correzioni ed Aggiunte, in 34 unnumbered columns.

Parte Seconda. Classificazione per materie delle opere nella Parte I. 18pp

(including a chronological table) + subject index, pp. 1 - 294.

Catalogo Delle opere più di sovente citate, col. 1 - 54.

[I have seen an early version which had the following parts: Vol. I, 1893, col. 1 656; Vol. II, 1873, col. 1-676; Appendice, 1878-1880-1893, col. 1-228. Appendice, nd, col. 1-212. Serie V, col. 1-228. Parte 2, Vol. 1, 1880, pp. 1-294. Renner Katalog 87 describes it as 5 in 2 vols.]

A. W. Riley. School Library Mathematics List -- Supplement No. 1. MA, 1973.

SEE ALSO: Rollett.

Tom Rodgers. Catalog of his collection of books on recreational mathematics, etc. The author, Atlanta, May 1991, 40pp.

Leo F. Rogers. Finding Out in the History of Mathematics. Produced by the author, London, c1985, 52pp.

A. P. Rollett. School Library Mathematics List. Bell, London, for MA, 1966.

SEE ALSO: Riley.

Charles L. Rulfs. Origins of some conjuring works. Magicol 24 (May 1971) 3-5.

José A. Sánchez Pérez. Las Matematicas en la Biblioteca del Escorial. Imprenta de Estanislao Maestre, Madrid, 1929.

William L. Schaaf.

List of works on recreational mathematics. SM 10 (1944) 193-200.

PLUS: A. Gloden; Additions to Schaaf's "List of works on mathematical recreations"; SM 13 (1947) 127.

A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics. Op. cit. in Common References, 4 vols., 1955-1978. In these volumes he gives several lists of relevant books.

Books for the periods 1900-1925 and 1925-c1956 are given as Sections 1.1 (pp. 2-3) and 1.2 (pp. 4-12) in Vol. 1.

Chapter 9, pp. 144-148, of Vol. 1, is a Supplement, generally covering c1954-c1962, but with some older items.

In Vol. 2, 1970, the Appendix, pp. 181-191, extends to c1969, including some older items and repeating a few from the Supplement of Vol. 1.

Appendix A of Vol. 3, 1973, pp. 111-113, adds some more items up through 1972.

Appendix A, pp. 134-137, of Vol. 4, 1978, extends up through 1977.

The following VESTPOCKET BIBLIOGRAPHIES are extensions of the material

in his Bibliographies.

No. 1: Pythagoras and rational triangles; Geoboards and lattices. JRM 16:2 (1983-84) 81-88.

No. 2: Combinatorics; Gambling and sports. JRM 16:3 (1983-84) 170-181.

No. 3: Tessellations and polyominoes; Art and music. JRM 16:4 (1983-84) 268 280.

No. 4: Recreational miscellany. JRM 17:1 (1984-85) 22-31.

No. 5: Polyhedra; Topology; Map coloring. JRM 17:2 (1984-85) 95-105.

No. 6: Sundry algebraic notes. JRM 17:3 (1984-85) 195-203.

No. 7: Sundry geometric notes. JRM 18:1 (1985-86) 36-44.

No. 8: Probability; Gambling. JRM 18:2 (1985-86) 101-109.

No. 9: Games and puzzles. JRM 18:3 (1985-86) 161-167.

No. 10: Recreational mathematics; Logical puzzles; Expository mathematics. JRM 18:4 (1985-86) 241-246.

No. 11: Logic, Artificial intelligence, and Mathematical foundations. JRM 19:1 (1987) 3-9.

No. 12: Magic squares and cubes; Latin squares; Mystic arrays and Number patterns. JRM 19:2 (1987) 81-86.

The High School Mathematics Library. NCTM, (1960, 1963, 1967, 1970, 1973); 6th ed., 1976; 7th ed., 1982; 8th ed., 1987.

SEE ALSO: Wheeler; Wheeler & Hardgrove.

Early Books on Magic Squares. JRM 16:1 (1983-84) 1-6.

William L. Schaaf & David Singmaster. Books on Recreational Mathematics. A Supplement to the Lists in William L. Schaaf's A Bibliography of Recreational Mathematics. Collected by William L. Schaaf; typed and annotated by David Singmaster. School of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics, South Bank University, London, SE1 0AA. 18pp, Dec 1992 and revised several times afterwards.

Peter Schreiber.

Mathematik und belletristik [1.] & 2. Teil. Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der Deutschen Demokratischer Republik. (1986), no. 4, 57-71 & (1988), no. 1-2, 55-61. Good on German works relating mathematics and arts.

Mathematiker als Memoirenschreiber. Alpha (Berlin) (1991), no. 4, no page numbers on copy received from author. Extends previous work.

S. N. Sen. Scientific works in Sanskrit, translated into foreign languages and vice versa in the 18th and 19th century A.D. Indian J. History of Science 7 (1972) 44 70.

Will Shortz. Puzzleana [catalogue of his puzzle books]. Produced by the author. 14 editions have appeared. The latest is: May 1992, 88pp with 1175 entries in 26 categories, with indexes of authors and anonymous titles. Some entries cover multiple items. In Jan 1995, he produced a 19pp Supplement extending to a total of 1451 entries.

David Singmaster.

The Bibliography of Some Recreational Mathematics Books. School of Computing, Information Systems

and Mathematics, South Bank Univ.

13 Nov 1994, 39pp. Technical Report SBU-CISM-94-09.

2nd ed., Aug 1995, 41pp. Technical Report SBU-CISM-95-08.

3rd ed., Jun 1996, 42pp. Technical Report SBU-CISM-96-12.

4th ed., Jun 1998, 44pp. Technical Report SBU-CISM-98-02.

(Current version is 61pp.)

Books on Recreational Mathematics. School of Computing, Information Systems and

Mathematics, South Bank Univ., until 1996.

21 Jan 1991. Approx. 2951 items on 120pp, ringbound.

30 Jan 1992. Approx. 3314 items on 138pp, ringbound.

10 Jan 1993. Approx. 3606 items on 95pp, ringbound.

10 Dec 1994. Approx. 4303 items plus 67 Old Books on 110pp. Technical

Report SBU CISM-94-11.

10 Oct 1996. Approx. 4842 items plus 84 Old Books on 127pp. Technical

Report SBU-CISM-96-17.

24 May 1999. Approx. 6015 items plus 133 Old Books on 166pp. Technical

Report SBU-CISM-99-14.

26 Feb 2002. Approx. 7185 items plus 192 Old Books plus Supplement of

Calculating Devices, on 220pp. thermal bound.

22 Nov 2003. Approx. 7811 items plus 202 Old Books plus Supplement of

Calculating Devices, on 244pp. thermal bound.

Index to Martin Gardner's Columns and Cross Reference to His Books. (Oct 1993.) Slightly revised as: Technical Report SBU-CISM-95-09; School of Computing, Information Systems, and Mathematics; South Bank University, London, Aug 1995, 22pp. (Current version is 23pp and Don Knuth has sent 9pp of additional material and I will combine these at some time.)

Harold Adrian Smith. Dick and Fitzgerald Publishers. Books at Brown 34 (1987) 108-114.

Sotheby's [Sotheby Parke Bernet].

Catalogue of the J. B. Findlay Collection Books and Periodicals on Conjuring and the Allied Arts. Part I: A-O 5-6 Jul 1979. Part II: P-Z plus: Mimeographed Books and Instructions; Flick Books Catalogues of Apparatus and Tricks Autograph Letters, Manuscripts, and Typescripts 4-5 Oct 1979. Part III: Posters and Playbills 3-4 Jul 1980. Each with estimates and results lists.

The Celebrated Library of Harrison D. Horblit Esq. Early Science Navigation & Travel Including Americana with a few medical books. Part I A - C 10/11 Jun 1974. Part II D - G 11 Nov 1974. HB. The sale was then cancelled and the library was sold to E. P. Kraus, qv, who issued three further catalogues, c1976.

The Honeyman Collection of Scientific Books and Manuscripts. Seven volumes, each

with estimates and results booklets.

Part I: Printed Books A-B, 30-31 Oct 1978.

Part II: Printed Books C-E, 30 Apr - 1 May 1979.

Part III: Manuscripts and Autograph Letters of the 12th to the 20th Centuries.

Part IV: Printed Books F-J, 5-6 Nov 1979.

Part V: Printed Books K-M, 12-13 May 1980.

Part VI: Printed Books N-Sa, 10-11 Nov 1980.

Part VII: Printed Books Sc-Z and Addenda, 19-20 May 1981.

Lynn A. Steen, ed.

Library Recommendations for Undergraduate Mathematics. MAA Reports No. 4, 1992.

Two-Year College Mathematics Library Recommendations. MAA Reports No. 5, 1992.

Strens/Guy Collection. Author/Title Listing. Univ. of Calgary. Preliminary Catalogue, 319 pp., July 1986. [The original has a lot of blank space. I have a computer version which is reduced to 67pp.]

Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor. The Mathematical Practitioners of Tudor & Stuart England 1485-1714. CUP for the Institute of Navigation, 1970.

Eva Germaine Rimington Taylor. The Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England 1714 1840. CUP for the Institute of Navigation, 1966.

PLUS: Kate Bostock, Susan Hurt & Michael Hart; An Index to the Mathematical Practitioners of Hanoverian England 1714-1840; Harriet Wynter Ltd., London, 1980.

W. R. Utz. Letter: Mathematics in literature. MM 55 (1982) 249 250. Utz has sent his 3pp original more detailed version along with 4pp of further citations. This extends Koehler's article.

George Walker. The Art of Chess-Play: A New Treatise on the Game of Chess. 4th ed., Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, London, 1846. Appendix: Bibliographical Catalogue of the chief printed books, writers, and miscellaneous articles on chess, up to the present time, pp. 339-375.

Frank R. [Joe] Watson, ed. Booklists. MA.

Puzzles, Problems, Games and Mathematical Recreations. 16pp, 1980.

Selections from the Recommended Books. 18pp, 1980.

Full List of Recommended Books. 105pp, 1984.

Margariete Montague Wheeler. Mathematics Library -- Elementary and Junior High School. 5th ed., NCTM, 1986.

SEE ALSO: Schaaf; Wheeler & Hardgrove.

Margariete Montague Wheeler & Clarence Ethel Hardgrove. Mathematics Library -- Elementary and Junior High School. NCTM, (1960; 1968; 1973); 4th ed., 1978.

SEE ALSO: Schaaf; Wheeler.

Ernst Wölffing. Mathematischer Bücherschatz. Systematisches Verzeichnis der wichtigsten deutschen und ausländischen Lehrbücher und Monographien des 19. Jahrhunderts auf dem Gebiete der mathematischen Wissenschaften. I: Reine Mathematik; (II: Angewandte Mathematik never appeared). AGM 16, part I (1903).

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