National Assessor Training Program for Teacher Certification 2018
The Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers is a national approach to voluntary certification based on the National Professional Standards for Teachers (APST). The Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers (HALTs) ensures that teachers, across Australia, have access to a rigorous and transparent process that recognizes HALTs and is portable throughout all States and Territories.
Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers:
recognises and promotes quality teaching;
provides an opportunity for teachers to reflect on and grow their professional knowledge, practice and engagement and evidence their impact on colleagues and student outcomes;
provides a reliable indication of quality teaching that can be used to identify, recognise and/or reward HALTs.
A nationally consistent approach to certification must maintain uniformity of standards and judgements across the nation, while being able to be implemented at scale in the diverse contexts in which Australian teachers work. To ensure national consistency, rigour and quality of certification, certifying authorities certify teachers against the APST, using assessors of the highest quality who successfully complete the national training program (AITSL), common national processes and quality assurance measures. In SA the National Assessors Training program (ATP) is run by the South Australian Teacher Certification Committee (SATCC) for all 3 education sectors (AISSA, DECD and CESA).
Lodging an application to undertake the role of Assessor
Principals are asked to individually approach only educators in their schools who are suitably experienced, preferably in a leadership position and, unquestionably qualified to undertake the role of Assessor (please refer to the Selection Criteria on the next page) and invite them to apply. Details of the role, duties, conditions of appointment and selection criteria follow. A small number of applicants from SA Independent Schools will be selected after the closing date (9/2/2018) to be trained as assessors early in 2018. This will build on the current group of AISSA assessors who have completed their training. There is no cost to the school except for the time release required to complete the ATP.
High level knowledge and understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers and how these standards can be used to evidence quality teaching.
A general understanding of the AITSL Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers process and the role of the assessor.
Excellent understanding and articulation of effective pedagogy and classroom practice and what constitutes quality teaching. The AITSL’s Classroom Practice Continuum brings the two domains: Professional Knowledge and Professional Practice to life and elaborates on what teachers at increasing levels of expertise do in the classroom.
Successful teaching and/or educational leadership experience in a school setting (undertaken within the last three years, and including direct support for classroom teaching).
Eligible applicants should apply for certification as a Highly Accomplished or Lead teacher, prior to applying to become an assessor.
Demonstrated experience in classroom observation, assessing teachers’ practice and providing professional guidance and constructive feedback.
High level analytical skills including the capacity for moderated judgements of evidence of teachers’ work.
Demonstrated high order interpersonal and communication skills including the ability to work collegially, to write quality reports and the capacity to work to deadlines.
The Role of Assessor
An applicant’s achievement against the Standards is determined through an independent assessment of evidence by two assessors, external to the school/setting of the applicant, and nominated by the AISSA.
Assessors are trained in the certification and assessment process, and will have the expertise to assess against the Standards at the relevant career stage and in the applicant’s context.
The use of experienced assessors and consistent assessor training are key components of the quality assurance measures for the Certification process.
Assessors for Independent Schools in SA will be identified, selected and supported by the AISSA.
Assessors will be HALTs, school leaders, managers and/or specialist staff who have the expertise and training to successfully undertake the role.
The National Assessor Training Program is valid for 5 years and assessors will need to undertake the Assessor Refresher before the expiry date if they wish to continue to be an assessor.
Duties and Responsibilities of an Assessor
Successfully complete the AITSL National Assessor Training Program managed by SATCC. This will require approximately 40 – 50 hours online training and 3 days’ face to face training in 2018. The ATP is rigorous and challenging professional learning and includes 4 online assessments.
Undertake assessment of applications for certification as Highly Accomplished or Lead Teachers adhering strictly to the requirements of the National Certification process and SATCC as outlined in the SA Guide for Certification.
Complete required documentation and reporting for Stage 1 and 2 of the certification process.
Provide feedback to applicants on their application at Stage 1 and 2 of the certification process.
Participate in state and/or national moderation activities as required by SATCC and/or AITSL.
Comply with all lawful instruction in performing their duties and perform all duties diligently, honestly and to the best of their ability.
Maintain confidentiality, report any potential conflict of interests, act ethically and carry out all duties in a professional manner.
Work collaboratively and effectively with the AISSA staff, other assessors, and the SATCC.
Conditions of Appointment
Assessors must hold current full registration with the Teachers Registration Board of South Australia.
Assessors must successfully complete all required training in Terms 1 and 2 before being appointed.
Assessors need to be available for assessing no more than 3 applications per year from teachers in SA Independent Schools and meeting reporting deadlines within a reasonable time frame.
It is estimated that the time required to undertake the assessment per application will be approximately:
Stage 1: 6 - 8 hours assessing the collection of evidence, referee contact, conferring with another assessor and writing a Stage 1 report.
Stage 2: A 1-day school visit, conferring with another assessor and writing a Stage 2 report.
NB: unsuccessful applicants at Stage 1 do not progress to Stage 2
An assessor will be appointed by the AISSA to undertake each individual applicant’s assessment taking into consideration: geographical location of the assessor/applicant, conflict of interest issues and compatibility of assessor/applicant (i.e. area of expertise, specialisation, level, etc.)
Assessors will be required to negotiate with their Principal release from their normal duties for those times when the assessment process must be undertaken within normal work hours.
Payment is available to the school where required to contribute towards covering the time required to release an assessor from their normal teaching duties to complete the Assessor Training initially and then subsequently assessments when allocated.
Principals will need to be prepared to support an assessor in their school to undertake the training and participate in the assessment processes required, in the role in acknowledgement of the potential value to the school in having a trained assessor on staff.
SATCC Timeline for Assessor Training 2018
February 9 Applications for Assessor Training close February 26 Commence Assessor Training Orientation and Module 1 (online) March 23* Workshop 1: The Beachouse, Glenelg, 8.30 – 4.30pm March Commence Module 2 (online) April Commence Module 3 (online) May 14 & 15* Workshop 2: The Beachouse, Glenelg, 8.30 – 4.30pm
*The face to face workshops (3 days) are compulsory and the 2018 dates have been set by SATCC and
all applicants must be able to commit to these dates.
Further information contact:
Mary Pickett AISSA Senior Educational Consultant T: 08 8179 1423 E: pickettm@ais.sa.edu.au
Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers
Full Name:
Home Address:
School Email:
Current School:
Start Date:
Current Role:
Subjects/ Level Specialist areas
I understand the requirements of the National Assessors Training Program and agree to undertake and complete the 2018 training program between February and June and I am available for all 3 Workshop days.
I understand the requirements and responsibilities of an Assessor (refer also to: The Guide to the Certification of Highly Accomplished and Lead Teachers in South Australia) and,
Upon successful completion of the training program, I agree initially to undertake assessment of up to 3 applications for certification as either Highly Accomplished or Lead Teachers at Stages 1 and 2 per year, in keeping with the requirements of the National Certification process and SATCC.
Please attach:
Current South Australian Teacher Registration
Current Curriculum Vitae (brief)
A brief written statement (approx. 500 words) addressing the reason for your application and your capacity to meet the selection criteria
I support and endorse this application and understand that release time will be required to undertake the training course in 2018 and subsequent assessment of applications.
Mary Pickett, AISSA Senior Educational Consultant
277 Unley Rd, Malvern SA 5061
T: 08 81791423 F: 08 8172 0975 E: pickettm@ais.sa.edu.au
Association of Independent Schools of SA Inc collects personal information about students, school employees, and others that interact with the organisation. The primary purpose of collecting this information is to enable the organisation to provide services to students, schools and others. The organisation may from time to time disclose personal information to others for advisory, administrative or educational purposes. Such disclosure will only be in relation to the primary purpose of collection or for a secondary purpose, related to the primary purpose, and which the individual would reasonably expect. If the organisation does not receive the information referred to above, it may not be able to provide the relevant service to the school, student, school employee or others. Any questions in relation to the collection, use and disclosure and retention of personal information collected by the organisation can be directed to the organisation’s Privacy Officer (Mr. Roger Anderson).
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