- perexod na bolee vыsokuyu stupen abstraksii putyom vыyavleniya obщix priznakov (svoystv, otnosheniy, tendensiy razvitiya i t.p.) predmetov rassmatrivaemoy oblasti; vlechyot za soboy poyavlenie novыx nauchnыx ponyatiy, zakonov, teoriy. O. obespechivaet mыshleniyu slushateley opredelyonnost i posledovatelnost.
, transition to higher step of abstraction by revealing of the general signs (properties, relations, development tendencies, etc.) subjects of considered area; attracts behind itself occurrence of new scientific concepts, laws, theories.Generalization provides to thinking of pupils definiteness and sequence.
- eto sostavnaya chast i odnovremenno produkt sotsializatsii.
is a component and simultaneously a socialisation product.
- eto sovmestnaya, selenapravlennaya deyatelnost uchitelya i slushateley v xode, kotoroy osuщestvlyaetsya razvitie lichnosti, yeyo obrazovanie i vospitanie.
is joint, purposeful activity of the teacher and students where course development of the person, its formation and education is carried out.