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Future Personal Air Transportation System

Prof. - Dr. J. Rohács

Department of Aircraft and Ships

Budapest University of Technology and Economics


This paper is the shorted version of lecture presented at the Workshop organized by European Aeronautics Science Network and titled The Role and the Chances of Europe’s Universities in the Community Thematic Priority ‘Aeronautics and Space’ of the EU Framework Programme. The goals of this paper are the introduction of the activity and research fields of the Department of Aircraft and Ships working at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and calling up the attention for special fields of possible international cooperation in development of the future personal air transportation system,.


Fig. 1. First lecturer of aeronautics in Hungary professor Bánki and his famous student Teodor von Karman

The 57 years old Department of Aircraft and Ships has a very wide field of activity including the all field of aeronautical sciences and air transportation engineering, because it is the only one university Department working in field of civil aviation in Hungary.

At Budapest, the first university lectures dealing with theory of flight were delivered by professor Donáth Bánki in academic year 1910 / 11 at the Technical University [1]. His famous student and assistant professor was Theodore von Karman (Kármán Tódor) (Fig.1.). Since that, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) is the leader scientific center of aeronautical sciences.

In period of world wares, Hungary had a strong and excellent level of aeronautical industry. However, after 1956 everything was destroyed. The profiles of the Departments dealing with aeronautics were changed. Only department of Aircraft and Ships kept and could reestablish his activity in aeronautics.

During the last decade, the Hungarian aeronautics has completely changed. The Lockheed together the Hungarian Airlines open a new aircraft maintenance company Aeroplex of Central Europe, Lufthansa started business in aircraft maintenance, too, with organization the Lufthansa Technik Budapest, the General Electric established the engine spar repair factory. A lot of new small private companies started their business in field of production of the small, light airplanes, air transportation, and aircraft repair.

There is a big change in scientific activity, too. During last decade five times more scientific thesises were completed and successfully defended then in period 1960 – 1990.

The staff of the Department of Aircraft and Ships at the BUTE has a good cooperation with many European universities, institutions and industry. There were initiated some interesting international level projects like unconventional flight analysis [2, 3] and development of the personal air transportation system (PATS) [4].

Generally, the project PATS is based on the radically new ideas and it can become a nice example of the future cooperation on the European level in many fields of interest.

In this paper, after introducing the Department of Aircraft and Ships, the project PATS will be outlined.

  1. Department of Aircraft and Ships

The BUTE is more then 200 years old technical university [5]. It has eight different faculties. The Faculty of Transportation Engineering was organized in 1951. The current organization of the Faculty was developed in 1970, and the Faculty of Transportation Engineering now offers degree programs with concentrations in transportation and mechanical engineering.

The transportation engineering program [6] provides the essential scientific foundations and the most up-to-date technical knowledge available so that engineers who graduate from this faculty can go on to design road, railway, waterway, air, industrial and trade transportation systems. Graduates of this faculty will also be able to develop and monitor these systems reliably and economically, using the latest in management theory and informatics.

The mechanical engineering concentration aims to give students a thorough scientific foundation for development and design work, production control, and the operation and maintenance of mobile machines at an advanced level. Further specializations are offered in vehicle engineering and in mechanization engineering [1, 6].

The students of the Faculty can specialize in many different directions including the air transportation engineering and aeronautical sciences.

The Faculty of Transportation Engineering offers a four year B.Sc. program, a two year M.Sc. program, in English Courses, and a 5 year M.Sc. course in Hungarian education and postgraduate courses that cover certain subjects thoroughly and allow for the pursuit of a Ph.D. degree.

The faculty has 10 Departments. One of them is the Department of Aircraft and Ships.

The Department is giving lectures in basic subjects: thermodynamics, fluid mechanics; thermal and fluid machines, and professional subjects aerodynamics, flight mechanics, airframe, aircraft design, airframe, aircraft systems, aircraft operation, gas turbines, design of gas turbines, aircraft of civil aviation, airworthiness and requirements, innovation in aviation, as well as theory of ships, ship dynamics, etc. for students of branches managed by Department.

Fig. 2. Students of the aeronautical branch preparing the flight measurement with professor Wagner from TU Munich at the Nyiregyhaza Airport

We have a good cooperation with number of universities. For example practical course in flight measurement is organized with help of Department of Flight Dynamics and Control TU Munich (Fig. 2.).

The staff of the Department delivers lecture fluid mechanics, thermodynamics for 300 – 350 students pro semester. The number of students choosing specialization aeronautical science and air transportation is about 25 – 35 pro years.

Our Department has permanent teaching staff - 11, part – time lecturers - 4, invited lectures (leader managers of Hungarian aeronautical and air transportation industry, members of Hungarian and foreigner universities) – 22 – 28 (depending on the semesters), laboratory and administrative staff – 4 persons and Ph.D. students – around 15.

The staff deal with thermo and fluid machines, structural analysis, design, function, control-energy-environmental load tests, operation, maintenance, repair, qualification of aircraft, gas turbines and ships; analysis of vehicle related aspects of air (Fig. 3.) and water transport.

2. Scientific activity of the Department

The Department has a very wide field of interest, because it is only one University Department in Hungary, that works in field of aeronautical sciences, civil aviation, shipbuilding and water transport. This fact can little bit confuse us. Generally, we may know much more than other scientist, but it is difficult to reach high level in all of this direction. With accordance to this problem we have defined the following research fields [1], in which we have more activity and several interesting results leaded to the contribution of the successfully defended scientific theses.

Thermal- and Fluid Micro-Machines: design, investigation and applying condition analysis of thermal and fluid micro machines, development of human applying micro instruments. We have some results in development of the micro fluid mechanics [7, 8, 9].

Vehicle Thermal Processes: analysis of the thermal utilization process of the vehicles, thermal-accumulators and their application to helping of the engine starting processes, investigation of the thermal processes of vehicle air condition systems [10, 11].

Gas Turbines and Combustion Engines: analysis and development of the thermal and fluid mechanical processes in ground and aircraft gas turbines and combustion engines, modeling the dynamic and energetic processes, design of the monitoring and diagnostic systems, design of the optimal operational processes.

Fig. 3. Low-power gas turbine test bench

We were taken part in development of the new digital data recording systems [12] and diagnostic methods [13] applied to gas turbine diagnostics. For this purpose, we were developed a special method [14] for determining the compressor map on the basis of compressor geometrical characteristics. The methods developed by us for mathematical modeling the gas turbines made possible to analysis of the special operational conditions [15].

A special small, law-power gas turbine test bench was (Fig. 3.) built by us for testing the turbine characteristics, possible application of the mathematical models and use of modern control theory [16].

Aeronautical Sciences: Aircraft aerodynamics and flight mechanics, design and development of aircraft and its systems, unconventional flight analysis, investigation and qualification of dynamical and energetic characteristics of aircraft and their effects on the environment.

The Department of Aircraft and Ships at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics about ten years ago initiated a long period research project [2] with goals the

  • real flight situation modeling [17],

  • application of flight data to real flight situation and accident investigations [18],

  • study the flights after loosing the control (before accident and crash) [19, 20],

  • investigation of the aircraft motions at high angle of attack [2, 3, 21],

  • application of the methods of statistical flight dynamics [2],

  • examination of the effects of aerodynamic and structural non-linearities on aircraft motion and aeroelasticity [22, 23],

  • development of new control methods and systems [24].

For example, we have got some very interesting results of investigation of trust vectored fighter dynamics for poststall motion (Fig. 4.).

An another result of this project is the development of the theory of anomalies [25].

The experience in theoretical and practical investigation of the unconventional flight situation had leaded up to the organization of the series of international conference on the given topics. The members of scientific committee of this conference series were initiated a new project called personal air transportation system [4, 26].

We have investigated the systems of aircraft, too. For example we were identified the real characteristics of the hydraulic actuators and made a series of simulations with identified model of actuator included into the aircraft control system [27, 28].

Special Airplanes: Investigation of helicopters, hang-gliders, parachutes aerodynamics and analysis their flight mechanical properties.


Fig. 5. Infrared images of military helicopters flying at different distance from point of measurment

e have investigated the problems associated with the motion of helicopter rotor blades, wing tip wortex of small airplanes used in agricultural aviation, flight mechanics and dynamics of hang gliders, etc. [29, 30, 31, 32]. So, we have a great experiments in design, investigation, certification of the small and ultralight aircraft.

At the same time we were dealing with the military aviation, too. We had worked with amount others on the replacement of the Russian made opto-mechanical data recorders to solid state data recorders on the fighters MíG [33], evaluation of the fighter replacement [34], investigation of the aircraft accidents situations [35], and development of the method for qualification of spars reducing the infrared radiation of helicopters (Fig. 5.) [36].

Air Traffic Management: design and development of air traffic systems, analysis of air traffic trends, technical and environmental characteristics, air traffic regulation.


Fig. 6. Principal schema of method developed by Department for determining the aircraft emission scattering at airport regions

he domestic air traffic was closed after Second World War in Hungary. After change in political situation our air traffic was in transition. Even, this transition may not finished up to our days. Our Department has worked a lot on the reestablishment and development of the regional flight in Hungary [37, 38].

We had some interesting studies on the environmental impact of civil aviation, namely we have developed a new method for determining the aircraft emission scattering at airport regions (Fig.6.) [39].

Water Traffic Management: design, arrangement and development of the water traffic, ship design and development, investigation of the effects of ships and water transport on the environment.

Shipbuilding and machines: design, arrangement and development of shipbuilding, a

Fig. 7. Water channel of the Department applied for investigation of ships dynamics

nalysis of ship motions, modeling, investigation and qualification of the dynamical, energetic properties of ships and ships machine-elements.

The department has a large laboratory contains several laboratory test benches including the different computer controlled fluid and thermo machines, gas turbine test bench (Fig. 3.) water channel, small wind channel (Fig. 7.) and fix based flight simulator (Fig. 8.) built for education and scientific purposes. This simulator can use for testing a new aircraft control ideas, pilot workload evalua

Fig. 8. Flight simulator built by Department with help of Department of Flight Dynamics and Control at the Munich University of Technology

tion, or new cockpit instrument testing [40, 41].

The Department has a good condition in informatics. We have software for CFM/CFD, FEM, investigation of the aircraft aerodaynamics and flight Mechanics (Advanced Aircraft Analysis software), full version of MATLAB, software for displayed instrumentation design VAPS, FLSIM for developed flight simulator control, etc.

The department has a very wide international relationship and successful cooperation with most of Hungarians companies and institutions working in field of aeronautical sciences and air transportation system. There are some large projects like unconventional flight analysis or development of the personal air transportation system. These projects are supported by international cooperating partners, too.

3. New problems generated by PATS


Fig. 9. Effect of economical development on the traffic needs

he needs in personal transportation are increasing very rapidly by exponential way (Fig. 9.). Even intelligent highways and high speed railways are not the final solutions of problems of personal traveling. As sun as possible we have to develop the personal air transportation system [4].

The technology is available to establish the safety, economical and environment friendly Personal Air Transportation System (PATS).

The NASA has initiated already his similar project [42] called as small aircraft transportation system (SATS). The NASA program is focused on the new aircraft design, airports development and economical foundation of the project.

The initiators of our PATS projects [4], famous professors and leaders of European universities, institutions and companies think that the personal aircraft has to be design for use by common people. So, we need principally new aircraft, which could be piloted by everybody, without any special or extra knowledge and abilities. Such aircraft will be used very widely. Therefore we have to develop radically new air traffic control system and new airport set. It seems that the principle of organization and operational system of the personal air transportation system must be much closed to the philosophy of the personal car operation system.


Fig. 10. Vision on the new small airport

he PATS project deals with the development of the general PATS system, included the development of the new smart aircraft, new set of airports (Fig. 10.), new technology for improving the flight safety, new pilot cockpit instrumentation, new concept for air traffic control, etc.

The establishment of PATS needs several families of the personal aircraft. The market analysis shows that the 4 – 9 seats aircraft are required. They can be equipped by the propellered engines. Of course, the noise of the engines has to be reduced, because the personal aircraft will be operated at airports closed to the city centers. If the range of the aircraft would have greater then 400 km-s, the use of jet engines would be the right decision.

Principally, for last 40 years, the small aircraft applying the latest results of the sciences and technology have not developed. So we need absolutely new designed aircraft. The main objectives of the small aircraft development are characterized by

  • developed aerodynamics – even use of revolutionary concepts,

  • principally new designed engines – with reduced fuel consumptions, noise and air pollution, (possible diesel engine and jet solutions),

  • excellent performance – for good and safety piloting,

  • excellent ride control – with application of active and adaptive control methods, good technical life – with reduced fatigue damages, use of damage tolerance design philosophy, etc.

The possible boundary of the performances can be characterized by very serous conditions. For example, as it was defined by leadership of the NASA’s SATS project [6] the engines to be designed for small aircraft should have law weight, high reliability and radically reduced primary cost and low operational cost. The initiated GAP (General Aviation Propulsion) Project resulted to new piston and turbofan engines. The intermittent combustion engine is designed for a single engine, no more then 4 seats small airplanes having cruise speed maximum 200 knots. The images of a new Diesel engine designed [6] and its mean design features are given in Figure 5. This engine has fuel consumption of about 25 per cent less than current engines

Such aircraft will build with use of latest result of sciences and technology, like MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System,) technology, fault tolerant, reconfigurable control systems, new control based on neural networks, etc.

The new aircraft will be piloted by common people. So, we have to develop safer aircraft for radically decreasing the flight risk, especially in case of their wide personal use by common pilot would have not special flight training.

The philosophical approach to flight safety of personal air transportation system can be characterized by

  • application of automatic adjustment system for automatic setting up the best flying configuration, condition (for example automatic adjustment of stabilizers or reference model of control system depending on the center of gravity measured during taxiing),

  • s

    Fig. 11. Integration of the engine and elevator controls

    implifying the control system, which can not more complicated then ordinary car control (computer assisted control system with automatic limitations on critical regimes, integrated engine and aircraft control (Fig. 11, 12), connecting the roll and yaw control into one channel),

  • p

    Fig. 12. Comparison of the integrated (IC) and conventional (C. A/C) control

    ilot assessment system (including automatic voice checklist, pilot load condition estimation, gust effect elimination, automatic detection of pilot failures, overtaking on pilot decision in emergency situation with leading to stabilized horizontal flight and switch on the distance control system, e.g. control from ground for land the aircraft in out of pilot control case,),

  • ride control system for increasing the passengers’ comfort (because the personal aircraft will used at altitude 2 – 4 km region, which is a most turbulenced region of air),

  • advanced cockpit instrumentation with developed advisory system for safe piloting (Fig. 11),

  • specially equipped airport net (with use of radically new systems even),

  • radically new air traffic control system or better to say, development of the air traffic rules for personal air transportation system.


Fig. 13. Cockpit vision of NASA developers (upper image) and HUD with 3D guidance information (lower picture) developed and investigated at TU Munich

enerally, it may the most interesting and revolutionary task is the simplifying the control system. For example, with help of internal model principle and feed-forward technique the engine and elevator (altitude) controls can be integrated into one system (Fig. 8.). In simple case, when pilot is pushing on the gas, pushing the throttle to forward, only, the system automatically will keep the airplane on the same flight direction (in horizontal flight or in climb with constant climb rate).


This paper was submitted to the special EASN workshop. The paper tries to introduce the Department of Aircraft and Ships working at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

The goal of workshop is to develop the collaboration between the participants. Therefore this paper made short overview on activity of Department. The shortly outlined project PATS may be a most interesting field of future cooperation.


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  42. Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS), The SATS Vision.

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