Nhcdc round 19 Independent Financial Review

Application of AHPCS Version 3.1

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Application of AHPCS Version 3.1

The following section summarises WA Health’s application of selected standards from Version 3.1 of the AHPCS (outlined in Appendix I) to the selected hospitals Round 19 NHCDC submission.
      1. SCP 1.004 – Hospital Products in Scope

The selected hospitals demonstrated through the templates and interview process that costs are reported against admitted acute, emergency, sub-acute, non-admitted, and other products.

It was noted that costs are also created for non-patient products (such as unlinked records) and TTR products. These additional records with costs are not submitted to the NHCDC.

      1. SCP 2.003 – Product Costs in Scope

The WA reconciliation process for financial data used for costing purposes was demonstrated through the interview process. It was also demonstrated that all products are costed, which includes costs assigned to products in scope for the NHCDC, unlinked activity, and costs assigned to system-generated patients where there is no activity.

Blood products are not included in the costing process, as they are centrally held by WA Health and not allocated to AHSs.

      1. SCP 2B.002 - Research Costs

Research costs are assigned to a product and excluded by the jurisdiction prior to submission of the NHCDC to IHPA.
      1. SCP 3.001 - Matching Production and Cost

The application of this standard was demonstrated during the interview and an excel file was produced from the costing system which outlined all transfers and offsets utilised.
      1. SCP 3A.001 - Matching Production and Cost – Overhead Cost Allocation

The selected hospitals were able to demonstrate that overhead costs were fully allocated to direct patient care areas via the pre allocation and post allocation data included in the templates.
      1. SCP 3B.001 - Matching Production and Cost – Costing all Products

The application of this standard was demonstrated in the template. Both WA Health and the selected hospitals provided an overview and documentation of their internal reconciliation process, which demonstrated the allocation of costs to products.
      1. SCP 3C.001 - Matching Production and Cost – Commercial Business Entities

Discussions with representatives from the selected hospitals demonstrated that commercial business entities and shared services did not exist or were treated in accordance with the standard.
      1. SCP 3E.001 - Matching Production and Cost – Offsets and Recoveries

There was no offsetting of costs with revenue with the exception of salaries and wages recoups from internal and external clients.
      1. SCP 3G.001 – Matching Production and Cost – Reconciliation to Source Data

Based on discussions during the review, WA Health and the selected hospitals complete a final reconciliation of its costing system to source documentation. The process appears robust.
      1. GL 2.004 - Account Code Mapping to Line Items

WA Health representatives indicated that total costs were mapped to the standard specified line items; this was reflected in the hospital templates submitted
      1. GL 4A.002 – Critical Care Definition

Armadale Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner had dedicated ICU’s in their facilities. The direct costs associated with ICU are allocated to discrete cost centres and those costs are only applied to patients who used the ICU. Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital also had a HDU and CCU, and the costs of these critical care areas were treated in the same manner as the ICU. Kununurra Hospital did not have any critical care units. There were no examples of close observation units at any of the hospitals reviewed.
      1. COST 3A.002 – Allocation of Medical Costs for Private and Public Patients

Costs are allocated to public and private patients in the same manner. This includes costs associated with pathology, medical imaging and prosthesis. Private patient revenue is not offset against any related expenditure.

Costs associated with diagnostic services, pathology and medical imaging, for public and private patients are reflected in the AHS GL. These costs are distributed to all patients (public and private) based on the MBS item number for the service utilised by the patient. This is consistent with the principles of the standard which indicates that the true patient level data cost incurred for public and private patients treated by the AHS should be reflected.

The majority of medical officers at Armadale Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital are paid an allowance in-lieu of private practice arrangements, i.e. there is limited use of private practice funds to supplement the employment costs. These employment costs are allocated to public and private patients.
      1. COST 5.002 - Treatment of Work-In-Progress Costs

Discussions revealed that patients are allocated costs based on their consumption of resources for that reporting period. Where costs are incurred in prior years and the patient is discharged in the current year, these are also included in the final costed data and NHCDC submission. These costs were not escalated in the Round 19 NHCDC submission.
    1. Conclusion

The findings of the WA Round 19 IFR are summarised below:

  • WA Health has improved its NHCDC reconciliation processes since Round 18, with Western Australia Country Health Service sites moving away from cost modelling and increasing the use of feeder and clinical costing systems.

  • The financial reconciliation demonstrates the transformation of cost data from the original GL extract for each AHS through to the final NHCDC submission for the respective hospitals. Major inclusions to the original GL include costs related to services provided to the AHS and funded centrally by WA Health (such as shared services, licensing fees, HR services, parking etc.). Major exclusions from the original GL data include the removal of other hospitals and services in the respective AHS, internal and external purchasing recoups, special purpose accounts and expenditure related to other AHS’s. Non-hospital programs were excluded by the hospital for Armadale Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.

  • There were variances between the audited statements and final GL amount entered into the respective costing system for Kununurra Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner hospital. These variances were considered insignificant.

  • WA Health excluded expenditure related to WIP, system-generated patients, unmatched records and teaching, training and research. The largest exclusion related to teaching, training and research for all hospitals.

  • The basis of the adjustments made by the hospitals and WA Health appears reasonable, with the exception of:

  • Teaching, Training and Research (all hospitals). The exclusion of these costs may impact on the completeness of the NHCDC. WA Health is awaiting the outcome of the TTR project undertaken by IHPA to provide sufficient guidance on how to cost TTR.

  • Blood products are not costed at WA sites as the expenditure is held in WA Health cost centres and not allocated to AHSs. The exclusion of this expenditure may impact on the completeness of the NHCDC.

  • Interest on treasury loan was excluded at Kununurra Hospital. The exclusion of Interest incurred for the purchase of assets may impact on the completeness of the NHCDC.

  • The reasons for outpatient activity not being in the correct format for NHCDC reporting should be investigated by Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and WA Health in future rounds.

  • A variance of $17,934 was noted in the reconciliation of South Metropolitan AHS. This variance was 0.0007 percent of the total GL for South Metropolitan AHS.

  • Kununurra Hospital removed 1,134 records related to inpatients treated in an outpatient setting from the costing system in error. This exclusion will need to be corrected in future rounds of the NHCDC.

  • Allied Health records identified as “other activity” was removed at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, as the patient was not in attendance when the service was being performed (an example of “other activity” includes reviewing test results). This means that the costs associated with this type of activity were spread across all patients, rather than being attached to the relevant individual patient.

  • WA Health adjusted the total activity data submitted by the selected WA hospitals for WIP, outpatients, system-generated patients, negative cost records and unmatched records prior to submission to the NHCDC.

  • The number of records linked from source to product at Armadale Hospital and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital was significant with all feeders having a greater than 93 percent link or match. This suggests that there is robustness in the level of feeder activity reported back to episodes. Kununurra Hospital did not maintain patient level feeder systems in Round 19.

  • WIP was treated in accordance with the COST 5.002 of the AHPCS Version 3.1. WA Health did not apply any escalation factors to the costs associated with WIP for prior years as part of the Round 19 submission to the NHCDC.

  • The five sample patients selected for review for Armadale Kelmscott Memorial Hospital and Kununurra Hospital reconciled to IHPA records. One of the five patients sampled at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital did not reconcile as the admitted emergency reallocation not attaching to the episode number for that patient.

Based on discussions held during the site visits, and a review of the financial reconciliations provided, WA Health has robust reconciliation processes in place. As such, nothing was identified to suggest that the financial data is not fit for NHCDC submission. Furthermore, the data flow from the jurisdiction to IHPA demonstrated no unexplained variances.

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