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In the process of completion

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In the process of completion

The Ministry of Reintegration, with the objective to increase the actions for trust/confidence and demilitarisation of the transnistrian region has actively participated in the finalisation of the set of documents “Confidence measures and security in Moldova”, developed by the mediators, and at the implementation of the Protocol A-1 of the above mentioned package, that aims at the ensurance of exchange of information on the military units of the National Army of the Republic of Moldova and of the paramilitary units of the transnistrian region, as well as consultation within the mixed group of experts for the finalisation of the draft protocol on the monitoring of the enterprises from the industrial-military complex situated in the transnistrian region, developed by the OSCE Mission in Moldova.

In this context, the Ministry of Reintegration insisted, in the framework of a number of consultations, on the complete fulfilment by the transnistrian region of its obligations related to the exchange of information on the paramilitary units of the transnistrian region. It is to be mentioned that the transnistrian region did not fulfil its obligations and did not present the required information.
As a measure for consolidation of the trust of the delegation from Chisinau to the Unified Control Commission (UCC) it was announced about the reduction of its contingent of peace makers in the Security Area, making an appeal to the delegation of the transnistrian region to follow this example.
In the same context, in coordination and with the support of the OSCE Mission in Moldova, the delegation from Chisinau to UCC proposed to create a common mechanism, to collect the arms from the citizens.
The Republic of Moldova mentioned the existing problem with the creation of a special Fund of OSCE in order to implement the project for post –conflict reconstructions of the Republic of Moldova, during the negotiations with the foreign partners organised during August 2007.
The Ministry of Reintegration addressed to the mediators and observers a letter suggesting the creation of a missed group of experts in the economic field from the Chisinau, as well as Tiraspol side in order to develop common projects that will be financed in the framework of the „Millennium Challenge Corporation” programme, as well as in the technical assistance programmes offered by European Union.
At the same time, the Ministry of Reintegration jointly with other line ministries, developed the Action Plan on the consolidation of the trust and support for the population from the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova, that will be sent to the EC Delegation, Special Representative of the EU for Moldova, as well as to the Ambassador of the Great Britain in Republic of Moldova in order to obtain the necessary financial means.
The Representatives of the Ministry of Reintegration participated regularly at the round tables, seminars, conferences that deal with the transnistrian problem, organised by the NGOs, international organisations and others.


EU to continue its efforts to ensure the fulfilment by Russia of the Istanbul commitments with regard to Moldova.

In the process of completion
The Ministry of Reintegration, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, at the III Evaluation Conference of the CFE Treaty, conducted active consultations with the OSCE member states, with the objective to coordinate the positions on the necessity for full withdrawal of the Russian ammunitions from the Republic of Moldova, as a precondition for the ratification of the CFE Treaty.
The necessity to perform inspections by the OSCE of the deposits of ammunitions of the Russian Federation on the territory of Republic of Moldova was repeated during the meetings with the heads of the diplomatic mission accredited by OSCE that visited Moldova in November 2006.
This subject was also discussed during the visit to Chisinau of the EU Special Representative for Moldova, Mr. Kalman Miszei, meeting at which was mentioned that the only provision that did not registered any progress at all was the withdrawal of the Russian ammunitions from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, obligations that Russian undertook at the OSCE summit from Istanbul in 1999.


Reinforce political dialogue between the EU and Moldova on the Transnistria conflict.

In the process of completion
The Representatives of the Ministry of Reintegration participated at the VI meeting of the Cooperation Committee RM-EU, where the results of the implementation of the ENP AP were discussed. In this context, the head of the European Union delegation made the following suggestions:

          • In the framework of the trilateral dialog Moldova-EU-Ukraine, as well as with the aim of successful development of the EUBAM mission, it was asked the support of the European Union to encourage the Ukrainian side to observe the provisions of the Moldovan-Ukrainian protocol on the recognition of the customs specimens from 15 of May 2003 in order to regulate the legal operations of import/export of the undertakings from the transnistrian region, as well as to consolidate the European Union position on this matter and the activity of the observers of the EUBAM mission, according to the provisions of the Moldovan-Ukrainian Protocol of 15 of May 2003. The Moldovan side made an appeal to the European Union to accept as the legal framework of the Mission, additionally to the Memorandum of Agreement of 7th of October 2005, the relevant legislation of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, the bilateral agreements between Moldova and Ukraine, as well as the international legislation to which Moldova is a party.

          • In the context of the implementation of the provision of the chapter 2.2 of the European Union/Moldova Action Plan on the democratic reforms and demilitarisation of the transnistrian region, as well as in the context of the implementation of the Ukrainian Plan for solving the transnistrian problem, it was suggested to the European Union to examine the possibility to provide assistance according to the Appeal of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on the principles and conditions of the demilitarisation of the transnistrian region adopted in unanimity on 10th of June 2005, and the intensification of the consultations on this matter was requested.

          • The European Union was called to support the position of Moldova on the necessity to include in the Final Declaration of the Ministerial Reunion of OSCE from Ljubljana of the appeal to the Russian Federation in view of respecting the commitments made at the OSCE summit in Istanbul in 1999.

          • The consultations between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova were requested in order to introduce some supplementary sanctions for the leaders of the transnistrian separatist regime with the aim to encourage a constructive position of the transnistrian leaders in the process of negotiations, as well as in the problems from Security Zone (violation by the Tiraspol of the fundamental human rights) caused by unilateral destabilisation actions of the authorities from Tiraspol. In particular RM suggested the examination of the possibility of identification and block of the bank accounts of the financial institutions, undertakings (that are working out of the legal framework of Republic of Moldova) and of the physical persons (the leaders of the regime) from the transnistrian region.

          • In the process of demilitarisation of the transnistrian region and increase of transparency, security and stability in the Security Zone, it was requested the support of the European Union member states within the Permanent Council of OSCE in order to developed a short term OSCE mission for the evaluation of the situation in the Security Zone.

          • In the process of demilitarisation of the transnistrian region it was requested the support of the European Union in this regard, and development of bilateral consultations for the elaboration and implementation of the mechanism of transformation of the peacekeeping operation in the region, in an international mission of military and civil observers with international mandate.

  • In the context of the future OSCE mission for monitoring the undertakings from the industrial-military complex from the transnistrian region an appeal was made to the European Union in order to encourage the participation of the experts from the European Union member states within the above mentioned mission, fact that will contribute to the formation of a representative group of observers and, as a result, will increase the efficiency and the credibility of the Mission.

  • Technical and financial assistance was requested to the European Commission for the activity of the Moldovan-British Centre for Professional Reconvertion of the Military, created by the Technical University in Moldova with the support of the British Embassy in Chisinau.

  • In the context of the process of democratisation of the transnistrian region with the support of the civil society, and of the component of the chapter 2.2 of the European Union/Moldova Action Plan, can be mentioned the development of the strategy for providing European Union assistance and for the European Union member states to support the civic initiatives oriented to the reintegration of the Republic of Moldova and consolidation of the civil society from the both side of the Dniester river. The mentioned strategy is going to have as the main objective the support of the common initiatives of the organisations from the left, as well as right sides of the river Dniestr, with the scope to build a unified civil society of a reintegrated Moldova, based on the European values and principles.

  • It was requested the support to organise consultations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union with the objective to elaborate by stages and implement the strategy and the specific measures for consolidation of the energy security of the Republic of Moldova, that are in danger from the illegal privatisation process conducted in the transnistrian region.

  • It was requested the support to organise consultations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union with the objective to elaborate and implement the plan for structural reform, necessary for the efficient reintegration of the legal, economic and social spaces, that would not jeopardise the structural and macroeconomic reforms made in Republic of Moldova.

  • It was requested the support to organise consultations between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union with the objective to evaluate and estimate the cost for the reintegration of the country, identification and evaluation of the possible advantages and risks for the reintegration from all the sectors of the economy, for the future use of these evaluation for the development of strategies and priority directions for development of the state.

  • Financial assistance for the process of documentation of the population from the Eastern districts of the Republic of Moldova was requested. According to the Government Decision no.959 of 9th of September 2005, with the objective to integrate the population from the Eastern districts, as well as for the creation of the conditions necessary for the development of free and democratic elections under to supervision of the OSCE, until July 1, .2007, the persons from the left side of the Dniester are documented free of charge, the expenditures being covered by the state.

The Ministry of Reintegration, in its dialog with the permanent partners from the West, insists on the necessity to maintain the travel for the leaders of the Tiraspol regime, as measure which puts pressure on the transnistrian authorities with the scope to ensure a constructive position from the Tiraspol side in the negotiation process.

Consultations were held with the European Union officials for the organisation of a working visit in Brussels, as well as in other European capitals, in order to develop consultations on the transnistrian problem. Hereby, at the suggestion of the EU Special Representative for Moldova, the terms for organisation of these visits were revised in order to adjust them to the schedules of the European institutions and EU member states availability. In this context, the Ministry of Reintegration proposed the creation of a working group, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration in order to organise the above mentioned visits.
The Ministry of Reintegration held consultations with the EU representatives, on blocking the bank accounts of the relevant persons, as for the period before signing the European Union/Moldova Action Plan, as well as after the process of its implementation began. At the same time themRepublic of Moldova is collaborating on this matter with the National Bank of Moldova.
The Ministry of Reintegration performed actions in this regard during the meeting with the heads and representatives of the diplomatic missions of the European Union member states, Head of the EC Delegation in Chisinau, the Ambassadors of USA, Ukraine, Russian Federation, OSCE Mission in Republic of Moldova (5th of June), as well as during the visit to Chisinau of the EU Special Representative, Mr. Kalman Miszei (23rd of August) to the Ministry of Reintegration, and during the bilateral meetings with the ambassadors of a number of European Union member states (Hungary, Lithuania, Great Britain) that took place during August 2007.
The Ministry of Reintegration developed and implemented a mechanism for permanent collaboration with the national and foreign mass media in order to inform the national and international public opinion on the process of reintegration, the position of the Moldovan authorities and the actions that are being taken.
The Ministry of Reintegration is providing, regularly, information on the cases of violations of the fundamental human rights in the Eastern regions of the Republic of Moldova to the diplomatic missions of the OSCE, Council of Europe and other diplomatic missions accredited to Moldova and provides in the possible limits, assistance to the persons that suffered from the illegal actions of the transnistrian administration.
The Ministry of Reintegration is regularly informing all the diplomatic missions of the European Union member states and the diplomatic mission of the USA accredited to the Republic of Moldova on the actions of the transnistrian administration that have provocative character in the Security Zone, as well as the movement of paramilitary forces in the transnistrian region.


Significant further progress with Ukraine on pending border questions along the Transnistrian border section; strengthen cooperation with Ukrainian administration including effective exchange of information about flow of goods and people across the common border. Active engagement in the trilateral talks Moldova - Ukraine - European Commission concerning measures to ensure proper management and control of Moldova's entire border with Ukraine, in particular the Transnistria section.

In process of completion
In order to consolidate the unified economic and customs space, the Ministry of Reintegration participated at the elaboration and implementation of the following normative and legislative acts:

Joint Declaration of the Prim Ministers of Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30th of December 2005;

  • The Government Decision no.815 of 2nd of August 2005 on the regulation of the flows of goods that are object of foreign trade of the transnistrian region with the amendments operated in the Government Decision no.48 of 18th of January 2006, Government Decision no.202 of 22.02.2006, Government Decision no.301 of 17.03.2007 and Government Decision no.743 of 29.06.2007. The Government Decisions no.301 and 743 were adopted in conformity with the obligations of the Republic of Moldova under ATPs with the EC Commission and foresee the ensuring of the access of the transnistrian undertakings, registered temporarily, to the certificates of origin of form “A” (for European Union countries). In order to promote the foreign trade activities for the transnistrian undertakings, the respective Government Decisions foresees the insurance of the access of the transnistrian undertakings, temporarily registered, to the certificates of origin of the form “CT-1” for NIS countries and EUR (for the countries of the Central and South-Est Europe)

  • Government Decision no.1001 of 19th of September 2001 on declaring the goods by the undertakings from the Eastern regions of the Republic of Moldova (amended by the Government Decision no.48 of 18th of January 2006 and the Government Decision no.1281 of 06,11.2006);

  • Government Decision no.299 of 22nd of March 2006 on the complementation of the Government Decision no.1330 of 1st of December 2004 (Regulation on the method of administration of the fiscal obligations of the undertakings for the regions on the left side of the Dniester and the city of Bender);

  • Government Decision no. 866 of 1st of August 2007, “On the issues of the certificates of the form EUR.1 and CT-1”

  • Regulation on the method of deposit and withdrawal of the paid amounts by the undertakings from the Eastern regions of Republic of Moldova, adopted by the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Reintegration participated at the negotiations of the text of the memorandum of understanding, on the EC Mission for Assistance at the Moldavian – Ukrainian border, with the Special Representative of the European Union for the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Adriaan Jakobovits de Szeged. The Ministry of Reintegration negotiated the text of the memorandum with the Ukrainian side during the visit of the Minister for Reintegration in Kiev on 21st of September 2005.

The memorandum was signed on 7th of October 2005. At the same time, the Ministry of Reintegration, promoted the idea to the Ukrainian side to continue observing the provisions of the Moldovan-Ukrainian Protocol on the recognition of the customs specimens on 15th of May 2003, with the objective to regulate the operations related to the import-export of the undertakings from the transnistrian region.
The representatives of the Ministry of Reintegration participated at the Moldovan-Ukrainian consultation at the level of experts, developed on 01.02.2006 in Odessa, during which the subject related to implementation of the Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30.12.2206 was discussed.
The representatives of the Ministry of Reintegration participated at the meeting of the experts group of the EUBAM, on 10.02.2006, in Odessa, during which the subject related to the mechanism of functioning of EUBAM, as well as other issues related to the implementation of the Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of Republic of Moldova and Ukraine were discussed.
On 22nd of September 2006 at the initiative of the Ministry of Reintegration with the assistance of the EC Delegation, in Odessa (Ukraine) it was organised a seminar for the undertakings from the transnistrian region with the subject “Customs issues of the trade for the business community of Moldova and the transnistrian region”. Similar actions will be promoted and in the future.
On 26th of June 2007, the Ministry of Reintegration with the assistance of the EC Delegation, contribute to the organisation, jointly with the Customs Service of Republic of Moldova, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of a seminar for the undertakings from the transnistrian region on the subject of declaring the import of raw material for the production of the goods that are made for export to the European Union, as well as the methods of issuing preferential certificates of origin. On 22nd of July the Ministry of Reintegration in collaboration with the Customs Services of Republic of Moldova, developed and edited the collection of documents, including the normative acts and the international agreements, regarding the implementation of the Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30th of December 2005, as well as the conditions for performing operations of import/export of goods for the undertakings from the transnistrian region. The collection was distributed to the participants at the 5+2 negotiation format, to the diplomatic missions accredited to the Republic of Moldova and to the undertakings from the transnistrian regions and others.
The Ministry of Reintegration, jointly with other line ministries, is monitoring and contributes to the process of implementation of the Joint Declaration of the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30th of December 2005 and of the Government Decision no.815 of 02.09.2005 on the regulation of the flows of goods that for the object of trade activities of Transnistria, informing, at the same time, the diplomatic representatives, accredited to the Republic of Moldova, the international community, public national and international opinion on the evolutions on this regard. The Ministry is providing on regular basis reports on the export and import operation made in the transnistrian region by the respective undertakings and also informs the public opinion on the actions made by the Government of Republic of Moldova in this regard, ensuring the necessary level of transparency for the undertakings from the region, public opinion and foreign partners.
The Ministry of Reintegration, on the basis of the gathered information from the relevant institutions (Customs Service, Chamber of Coomerce and Industry, State Registration Chamber, Chamber for licensing and others) made the monitoring of the evolutions in the process of implementation on 03.03.2006 of the regime for crossing the Moldovan-Ukrainian state border according to the provisions of the Protocol on the mutual recognition of the customs specimens of 15th of May 2003, making public the access to information. The respective data were provided to the mediators and observers in the negotiation process, and during the consultations in the 5+1 format in October 2006 in Odessa, Ukraine, as well as to other parties and mass media.
The Ministry of Reintegration made significant efforts for the support of the optimisation and adjustment of the process for conformation with the legal framework of the Republic of Moldova of the activity of the undertakings from the transnistrian region. Hereby, at the initiative of the Ministry of Reintegration, the Government of Republic of Moldova by the Government Decision no.1281 of 6th of November 2006 prolonged until 1st of January 2008 the term for action of the Government Decision no.1001 of 19th of September 2001 “on the declaration of goods by the undertakings form the Eastern regions of the Republic of Moldova”.
The Ministry of Reintegration, for the adjustment to the national and international legal norms of the foreign activity of the undertakings from the transnistrian region, initiated the development of a dialog procedure with the enterprises from the Eastern regions of the Republic of Moldova. For this purpose, a collaboration was held with the responsible institutions (Customs Services, Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Standardisation and Metrology Service, the State Agency for Intellectual Property Protection, Direction for Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, the State Inspectorate for Phyto - sanitary quarantine, and other), competent for registration of different types of documents (certificates, authorisations, licences and others), necessary for the development of the foreign economic activities.
The Ministry of Reintegration participates, regularly, at the sessions of the working group for the coordination of the actions for securing the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, presenting specific suggestions for the amelioration of the problems included in the working agenda, especially regarding the implementation of the Joint Declaration of the Prime-Ministers of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30th of December 2005. Hereby the Ministry of Reintegration prepared a set of suggestions, that were addressed at the fifth working session of the trilateral meeting of Republic of Moldova-EU -Ukraine, developed on 21st of November 2006 in Brussels, regarding the exchange of information on the goods and transport means that are crossing the state border, including on the subjects that are related to the railway transport, the actions plans of the Customs Service for fulfilling the EUBAM recommendations, aspects of development and evaluation of the Joint Operation for border control with the participation of the EUBAM.
In the framework of the trilateral mechanism, the Republic of Moldova – European Union – Ukraine, for cooperation at the border, on 21st of July the decision on the implementation, starting September 2007, of the system of exchange of information between the Customs and the Border Guard Services of the Republic of Moldova, according to the provisions of the Protocols signed on 21st of November 2006 in Brussels, was decided.

Due to the stopping on 01.09.2006 by the Ukrainian railway administration of the trafficking of goods and passengers through the customs point Vălcineţ – Moghiliov-Podolsk and the intention of the Russian railways to block the circulation of the passenger trains that have as destination Moscow, the Ministry of Reintegration contributed to the solution of the problem, by participating actively to the negotiations held by the authorities of the relevant countries.

The Ministry of Reintegration supported the discussion of the representatives of the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Moldova, about the necessity to extend the EUBAM mission for the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Hereby, the second phase of the EUBAM activity, which was launched in July 2006, having as objective the extension of the Mission by opening other 2 new territorial offices. One of these offices is covering the Odessa region and the Iliciovsk port, and the second is place in Chisinau, and is concentrating the efforts to monitor the activity of the internal customs units and of the flows of goods from/into the transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova. The number of the EUBAM employees rose from 31 to 101 persons.
During the dialog with the officials of the EUBAM and with other European partners, it was continuously underlined the necessity to have the support of the European Union of the issues such: the Ukrainian side to maintain the actual regime at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border; obtaining the acceptance of the EUBAM on the concept for mixed Moldovan-Ukrainian customs units, with the later implementation of these on the transnistrian segment of the state border.
The Ministry of Reintegration with the assistance of the European Commission contributed to the organisation of the seminar for the undertakings from the transnistrian region with the subject: “Customs issues and the trade for the business community of Moldova and the transnistrian region”.
The Ministry of Reintegration made a number of actions in order to inform the diplomatic representatives accredited in Moldova, of the international community, public national and international opinion about the mechanism for implementation of the Joint Declarations of the Prime Ministers of Republic of Moldova and Ukraine of 30.12.2005 and the implementation of the Government Decision no.815 of 2nd of August 2005 regarding the regulation of flows of goods that constitute the object of foreign trade activity of Transdnestria.
According to the situation of 01.09.2007 and the Law on State registration of the undertakings and organisations, no.1265-XIV of 05.10.2000, and the Government Decision no.815 of 2nd of August 2005 regarding the regulation of flows of goods that constitute the object of foreign trade activity of the Transnistria, 357 undertakings were registered. Out of these , 220 undertakings were temporarily registered and were given the IDNO code, while 137 undertakings were permanently registered. During 2007 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry received requests from 77 undertakings from the transnistrian region, on the basis of which 4216 certificates of origin were issued for export of goods, including 1034 preferential ones. The Customs Service (starting with July 1, 2006 the Customs Service is empowered to issue origin certificates for the European Union countries), in the period of 01.07.2006 and 01.04.2007, a total of 861 certificates of origin of the form “A”, were issued to 20 undertakings from the transnistrian region in order to make exports to the European Union.
The volume of exports made by the transnistrian region in 2007 (8 months) constituted 5088, 9 million lei, that represents an increase by 8, 5 per cent in comparison to the volume of 2005. The volume of imports into the transnistrian region in 2007 (8 months) constituted 909, 3 million lei.


Support the active involvement of civil society and the promotion of democratic values

and respect for human rights.

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