North Central Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster directory

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Active in




Kenton Hunt, Chairperson

Rick Smith, Vice-Chairperson

Nancy Gruver, Secretary

Bradford County

Bradford/Sullivan Co. Red Cross

P.O. Box 215, Monroeton, PA 18832

NCVOAD Rep. - Pat Hipple Phone - 570-998-2445

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Bradford/Tioga Co. Housing Authorities

4 Riverside Plaza, Blossburg, PA 16912

NCVOAD Rep. - James McRath Phone - 570-638-2151

Email -

The Bradford/Tioga Co. Housing Authorities consist of many apartment buildings. Many of our apartment buildings have community rooms in which on an average measure 24’ x 50’. The capacity of the average community room will hold approximately 30 people. Most of our community rooms are equipped with kitchens that have tables and chairs. Other community rooms have a living room look with couch and chairs. We can offer day-time shelter in our community rooms to the public in case of emergencies or extreme heat or cold on a first come first served basis taking the residents in the location of each apartment building first, then others until capacity to code is filled.


Catholic Social Services

1201 Grampian Blvd., Suite 2G, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Nick Gabriel Phone - 570-322-4220

Email -

We are a social services agency. We can provide some material assistance and/or counseling services

Assistance, Counseling

Endless Mountains Transportation Authority

27824 Route 220 Highway, Athens, PA 18810

NCVOAD Rep. - Karen Graber Phone - 570-888-7330

Email -

Endless Mountains Transportation Authority (EMTA) is a multi-county public transit agency situated along the northern tier of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It provides a number of public transportation services to residents of Bradford, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties, and covers 2,500 square miles. EMTA offers Fixed Route (public buses) and Shared-Ride services. Shared-Ride services offered by EMTA include Senior Shared-Ride Service, Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD), Welfare to Work Program, and a variety of other locally funded transportation services directed at specific user groups.


International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Bradford County (cont.)

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

Sullivan Trail Red Cross

911 Stowell Street, Elmira, NY 14901

NCVOAD Rep. - Jeff Presesky Phone - 607-734-3317

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Medical

The Bridge of Penn-York Valley Churches

P.O. Box 202, Sayre, PA 18840

NCVOAD Rep. - Don Jayne Phone - 607-565-2463

Email -

Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter

Valley Kiwanis

P.O. Box 447, Sayre, PA 18840

NCVOAD Rep. - Shelly Repasky Phone - 570-888-6498

Email -


Clinton County

Christian Community Services Council

229 N. Fairview Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745

NCVOAD Rep. - Zelma Lang Phone - 570-893-6890

Email -

Food, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Transportation

Clinton/Centre Farm Service

216 Spring Run Road, Room 101, Mill Hall, PA 17751

NCVOAD Rep. - Jann Meyers Phone - 570-726-3196

Email -

Animals, Financial/Other Monies

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

166 Zimmie Lane, Millmont, PA 17845

NCVOAD Rep. - Sarah Hershberger Phone - 570-922-1929

Email –

We seek to minister holistically to the unmet needs of those affected by a major domestic disaster by providing spiritual and emotional care; and long-term recovery.

International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Lycoming/Clinton Co. MH/MR

The Sharwell Building, 200 East Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - James Wilkerson Phone - 570-323-6467

Email -

Mental Health services are primarily available for adults with a serious mental illness and children/adolescents with or "at risk" of developing a serious emotional disturbance. Contact the office for information and referral services. We also provide 24-hour crisis intervention services. As for certifications, we have a 12 person Disaster Crisis Outreach Response Team (DCORT) formerly Mental Health Response Team (MHRT); this team was formed in the mid 90’s.  Four members of DCORT have the mandated IS-100 and IS-700 certification, the remaining member will be trained within 30-60 days.

Mountain Serve Center

133 Smith Hall, Lock Haven University, Lock Haven, PA 17745

NCVOAD Rep. - Ann-Marie Turnage Phone - 570-893-2498

Email -

Clinton County (cont.)

North Central PA Red Cross

320 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kathy Stine Phone - 570-326-9131

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

Salvation Army - Clinton Co.

119 E. Church Street, Lock Haven, PA 17745

NCVOAD Rep. - Maj. David Payne Phone - 570-748-2951

Email -

The Salvation Army of Clinton County provides the following services: Free Lunch (M,T,Th,F, Monthly Food Basket Program, Utility assistance when funds permit, Rental assistance when funds permit, Disaster Canteen available, Spiritual Counseling, Sunday Church Services

Food, Counseling

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

STEP, Inc. Transportation

2138 Lincoln Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - James Plankenhorn Phone - 570-601-9689

Email -

Step, Inc. provides transportation throughout Lycoming/Clinton Counties and to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. Drivers are CDL certified, as well as, having First Aid and CPR certifications. Sandra is School Bus Watch and Highway Watch Member certified. STEP, Inc. Transportation is a 24 hour, 7day a week, 365 days a year operation.  We provide transportation to anyone in both counties for any purpose; medical, social, education, employment, shopping, family gatherings, holiday activities, church, hair dresser, dining and more.  We are a door-to-door service.  All vehicles are wheelchair accessible and smoke free.  For more information call 570-323-7575


Clinton County (cont.)

Susquehanna Transit

401 E. Central Avenue, Avis, PA 17721

NCVOAD Rep. - Richard Hawk Phone - 570-753-5125

Email -


West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission

213 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Yvonne Hughes Phone - 570-323-8543 ext. 101

Email -

We have 11 full-time and 1 part-time case managers on our staff that could be called upon and utilized during a disaster for counseling.

Williamsport District UMC Core Leadership Team

21 Casey Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rev. Jim Behrens Phone - 570-323-7484

Email -

Trinity United Methodist Church, Williamsport, is a disaster shelter with a team. It is also the coordinating office for disaster response and United Methodist volunteers in mission. We have flood buckets on hand, the ability to tap into Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, we can organize teams to help with cleanup, and can call for conference and UMCOR assistance. UMCOR and volunteers in mission work more with recovery.

Shelter, Recovery Assistance

Lycoming County

American Rescue Workers

643 Elmira Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Col. Dawn Astin Phone - 570-323-8401

Email -

Food, Clothing, Shelter, Transportation, Prescriptions

Campbell Street Community Center

600 Campbell Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Susan Martin Phone - 570-322-5515

Email -


Catholic Social Services

1201 Grampian Blvd., Suite 2G, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Nick Gabriel Phone - 570-322-4220

Email -

We are a social services agency. We can provide some material assistance and/or counseling services

Assistance, Counseling

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

166 Zimmie Lane, Millmont, PA 17845

NCVOAD Rep. - Sarah Hershberger Phone - 570-922-1929

Email –

We seek to minister holistically to the unmet needs of those affected by a major domestic disaster by providing spiritual and emotional care; and long-term recovery.

International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Kiwanis Club of Williamsport

1517 Hidden Valley Drive, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Russ Lentz Phone - 570-322-8816

Email -

Lycoming County (cont.)

Linkage Lycoming

2138 Lincoln Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Cathy Stopper Phone - 570-601-9510

Email -

Comprehensive Information & Referral

Little League International

P.O. Box 3485, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - James Ferguson Phone - 570-326-1921

Email -


Lycoming/Clinton Co. MH/MR

The Sharwell Building, 200 East Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - James Wilkerson Phone - 570-323-6467

Email -

Mental Health services are primarily available for adults with a serious mental illness and children/adolescents with or "at risk" of developing a serious emotional disturbance. Contact the office for information and referral services. We also provide 24-hour crisis intervention services. As for certifications, we have a 12 person Disaster Crisis Outreach Response Team (DCORT) formerly Mental Health Response Team (MHRT); this team was formed in the mid 90’s.  Four members of DCORT have the mandated IS-100 and IS-700 certification, the remaining member will be trained within 30-60 days.

Lycoming Co. Housing Authority

1941 Lincoln Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Beth Turner Phone - 570-323-3755

Email -

Lycoming County Housing Authority has available various community centers to house displaced people during a disaster.


Lycoming Co. United Way

1225 Clayton Avenue, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rosann Pelleschi Phone - 570-323-9448

Email -

Coordinate Services

North Central PA Red Cross

320 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kathy Stine Phone - 570-326-9131

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Lycoming County (cont.)

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

PSU Cooperative Extension - Lycoming Co.

542 County Farm Road, Suite 206, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Vicki Lewis Phone - 570-433-3040

Email -

Cooperative Extension is a community education provider.  The association with PSU assures that information presented is research based, reliable, and current.  Professional educators in agriculture, family strengths, and youth education serve as core staff.  In addition, Nutrition Education Advisers work with limited-resource families to improve nutrition, food buying, and food preparation skills.  IS-700 certified.

Volunteers, Crop Damage, Food Safety

Salvation Army - Lycoming Co.

457 Market Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Maj. Marie Harris Phone - 570-326-9187

Email -

The Salvation Army's ministry is motivated by the love of God. It's mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs without discrimination.  Williamsport Salvation Army has an emergency canteen which is available to assist the first responders at the scene providing refreshments such as drinks,  snacks and meals depending the duration of the event.  We also will provide food, counseling, shelter, and other emergency needs for the victims.

Food, Counseling, Shelter, Prescriptions, Support/Assistance, Distribution Facilities

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

Lycoming County (cont.)

Shepherd of the Streets

669 Center Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rev. Morris Smith Phone - 570-322-6538

Email -

Counseling, Prescription Assistance, Transportation Assistance, Work Assistance, Documentation Assistance, Personal Hygiene Kits, Baby Needs, Utility Assistance, Oral Surgery Assistance, Visual Assistance.

STEP, Inc. Transportation

2138 Lincoln Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - James Plankenhorn Phone - 570-601-9689

Email -

Step, Inc. provides transportation throughout Lycoming/Clinton Counties and to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA. Drivers are CDL certified, as well as, having First Aid and CPR certifications. Sandra is School Bus Watch and Highway Watch Member certified. STEP, Inc. Transportation is a 24 hour, 7day a week, 365 days a year operation.  We provide transportation to anyone in both counties for any purpose; medical, social, education, employment, shopping, family gatherings, holiday activities, church, hair dresser, dining and more.  We are a door-to-door service.  All vehicles are wheelchair accessible and smoke free.  For more information call 570-323-7575


United Churches of Lycoming County

202 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rev. Gwen Bernstine Phone - 570-322-1110

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Transportation, Cleanup, Financial/Other Monies, Work with Long-Term Needs Assistance

West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission

213 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Yvonne Hughes Phone - 570-323-8543 ext. 101

Email -

We have 11 full-time and 1 part-time case managers on our staff that could be called upon and utilized during a disaster for counseling.

Williamsport District UMC Core Leadership Team

21 Casey Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rev. Jim Behrens Phone - 570-323-7484

Email -

Trinity United Methodist Church, Williamsport, is a disaster shelter with a team. It is also the coordinating office for disaster response and United Methodist volunteers in mission. We have flood buckets on hand, the ability to tap into Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, we can organize teams to help with cleanup, and can call for conference and UMCOR assistance. UMCOR and volunteers in mission work more with recovery.

Shelter, Recovery Assistance

Lycoming County (cont.)


815 W. Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kim Ramin Phone - 570-322-4637

Email -

The YWCA is a not for profit organization with a comprehensive victim center for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes; a homeless shelter for women and children; a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program with the mission of finding a safe and permanent home for abused and neglected children; prevention education on the dangers of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco; and a warm water pool whose primary users are individuals with joint and muscular ailments

Counseling, Shelter, Child Welfare

Potter County

Allegheny Highlands CISM

c/o EMMCO East, Inc., 1411 Million Dollar Highway, Kersey, PA 15846

NCVOAD Rep. - Don Fortney Phone - 814-834-9212

Email -

We are a CISM Team that is able to respond to any Critical Incident when requested.  We have over 30 active dedicated members on our team.  These members come from all disciplines, (Fire, EMS, Police, Hospital, 911, and Clergy)


American Legion Post 192

2 Buffalo Street, Coudersport, PA 16915

NCVOAD Rep. - Jim Boothby Phone - 814-274-3265

Email -

Volunteers, Shelter

Gale Hose Company

P.O. Box 223, Galeton, PA 16922

NCVOAD Rep. - Ken Wingo Phone - 814-435-1184

Email -

Volunteers, Transportation, Medical

Headwaters Amateur Radio Club

24 Maple Avenue, Coudersport, PA 16915

NCVOAD Rep. - Wayne Stahler Phone - 814-274-9436

Email -

Volunteers, Radio Support

International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

McKean/Potter Co. Red Cross

302 Congress Street, Bradford, PA 16701

NCVOAD Rep. - Jason Bange Phone - 814-368-6197

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Potter County (cont.)

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

Pennsylvania SPCA

11765 Route 6, Wellsboro, PA 16901

NCVOAD Rep. - Andy McIlvain Phone - 570-724-3687

Email -


Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

Tioga Co. CISM

118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901

NCVOAD Rep. - Jerry Rice Phone - 570-724-1053

Email -


Tri-Town Vol. Fire Dept.

810 Route 49 West, Ulysses, PA 16948

NCVOAD Rep. - Harold Barber Phone - 814-848-7584

Email -

Volunteers, Transport, Medical

Sullivan County

Bradford/Sullivan Co. Red Cross

P.O. Box 215, Monroeton, PA 18832

NCVOAD Rep. - Pat Hipple Phone - 570-998-2445

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Bradford/Tioga Co. Housing Authorities

4 Riverside Plaza, Blossburg, PA 16912

NCVOAD Rep. - James McRath Phone - 570-638-2151

Email -

The Bradford/Tioga Co. Housing Authorities consist of many apartment buildings. Many of our apartment buildings have community rooms in which on an average measure 24’ x 50’. The capacity of the average community room will hold approximately 30 people. Most of our community rooms are equipped with kitchens that have tables and chairs. Other community rooms have a living room look with couch and chairs. We can offer day-time shelter in our community rooms to the public in case of emergencies or extreme heat or cold on a first come first served basis taking the residents in the location of each apartment building first, then others until capacity to code is filled.


Endless Mountains Transportation Authority

27824 Route 220 Highway, Athens, PA 18810

NCVOAD Rep. - Karen Graber Phone - 570-888-7330

Email -

Endless Mountains Transportation Authority (EMTA) is a multi-county public transit agency situated along the northern tier of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It provides a number of public transportation services to residents of Bradford, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties, and covers 2,500 square miles. EMTA offers Fixed Route (public buses) and Shared-Ride services. Shared-Ride services offered by EMTA include Senior Shared-Ride Service, Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD), Welfare to Work Program, and a variety of other locally funded transportation services directed at specific user groups.


International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Sullivan County (cont.)

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

PSU Cooperative Extension - Sullivan Co.

RR #2, Box 2022A, Dushore, PA 18614

NCVOAD Rep. - Rick Smith Phone - 570-928-8941

Email -

Volunteers, Crop Damage, Food Safety

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

Williamsport District UMC Core Leadership Team

21 Casey Drive, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Rev. Jim Behrens Phone - 570-323-7484

Email -

Trinity United Methodist Church, Williamsport, is a disaster shelter with a team. It is also the coordinating office for disaster response and United Methodist volunteers in mission. We have flood buckets on hand, the ability to tap into Mission Central in Mechanicsburg, we can organize teams to help with cleanup, and can call for conference and UMCOR assistance. UMCOR and volunteers in mission work more with recovery.

Shelter, Recovery Assistance

Tioga County

Bradford/Tioga Co. Housing Authorities

4 Riverside Plaza, Blossburg, PA 16912

NCVOAD Rep. - James McRath Phone - 570-638-2151

Email -


Catholic Social Services

1201 Grampian Blvd., Suite 2G, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Nick Gabriel Phone - 570-322-4220

Email -

We are a social services agency. We can provide some material assistance and/or counseling services

Assistance, Counseling

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

166 Zimmie Lane, Millmont, PA 17845

NCVOAD Rep. - Sarah Hershberger Phone - 570-922-1929

Email –

We seek to minister holistically to the unmet needs of those affected by a major domestic disaster by providing spiritual and emotional care; and long-term recovery.

Endless Mountains Transportation Authority

27824 Route 220 Highway, Athens, PA 18810

NCVOAD Rep. - Karen Graber Phone - 570-888-7330

Email -

Endless Mountains Transportation Authority (EMTA) is a multi-county public transit agency situated along the northern tier of Northeastern Pennsylvania. It provides a number of public transportation services to residents of Bradford, Sullivan, and Tioga Counties, and covers 2,500 square miles. EMTA offers Fixed Route (public buses) and Shared-Ride services. Shared-Ride services offered by EMTA include Senior Shared-Ride Service, Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP), Persons with Disabilities Program (PwD), Welfare to Work Program, and a variety of other locally funded transportation services directed at specific user groups.


Gale Hose Company

P.O. Box 223, Galeton, PA 16922

NCVOAD Rep. - Ken Wingo Phone - 814-435-1184

Email -

Volunteers, Transportation, Medical

Tioga County (cont.)

International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Mansfield Area Food Pantry

771 Lot 1 Lambs Creek Road, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Barb McConnell Phone - 570-662-2864

Email -

The Mansfield Area Food Pantry provides emergency food service for low and no income families. Using the PA Dept. of Ag. Poverty level guidelines, families may come once a month for food. Proof of address is required because there are 2 other state food pantries in Tioga County. Mansfield Area Food Pantry covers about 1/3 of the County. The pantry is an all volunteer, 501c(3), public charity. We are grantee certification for Title 11, The Emergency Food Assistant Program (TEFAP). We also hold Certification of Registration with the Dept. of Health to give out


North Central PA Red Cross

320 E. Third Street, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kathy Stine Phone - 570-326-9131

Email -

Food, Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Missing Person, Medical, Prescriptions

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

Pennsylvania SPCA

11765 Route 6, Wellsboro, PA 16901

NCVOAD Rep. - Andy McIlvain Phone - 570-724-3687

Email -


Tioga County (cont.)

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

The Bridge of Penn-York Valley Churches

P.O. Box 202, Sayre, PA 18840

NCVOAD Rep. - Don Jayne Phone - 607-565-2463

Email -

Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter

Tioga Co. CISM

118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901

NCVOAD Rep. - Jerry Rice Phone - 570-724-1053

Email -


Tioga Co. Citizen Corps

118 Main Street, Wellsboro, PA 16901

NCVOAD Rep. - John Biscoe Phone - 570-723-7772

Email -

We provide CERT training, Senior Citizen Evacuation Training, CART, and File of Life information.

Volunteers, Animals

Union County

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

166 Zimmie Lane, Millmont, PA 17845

NCVOAD Rep. - Sarah Hershberger Phone - 570-922-1929

Email –

We seek to minister holistically to the unmet needs of those affected by a major domestic disaster by providing spiritual and emotional care; and long-term recovery.

Donald Heiter Community Center

100 N. Fifth Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837

NCVOAD Rep. - Andrea Tufo Phone - 570-524-5000

Email -

Volunteers, Shelter

International Technical Electric and Construction (I-TEC)

23 Green Hollow Road, Montoursville, PA 17754

NCVOAD Rep. - Thomas Garber Phone - 570-433-0777

Email -

To date, we have primarily served the hurricane victims of Katrina and Rita and the flood victims in Missouri. It is our desire to provide the same type of service to the counties served by NCVOAD.

Northeast PA Baptist Association

c/o First Southern Baptist Church, 89 Kimble Hill Road, Williamsport, PA 17701

NCVOAD Rep. - Kenton Hunt Phone - 570-327-9243

Email -

The Northeast PA Baptist Association is a cooperative fellowship of Southern Baptist churches in Northeast PA. Together, these churches have created a Chain Saw/Mud Out unit which is currently housed in Williamsport. Our unit and our 120 trained volunteers are part of the disaster relief network called Southern Baptist Disaster Relief (SBCDR). SBCDR is a ministry of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. NEPBADR is ready and able to respond to disasters locally and nationally. If the local need exceeds our ability, we are able to call upon our state and national partners for assistance. The SBCDR fleet includes about 800 mobile units (feeding, chainsaw, mud-out, command, communication, child care, shower, laundry, water purification), and more than 50,000 trained volunteers, including chaplains.

Food, Volunteers, Elder/Child Care, Cleanup

Salvation Army - Tioga Co.

239 St. James Street, Mansfield, PA 16933

NCVOAD Rep. - Brian Hershey Phone - 570-662-3979

Email -

Food, Clothing, Counseling, Shelter, Cleanup, Missing Person, Prescriptions

Union County (cont.)

Union County American Red Cross

249 Farley Circle, Lewisburg, PA 17837

NCVOAD Rep. - Annie Smith Phone - 570-524-0400

Email -

The Union County Chapter of the American Red Cross provides immediate emergency disaster relief. Services include: clothing and shelter, client casework, mental health and health services. All service is free and is provided on site or at service centers set up close to the disaster site. The American Red Cross is a not for profit organization and uses volunteers as well as paid staff to provide service.

Clothing, Volunteers, Counseling, Shelter, Medical, Prescriptions


Allegheny Highlands CISM…………………………………………………………………………………..


American Legion Post 192…………………………………………………………………………………...


American Rescue Workers…………………………………………………………………………………..


Bradford/Sullivan Co. Red Cross……………………………………………………………………………


Bradford/Tioga Housing Authorities…………………………………………………………………………


Campbell Street Community Center………………………………………………………………………..


Catholic Social Services……………………………………………………………………………………..


Christian Community Services Council…………………………………………………………………….


Clinton/Centre Farm Services……………………………………………………………………………….


Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries…………………………………………………………………………..


Donald Heiter Community Center…………………………………………………………………………...


Endless Mountains Transportation Authority………………………………………………………………


Gale Hose Company………………………………………………………………………………………….


Headwaters Amateur Radio Club…………………………………………………………………………...


International Technical Electric and Construction…………………………………………………………


Kiwanis Club of Williamsport………………………………………………………………………………...


Linkage Lycoming…………………………………………………………………………………………….


Little League International……………………………………………………………………………………


Lycoming/Clinton Co. MH/MR……………………………………………………………………………….


Lycoming Co. Housing Authority…………………………………………………………………………….


Lycoming Co. United Way……………………………………………………………………………………


Mansfield Area Food Pantry…………………………………………………………………………………


McKean/Potter Co. Red Cross………………………………………………………………………………


Mountain Serve Center……………………………………………………………………………………….


North Central PA Red Cross…………………………………………………………………………………


Northeast PA Baptist Association…………………………………………………………………………...


Pennsylvania SPCA…………………………………………………………………………………………..


PSU Cooperative Extension - Lycoming Co……………………………………………………………….


PSU Cooperative Extension - Sullivan Co…………………………………………………………………


Salvation Army - Clinton Co………………………………………………………………………………….


Salvation Army - Lycoming Co………………………………………………………………………………


Salvation Army - Tioga Co…………………………………………………………………………………...


Shepherd of the Streets………………………………………………………………………………………


STEP, Inc. Transportation……………………………………………………………………………………


Sullivan Trail Red Cross……………………………………………………………………………………...


Susquehanna Transit…………………………………………………………………………………………


The Bridge of Penn-York Valley Churches…………………………………………………………………


Tioga Co. CISM……………………………………………………………………………………………….


Tioga Co. Citizen Corps……………………………………………………………………………………...


Tri-Town Vol. Fire Dept………………………………………………………………………………………


Union County American Red Cross…………………………………………………………………………


United Churches of Lycoming County………………………………………………………………………


Valley Kiwanis…………………………………………………………………………………………………


West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission………………………………………………………


Williamsport District UMC Core Leadership Team………………………………………………………..




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