7.3Recommendations for data requirements
It has previously been established that low-dose irradiation does not alter macronutrient or mineral composition of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, future applications for permission to irradiate fruits and vegetables with ≤1 kGy should not require data on macronutrients or minerals.
Furthermore, it is only vitamins A, C, E and thiamin that show high sensitivity to irradiation. Overall, the literature reviewed here does not report any systematic losses of vitamin C or carotene in fruits and vegetables irradiated with ≤1 kGy. The literature consistently reports no loss of carotenes following phytosanitary irradiation. Therefore, it should not be necessary to further assess the effects of irradiation on carotenes in applications to irradiate fruits and vegetables with ≤1 kGy. However, data should be provided if the irradiation dose exceeds 1 kGy.
Fruits and vegetables are not major contributors to vitamin E or thiamin and data should only be provided for these nutrients in the small range of fruits and vegetables that contain important levels.
The data on vitamin C in its entirety indicates relative stability in fruits and vegetables undergoing irradiation. However, the losses reported by some studies indicate data on vitamin C should be included in applications to irradiate fruit and vegetables, particularly given fruits and vegetables are a major dietary source of vitamin C. For vitamin C data to be interpretable, it is recommended that measurement of total vitamin C be the minimum requirement, but it is preferable to have data on both AA and DHAA. In addition, given the influence of cultivar on vitamin C stability, any data provided should be generated on the appropriate cultivars.
Less data are available for the effects of irradiation on non-vitamin bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols and the carotenoids without vitamin A activity. Compared to the micronutrients, less is known about how these compounds contribute to human health and the levels of intake that are required and/or beneficial. This would be of relevance to fruits and vegetables which have high levels of these compounds, for example anthocyanins in blueberries. It is therefore suggested that data be provided for these compounds where appropriate.
To obtain meaningful data on the effects of phytosanitary doses of irradiation of fruits and vegetables, studies should include analysis of:
non-irradiated controls
relevant irradiation doses (for example ranging from 0.15 to 1.0 kGy)
post-irradiation storage of control and irradiated commodities
use of the cultivar(s) that will undergo phytosanitary irradiation.
This will enable appropriate conclusions to be drawn about the impact of irradiation on the nutrient composition of fruits and vegetables as supplied in Australia and New Zealand.
More extensive data may be required under certain circumstances. For example, fruits or vegetables that have atypical compositions may require a case-by-case consideration of the data required for a comprehensive nutrition assessment. Similarly, the data requirements for applications to use higher doses of irradiation, or irradiation for a different technological purpose, may vary and should be considered if such an application arises.
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Appendix 1
Natural variation of carotene and vitamin C in fruit and vegetables and contribution to dietary intake
Appendix 2
Search strategies
Appendix 3
Dietary sources of vitamin C
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