The JCT-VC did not send or receive formal liaison communications at this meeting.
1.12Opening remarks
The status of HEVC in ISO/IEC and ITU-T was noted. The FDIS 23008-2 had been submitted for ballot in ISO/IEC. In ITU-T, the text was submitted for Consent and approved as Rec. H.265 on 2013-04-13.
The HEVC conformance testing and reference software specification had been submitted as ISO/IEC CD 23008-5. The ballot closing date is 2013-07-14.
The range extensions draft 2 had been submitted as ISO/IEC 23008-2/PDAM1. The ballot closing date is 2013-07-07.
It was noted that in the most-recently-established voting process in ISO/IEC, a "No" vote at the DIS / DAM ballot stage has a different status than it previously did for the DIS / DAM ballot stage. WG 11 NBs should make sure to be aware of the implications of their votes, and may wish to consider voting "Yes with comments" in some circumstances in which they would might previously have been inclined to vote "No with comments".
Goals: Progress of work on extensions, conformance & reference software (Study of),The goals of the meeting were reviewed.
It was noted that plans for verification testing of HEVC version 1 should be established.?
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