səhifə | 17/249 | tarix | 05.01.2022 | ölçüsü | 1,66 Mb. | | #63707 |
| LM: Linear model.
LP or LDP: Low-delay P – the variant of the LD conditions that uses P frames.
LUT: Look-up table.
LTRP: Long-term reference pictures
MANE: Media-aware network elements.
MC: Motion compensation.
MPEG: Moving picture experts group (WG 11, the parent body working group in ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29, one of the two parent bodies of the JCT-VC).
MV: Motion vector.
NAL: Network abstraction layer (as in AVC).
NB: National body (usually used in reference to NBs of the WG 11 parent body).
NSQT: Non-square quadtree.
NUH: NAL unit header.
NUT: NAL unit type (as in AVC).
OBMC: Overlapped block motion compensation.
PCP: Parallelization of context processing.
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