JCTVC-M0450 Joint BoG Report of the joint BoG on high-level syntax [Y.-K. Wang, J. Boyce (BoG coordinators)]
See section 6.4.1.Reported Thurs 25th 1230.
Large BoG report – review notes to be added.
JCTVC-M0455 BoG Report on SHVC complexity assessment [E. Alshina, E. François (BoG coordinators)]
In review of the BoG status on Tues a.m., the BoG recommended the following:
To continue AhG17 activity, including the worst case and average complexity evaluation. Need to continue measurement for both memory band-width and computations.
To report data relative to single layer decoder (on EL resolution).
In the case of several possible designs within the same basic architecture variation (i.e. different possible designs within pictures-based processing or within block-based operations), it is suggested to assume the optimal (lowest complexity) implementation for the worst case evaluation. (This may include pointer referencing rather than copying.)
To continue to consider both picture-based and block-based operation (e.g. for upsampling).
To include memory bandwidth measurement for reconstructed signal writing, MV mapping process and reading-writing during picture-based resampling.
Use spatial scalability ratio 1.5 for the worst case complexity evaluation (unless it will be decided that SHVC shall support arbitrary scalability ratios).
Complexity evaluation spreadsheet and s/w module will be released in several versions. Anchor is the same for both but “test” part will contain example of tool in each SCE category. AhG will prepare “anchor” part. SCE coordinators are mandated to take responsibility for “examples” preparation.
Issues #2 and #3 needs clarification before complexity evaluation methodology can be finalized (for “SNR” case).
Consider collocated BL picture as an additional reference frame (compare to single layer decoder).
Interpretation of average complexity data (relation with power consumption) to be studied in AhG.
It was noted that the analysis spreadsheet does not address latency issues (e.g. the latency of whole-picture versus block-based upsampling operation).
The BoG recommendations were adopted; further refinement as needed will be done as AHG / CE activity, with the provided spreadsheet for worst-case memory bandwidth calcuation to be used as the starting basis.
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