giving weight to the context including the nature and object
construe clause contra proferentemin case of ambiguity (state regardless of application)
Broker undertook some transactions with longer exposure than authorised. Losses.
Cl 1, exemption: “Agent not responsible for any loss resulting from advise or trading on clients behalf”. Deliberately disregarded instructions to make bigger profit. Clause did not cover dealing
cl 2, limitation: “liabilityin connection with relationship established shall not in any eventexceed one hundred dollars." Clause effective: Unauthorised action still in connection with relationship
Ailsa Craig v Malvern: less strict approach for limitations (England), but varying strictness not possible?
2. Secondary “rules” of interpretation (still relevant caution if involving a strained interpretation) (mention all even if only to discount)
2.1 ‘fundamental breach’
Karsales v. Wallis [1956] WLR: L Denning: no matter how wide the clause, it only applies when carrying out contract, not when guilty of breach going to root
Photo Production v. Securicor [1980] AC: rejected – question of construction.
2.2 Negligence
TNT v May & Baker (1966) [HC]: Delivery agreement, depot closed, kept goods at own house over night, destroyed in fire. rejected “fundamental breach”. Question of construction. The more serious a breach the less likely general words are intended to exclude it.
Cl9 TNT can carry by any method. Cl 6 ‘no responsibility for any reason whatsoever’
Protection of clause exists only when B is performing contract (cf darlington).
Nisho Iwai v. Malaysian International Shipping (1989) [HC]: Container of prawns Malaysia –Sydney. Stolen after discharge and after placed in stack by stevedores employed by carrier. Bill of Lading clause: In effect, no liability. Cl.1 for any cause “Carrier” could not prevent by reasonable diligence, Cl.2 after delivery or when goods made available to merchant
Followed Darlington: 1) could apply to non-delivery, 2) couldn't. Mere discharge was not delivery.
Antwerpen [1993] NSWCA: Container terminal allows thieves to collect whisky without bill of lading. restriction of liability in general terms wouldn’t cover deliberate breach but clear wording would?
2.4 Contra Proferentem (leads to courts making longer clauses just in case)
TNT v May: Construe ambiguities against proferens (person relying on clause)
Wallis Son & Wellsv.Pratt & Haynes [1911] AC: S gives no “warranty,