44: Cr~h~~-(1) In every ~~tablishment where 20 or more workmen are ordiliarily e~pl?yed as migrant workmen and in which. employment of migrant workmen is likely t()"ccintinue for three months or more, the contractor shall provide and maintaintwo,!"ooms of reasonable dimensions for the use of their children under the age of six years, within,fifteen ,days of the coming into,force of tlte rules, 'incase of existing establishment, and within fifteen days of the commencement of the employ
mentof not ,less than twenty women
workmen in new establismnents.
(2)' One of such
shall be used
room for'the children and the other as bedroom for the children.
(3) If the contractor fails to provide the creche within the time laid down, the same shall be provided by'the Principal Employer Within fifteen days of the expiry of the time allowed to the Contractor.
(4) The contractor or the principal employer as the case'may be, shall supply adequate number of toys and games in the play rooms and sufficient number of cots and beddings in thesleepin~ room.
(5) The creche~hanbesQco:nstructed as to affordadequateprot~ction ag;unst:h~at,.datnp, \Vind. rain::tndshall have smootll, hard and iIiipervious floor surrace. . . ' ,
(6)' The creche·shallbeat acoD.venientdistance from ·the establishment and shall have adequate suPPly of w401esome drinking water. '
(7) .Effective and suitableprovisions shall be made in every room of the creche for securing and maintaining adequate ventilation by circulation of fresh air and there shall also be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable natural or artificial lighting.
45. Residential accommodation. -(1) The contractor shall· provide to every migrant workman:
(i) in case he is accompanied by any other member of his family a suitable barrack so
.as to accommodate one room having at least a floor area of 10 square metres, a verandah and adequate additional covered space for cooking food as iwell as. one common sanitary latrine, one common bathroom for every' three such quarte·rs; and
(ti) in case he is unaccompanied by any other member of his family a suitable barrack so as to accommodate not mOore than ten such migrant workmen, havillg at least a floor area of not less thaJl6.5 square metres for each suchmigr~nt workman making use of the barrack, a vel'andahand
. .adequate additional covered sPace for cooking' food as well, as one' coihfuon sanitary latrine and one common bathroom for every ten such m.igrant· workmen;
within fifteen days of coming into force of the :nl1es in the case of the existing establishments Withi,rl fifteen days of the commencement of the
ment of migrant workmen in new <;:·;:;;.'I,
(2) Every quarter and the barrack constructed· as to afford ~dequate tection againsthea;t, wiJd; rain and smooth, hard and imperviQus floor st!rface" (3) The quarters or theparracks, as the may be, ,shaU'be at a convenie~t distance from establishment and shall halve .adequate of
wholesome drinking water.
(4) The area in which ' .. the quarters barracks are l~ated as ~~l as the l~trines bathrooms prOVIded therelll~ shall be kept a sanitary condition at all tHnes.
(5) If the amenities re:ll'erred to in .are n()t provided by the co*ractor within prescribed, the principal eii1ployer shall same within a period of fifteen days of the period laid down in the said su.b~rule.
(6) If there is any dispute or disagreement regarding suitability or adequa;cy of provision of any of the amenities referred to in sub-rules to (4) the same shall be' decided by Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Centra;l) whose decision shall be final. 46. Liability of the principal employer in ce:rtai.n cases. -If any allowance required to be paid under section 14 or section 15 to a migrant workman employed in an establishment to which this Act applies is not paid by the contractor or if any facility specified in section 16 is not provided for the benefit of such migrant workman, such allowance shall be
. paid, or, as the case may be, the facility shall be provided, by the principal employer within fifteen days of the expiry of the time allowed to the contractor under the rules except where otherwise provided for in the relevant rules.
Provided that in case of ailment requiring urgent medical attention or hospitalisation as the case may be, the principal employer shall provide the same immediately on the failure of the contractor to do so.
47. Relaxation in certain cases. -If the contractor or, principal employer, as the case may be, has already provided any facility relating to supply of wholesome drinking water or rest-rooms or latrines and urinals or washing, canteen or creche or first aid is required under any Act applicable to the establishment and the same is adequate and also available for use for the migrant workmen. that facility, shall be deemed to be provided for under these rules.
Registers and Records -Col.lection of Statistics
48~ ,Regis~rs. of contractors. -Every principal employersha:llmaiiltain.in respect of each registered establishnieni l't. register of contractors in ForIn. XII.
·4~..~gis~r. of persons employed. -Every principal employer and contractor shall maintain: in:' res $ERIES I
pect of e~h establis~ent. where. he employs migrant workm8Jl . a regIster ill form XllI.
50. Service certificate. -On termination ~f employment for any reason whatsoever the contractor shall'issue to the migrant workman whose services ha~ been terminated a service certificate in
(1) Every contractor shall maintain displacem~nt-cum-outward journey allowances sheet as reqUIred under sub-rule (2) of rule 30 in form XV and return journey' allowance register as required under sub-rule '(3) of rule 30 in form XVI.
(2) Entries in the sheet and the register required to be maintained under sub-rule (1) shall be authen-: ticated by the contractor or his duly authorised representative. 52. Musi;er roll, wages register, deductions register and overtime register. -(1) In·· reSpect of establishments which are governed by the,payment of Wages Act, 1936 and the rules made thereunder or the Minimum,Wages Act, 1948, and the rules made thereunder, or Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the rules made thereunder, the following registers and records required tb 'be maintained by' the contractor as employer under those Acts and the Rules shaUbe doomed to be re': gistersand:records to be maiiltained by the contractor' under these Rules.
(a) muster roll; (b)' register of wages;
(c) register of deductions;
(d) register of fines;
(e) register of overtime;
(f) register of advances.
(2) In respect of establishment not covered by any of the Acts or the rules referred to in sub-rule (1), the following provisions shall apply, namely:
(a) Every contractor shall maintain a Muster Roll register and a Register of wages in Form ·XVII 'and Form XVIII respectively;
(b) Signature or thumb impression of every migrant workman on the register of wages shall be obtained and entries therein shall be authen _ti9ated by. the, signature of the contractor or his. authorised representative, and duly cettified by the authorised repres~ntative of the' principal
.employ~ras required by rule 35;
(c) Register of deduction, register of·fines and register of. advance-oRegister of deductions for damage or loss, register of fines and register of advances.. shall be maintained' by every contractor in Forms XIX, XX and XXI respectively;
(d) Every contractor shall maintain register of overtime in Form XXII.
(3) Notwithstanding anything cohtained in thes~ rules where a combined or alternative form is sought to be ill!ed~for,th~ contractorto.ay~d duplication Of .work for. compliance with the provisio~s .of,any other Act or the rules framed thereunder or any other laws or r~gulations or in .cases where -mechanised pay rolls are introduced for better administra , .
tion" alternative sllitable fOrlJl or forms in 8Jlyofj:he forms prescri~~der these rules,be used with"Ule p:rreyiollsaijproval of the ,,_.......,".. Chief Labour Commissioner (~ntral)
53. Maintenance and pl'eseryati()n of registers,
(1) All registers alid other ~ords re . ed to be maintained under the Act and rules, . 1 be tainedcomplete·and up to dateand unles~ otherWise provided for, shall be. kept at ap'l office or the convenient building within the precincts of the place or at a place, if any, specified by the .LUi"IJ~"4 on the specific request made by the this behalf.
(2) All the registers shall be maintained --".,---.r English or Hindi.
(3) All the registers and other records shall preserved in original for a period of three calendar years from the date of last entry made therein. . (4) All the registers, records and notices tained tinder the Act or rules shall be produced demand before the Inspector or'Deputy Chief Labour Commisaioo.er (Central) or any other under the Act odmy person authorised in that bythe Central Government.
(5) Where no deduction or fine has been qr no overtime has been worked during any period, a 'NIL' entry shall be n;i~de across the ofthe register at theend ofeve'ty,wage period cating also in precise terms the Wage period to which the 'NIL'entry relatesih' the respective registers 'maintained in Forms XIX and XX and XXI respectively.
, 54. Display of an abstract of the Act and the RUles. -Every contractor shall display an abstract of the Act and the rules in English and Hindi and in the language spoken by majority of migrant workmen in such form as may be approved by the Deputy Chie~Labour Commissioner (Central).
55. Notices. -(1) (i) Notices showing the rates of wages, hours of work, wage periods, dates of payment of wages, names and addresses of the Inspectors having jurisdiction, and date of payment of unpaid wages, shall be displayed in English and in Hindi and in the local language understood by the majority of the workers in conspicuous places at the establishment and the work-site by the principal employer or the contractor, as the case may be.
(ii) The notices shall be correctly maintained in a clean and legible condition.
, (2) A copy of the notice shall be sent to the Inspector and whenever any changes occur, the same shall be communicated to' him forthwith.
56. Periodical returns. -(1) Every contractor shall seJt.d halfyearIy' return in FOrm XXIII (in duplicate) so as to reach the licensing officer concerned not later than thirty days from the close of the half year.
Note. -Half year for the purpose of this rule means "a period of six months commencing from 1st January and in July every year".
, ,(2) Every principal employer of a registered establishment shall send annually a return in Form XXIV (in duplicate) so as to reach the registering 2~S,£~,:f1f!(i:V§T) 1980 (SRAVANA 30) 1902)
officer~J¢9ncarned not later than the 15th lfehnIary folloWing the end of the year to which it relates.
57:(1) The Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Centl,'l:l,ll or. the Inspector or any other authority und~Ji:theAct shall have pow~rs to call for any inform~tion or statistics in relation to migrant workmen from any contractor or principal employer at any time by an order in writing.
(2). Any person .called upon to furnish the informationunder sub-rule (1) shall 'be legally bound to do so. .
L6"gal aid to migrant workman
58..~gal aid. -On receipt of a. 'written application from ;migrant workman orin the event of his death, from next of his kin for providing legal aid, in relation to any proceedings before the Authority unde~Section 15 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 or Authority under Section 20 of the,Minimum Wages Act, +94&,or appropriate Labour Court under. Section 33C(2) of thtl Industrial Disputes Act, '1947 or Commissioner for workmen's compensation under the Wor~eIfS' Compensation Act, 1923, in which the inigr::tJ;l-t;)vorkInan or his legal heir is a party, the specifiedaut'hority concerned, if he is satisfied, may with the pri6r approval of the Deputy Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) engage an advocate to contract. the relevant proceedings on behalf of the migrant workman or'his legal heir as the case may be ancillleet all legal expenses in this regard.
[See rule 3(1)1
Application for registration of establisbments emploYing Migrant workmen
1. Name and location of the establishment.
2. Postal address of the establishment.
3. Full name and address of the princIpal employer (furnish father's/husband's name in the case of individuals). 4, Names and addresses of the directors/particular partners (in case of companies and ;firm!:!).
5. Full name and, address of the Manager or person responsible ;for the Supervision and control of the establishment.
6.. Nature, of work carried on in the establishment.
7. Particulars of contractors ,and migrant workmen.
(a) Names and addresses of Contractors.
(b) Nature of wor~ for which migrant workmen are to be recruited or'are employed, (c) Maximumn~ber of migrant workmen to be employed on any day through each contractor.
(d) EStablishment date and commencement of work under each Contractor.
(e) Estimated date of termination of employment of migrant workmen under each contraCtor. 8, Particulars of crossed demand draft Coo Name Of the Bank, Amount, Number and Date);
I hereby !leclate that the particulats given above are true to the~stof my knowledge and belief.
Principal Employer
seal and Stamp
Office Of the Registering Officer
Date of receipt. of application
[See rule 4(1)]
Certific.'lte of registration
Office of the registering officer
A certificate of registration containing the culars is hereby granted undet;, clause (a)pf' of section 4 of the Inter-State 1\figrant Workmen of .Employment and Conditior1s of Service)
the rules made thereunder to ...
1. Nature of work cari'ied on in the establishment.
2., Names and addresses of contractors.
Nature of work for which migrant to be employed Or are empl?yed.
Maximum number of migrant workmen em· ployed on any day through each contractor".
Other particulars relevant to the employm\out Inig grant workmen.
(ii) Signature of ~'C'5"'~""U.'h Officer
[See rule 4(2)]
Register of Establisiunents
Type of bUSiness,
("ade, indus-1i'Ia:'{immn
Name ,and Name of
try manu_ No.ofmi
Registraaddress of the Prinfacture or grant work.
Sl. No. tion No. the esta_, cipal Emoccupation, men direcand date blashment ployer and which is tly employed
registered hiS address carried on on any day,
the establishment
1 2
3 4 5
Partieulars of Contractor and inter-State Migrant' Workmen
Nature of
work for Maximum No.
Name and address of contractor
which mi_ of migrant Probable dugrant wo.rk-workmen em-ration of emmen are to ployed on any ployment of be recruited day through migrant
or are em
a contractor
8 9 10
FORM IV [See rule 7(1)] Application for Licence for recruitment
Name and addresses of the contractor (including his Father's/Husband's name in case of individuals).
Date of birth and age (in case. of individuals).
Particulars of establishment where migrant workmen
are to 'be employed.
(a) Name
of. the
(b) Type
of business,
industry, manufactl,lI'e
occupation, wpich is carried on in the establishment;
(c) NUinber and date of certificate of registration of the establishmeI:1t under the Act;
(d) Name and address of the principal employer. 4. Particulars of migrant workmen.
(a) Nature of work in which migrant workmen are contractor at the work site;
(b) D,uration of the proposed contract,work (give particulars of proposed date of commencing and ending).
(c) Name and address of the agent or 'manager of the contractor at the work site;
(d) Maxinium number of migrant workmen proposed to be employed in the establish.rllent on any date; (~) ,Names and addresses of the directors/partners (in ca!3e of companies and firms).
Names and address(s) of the person(s) in-charge of and responsible to the company/firm for the conduct of the business of the company/firm, as the case txiay be.
Whethertlie contractor/ was convicted of any offence ~thin the pr~eding five years. If so, give details.
Whether there was any order against the contractor revoking or suspending licence or forfeiting security deposits in respect of an earlier contract. If, so, the date of such order.
Whether, the contractor has worked in any other establis1llnent within the past five years. If so, give details of the principal employer, establishment, and nature of work.
Whether a certificate by the principal employer in Form V is enclosed.
Amount of licence fee paid -No. of crossed demand draft and date.
Amount of security deposit, if any.
Declaration -I hereby declare that the details given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Place ... Signature of the Applicant Date .. , (Contractor)
. Note: The application should.J:>e Mcompanied by a crossed demand dr8.ft 'showing the' payment of the prescribed licence fee and secuIity deposit, if any and a certificate in Form V from the Principal Employer.
(To be filled in the office of the Licensing Officer)
Date of receipt of the application with crossed demand draft for fees.
Signature,of the Licensing Officer
FORM V [See rule 7(2)]
Application for'Licence for employment
Name and address of the contractor (including his Father's/Husband's name in case of individuals).
Date of birth and age (in case of individuals).
Particulars of establishment where migrant workmen are to be employed.
(a) Name and address of the establishment;
(b) Type of business, trade, industry, manufacture or occupation, which is carried on in the establishment;
(c) Number and date of certificate of registration of the establishment under the Act;
(d) Name and address of the principal employer. 4. Pl'j.rtlcuUi.rs".of' migrant workmen.
,'ca) NatU:rebf,work in whi~hmigrant workmen are 'eh'lployed or are to be empioye-d in the establishment.
(b) Duration of the proposed contract work culars of proposed date of commencing
(c) Name and address of the agent or manager contractor at the work site; (d) Maximum nu:mber of migl:ant workmen "~''''''''''','n be employed in the estabfishmenton any
(e) Names and addresses of the directors/partners case of companies and firlYls}.
(f) Names and address(s) of the person(s) in-charg0 of· and responsible to the company/fit'mfor thE) con, duct of the business of the company/firm, thE case may be.
Whether the contractor was eonvieted of any within the preceding five years. If so, give details.
Whether there was any order against the revoking or suspending licence or forfeiting seeurity in respect of an earlier contract. If'so, the date of such
Whether the contractor has worked in any other
blishment within the past five yea;rs. If so, give details 9 the principal' employer, establishment, and nature of
Whether a certificate by the principal employe1 Form V is enclosed.
Amount of licence fee paid --No. of crossed draft and date.
,Amount of security deposit, if any.
Declaration -I hereby declare that the details above are correct to the best of my knowledge and
Place .. . Signature of the Applicanl Date .. . (Contractor)
Note: The application should be accompanied by a erossed demand draft showing the payment of the prescribed fee and security deposit, if any and a certificate in Form VI from the principal employer.
(To be filled in the office of the Licensing Officer)
Date draft for fees.
application Signature of
with the
crossed Licensing Officer
FORM VI [See rule 7(3)]
Form of certificate by principal employer
Certified that I have engaged the applicant (name of the contractors) as a contractor in my establishment. I undertake to be bound by all the prOvisions of the Inter-State Migra.."1t workmen (Regulation of EmploymeI:1t and Conditions of Service) Act, 1979 and the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980 in so far as the provisions are applicable to in respect of the employment of migrant workman by the applicant in my establishment.
Place .. . Signature' of prinCipal employer Date .. . Name and address of Establishment.
[See rule 10(2)]
Application for adjustment of Security Deposit
Whether the
'~Name and No. and date of Date of expiry previous licence address:. of the application for of previous of the contractor Contractor fresh licence licence was suspended