Official gazette

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.Pana.ji, 24th June) 1985. -The Colcc~or, S. Si.,nha.


Power, Supply and Welfare Departmenl


No. 11/7/84-LAYVD-CemEmt

In exercise of the powers by clause, 10 of Cement Control' "Order, 1967 the Lt. Governor" of Goa, and Diu hereby directs that no cement dealers shall sell Ic'V'Y .ce­ment received from Shri Digvijay Cement Co. Ltd., Sikka faetory, by r6ad lin Diu, whether wholesale' or· retail at a :rate exceeding th~ maximum price shown in the sche,dule appended to this Order from 1-4-85 exclusive of local taxes.


S1; NC!.


of the Zone


\\'ho!<:· . sa.10 pticCo p~:r 1\i::' Rs

T1ctait p:rice p(!r bap: of 50 Kf; Ug.


. Diu


1038-68 55-05 -------

By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman an4 Diu.

Panaji, 17th June, 1985.,-A. V.,P.imenf'a,·Under Sectets.l'Y ·(PS&WD)•.


Toul'ism, Infol'mation and Transport Department

Db·ector~te of Transport

Public Notice '111e following applications have been received for grant of stage' C4.rriage pcr:mits to ope-;:ate bus/minibus on t.he following routes in response to the public notic_e-of this office pnbI!.s!1cd in local ncwspope~·s.

St·. Dl-lte of 2'\0. ,:cceipl

NUillO -and' address of the applicant

  1. 5-3-85

  2. 15-3·-85

  1. 5-3-85

  2. 12-3-85

3. 15~~j-85

  1. 7-3-85.

  2. 12'3-85

  3. 13-3-S5

1. 12-3-85


Piligao to Pana.ji' vi{/. Saptakotesh1.patr te1nple and vice ve:r~a,. (1 bus)

Shrt Premanand S. Panajikar, Fodval, .4..ldona, Bardez, Goa. Shri Francisco X. Ribeiro, St: E:ste'lam, TIhas Goa.

Poi-to., to Panaji and.vice versa (1 bus)

Sl1ri Pre-manand S. P.anajiJ,rrr.r, Podva!, Aldona, Bardez, Goa~ Managing Director, Kadam"ba Tra:asport Corpora.tion Ltd.: Pailaji~Goa.

Shr-j Francisco D. Ribeiro, St. Ei:'tevam, Ilhas, Goa.'m. to il! and vice versa (1 .bus/Microb-1!-s)

Shri Ramakant S. Fadte, Mokharni waqa, Revoda, Bal'dez, Goa. Venkatesh Y. Choclanker, PIma, Bardez;.

Shl'i Ahmed Baig, :Muslim waaa, Bicholim, Goa.

Baimol'Od to l/Iurgao and vwe ver8CL" (1 microbus) 8hri Laurence Fernandes, Villa J:c'ormosa, Chandor, Goi;:j,.

Rasaim to MargWJ 1)i«( CanwTU-1lt-Ambora and vice versa (1 , ,Micro/J!JI/bus) . .

Shli John Fernades, Arlem Raia, Salcete'i

Bedford, GDT 2351 j-\shok "Leyland GDT 2155

Bedford GDT 2351 Tata/Leyland 1982-83 model' Ashok Leyland GDT 2155

Tata 807GDS 2182 Ashok I..eyland model

1978 GDS 1746

GDS 2144 Tata 807

Matador 305 GDZ 264:3

Model 1985 New vellic'le


!'-!r. ;);,H' {,f \.

Xnme and addrC;';$ {,r the z,r. V. No.

No. rcc

Gavane to Pc.nd.a "Jia HGlkonwm, Sancordclit and vice 'Ucn;a. (1 llfiCrobus) ,

  1. 26-2-85 8hrl Pramed G. Joshtr, GavDnc-Bhironda, Saturi-Goo. GDS 2215

  2. 14-3-85 Shct Narayan L. Shet, DurbhG..t. Ponda. S()7/36·

SimluCJ'·i1a-Yclgucm-Pale via B'ichoUm, SCltnquol·im and 't-tce versa (J lUicrob1Js)

  1. 8-3-85 S11.1'i UJhas R. Gaonker, Haturli. lto-!ayem. Bicholim, Goa. GDS 2223 Tata 1985 model

  2. 12-3,85 Shl'i Shallt A. Rehman, Kar-apur, Sanquelim, H. No. ,180, Goa. GDS 2207 Medel 191;4

Klwndola Ferry to Panaji mld vice V6?'Sa (.t llii.cJ'obus):.

  1. 8-3-85 Shri Ap...ant Raika1", Cun1.barjtm, Ilhas, 'Go.:'l. GDS 22001984 n:lOde!

  2. 15-3-85 Shti Shai}{ Khutboddin, Boma, Ponda, Goa. New. ,,~emcle K !p-3-85 Shri Narendra H. Naik, .Amona-Goa. New microhus

Cal-«ng'lfrte beach to Mapusa via A?"a1'im. Saligao, Sangouw."> Barroswadv..., Morod (West) Owl.Tint church, Guirim._ cross and vice versa (1lYli<..'?'o!ms):

1. 1-::;'-85 Shri Vishwanath A, Bondne Naikavladdo, H. No. 2/155, Calan,;utc, .Bal'dc. GDS 2080


  1. 12-3-85 Shri Dattaraul R. Pednekal', Parra; Bal'dC-Z, rI, No. 75, Goa. GDS 2212

  2. 13-3-85 S-lui Anthony Martins, Saleswaddo, Pan'a, Bardez,-Goa. Tata type LPW 8()7/36

1. 15-8-35 Sbri Molmohar G. Vaingon.1tar, Arpora, Bardez, Goa. GDS 19211984 mode!

5. l5-3-R5 Shri Joseph D'Cruz, Assonol'a, Bardez. New microhus

llil-a de Rachal to M(I.:'ga-o and v-ice vel'sa (1 llfinHn~8):

  1. 11-0-85 Shri Cajitan Olive-ira, Ilha de Rachal, Salceto, Goa. GDR 5710 1985 rnodd

  2. 15-3-85 Shli Guile-mer Ollven-a, l111a de Rachol, Salcete. 1¥, GDS 1790

Aro81:dan-ilia.rgaQ-Co,}/-8anU1n cmd v-iC6 ven.-a (1 Min-iblls):

1. 5-3-85 .Slbli Camilo Perejra, Majorda, S~lcetc. Tata LP 1210E/32 '1M?


GDZ 2575

II. Applications have been received for grant of renewal of stage carnage permits to operate on the-folloWing routes·







Dale of receipt 12-9-83 17-10-8i

5-3-85 12-3-85 17-1(}-84

14-3-85 18-10-84



15-3-85 2(}-10-84


1-12~S<.l of oxpiry




5-3-85 13-3-85




Nmron a!ld address of the nppUcunt M. V. No.

Laxnti N. Parsekar,-Oxel, Siolim, Bardez, Goa. SioUm to Mapusa and vIce versa (Renewal of GDPSTj828/81). Smt. Kishori D. Dalal, Near Police statiG.n, Kepem-Goa. Curchorem , to Milrgao und back extended upto Sanguem (Renewal of GDPS'f/ /909/82).

Al)plications 1'eccit~ea in 1'e-8pon86 to public notice.on Onrchorcm to }J1argao and bade extetuled upto Sangue1n.

Slui M::Dmbalesilwar S. Salekar, H. No. 13, V\.'ard Nc. 2, Bmnailsai-.


Managing-Director, KQ.d2.lIloa Transpcrt COI'lJo!'.ation Ltd., Pana}~-' -Goa,

Shri Kashinath R. Nai1{, H. No. E-139, :Maddic~ttta, CuncoH.m, Salcete Goa. Cuncolim to Margao upto Fatorpa, Adnem, Ve­roda .& back (Renewal of GDPST/910/82).

Avplicatw·nB: rccc'ived in "esponse to, public notIce on C1tncolhi~. to lJarga·o ~,pto Fatorpa, Adnem) VC'l'(Jcla back.

M/s. Valliunt S. Talauliker & sons eunCQlim, Sulcete, G

M/s. Joyce Transport, Merces,'I!has Goo.. Panaji. to Agapur (Rene­wal of GDPST/!f14/82)_

Goa Chitrapur E?us S:crvice, Post Box No. 72, Margao-Goa. Margao to Panaji via Borim Ponda and back. (Renewal elf GDPSTI 471/71). .

,Gurudas R.. Nnik, DempC"-Mansion, Map-usa, Goa. Panaji to Chapora vi~. :Mapusa, ·'~Rene·wal of GDPST/906/82).

Applications received i1t response to public 'notiCe on Panaji. to Ohapora via lklapusa &; .back.

Shl'i 1"Ianohar J, yaingonka'l', Arporn, Bf'~rdez, Goa.

Gurudas R. Naik, Dempo Mansion; lVlapusa, Goa, P~l1aji to N.tapusa, and back (Renewal of GDPST/907/82).

Applicatio.ns received. in response to. public 1wtice o.n Panaji to Mapu,sa a.nd ba(:k.

Manohar J. Vatngonkar, SlIDwada, Arpora, Bardez, Goa.'

MIS TIha Verde Trasport, 'Tonca, l\tfarcela, Goa. Volvoi to Panaji and vice ver&>, fRe-newal of GDPST/S08/82).

GDT 2085 GDS 1805 Model lS78

New vehicle

Tata/Ley!anct 1982-83 model GDT 2159·

Leyland Chitta GDS 1789 GD1.' 2418

GOO' 2433

GOO' 2253

GDS 1921 GD'l' 2354

GDS 1921 GDS 1725

27TH JUNE, 1985 (ASADHA 6, 1907)

Sr. Date of Dato of Name and address of the applicant M. V. No.

No. receipt expiry

2. 11-12-84 2(J..5-85










13-3-85 28-12-84

8-3-85 12-3-85




-11-3-85 )5-3-85 31-12-84

15-3-85 1-1-85

1.5-3-85 1-1-85



28-4-85 29-4-85



5-5-85 17-5-85

Shalk Ismail Shalk Adalll, H. No. 96, Pajifonda, Margao Goa. lvIargao to Sanguem via Keperu, CUrchorem and back. (Renewal oJ. GDPST/256/69).

AppZica.tiO'ns receiv~d in "l'espo'nse to IJttblic Notice on Margao t~ Sangu.em via QUepem. ~ back.

Shri Mahabaleshv.'a!' S. Salelkar, H. No. 13. Ward No. ,2. Bamonsai­-8anguem-Goa.

Managing Director, Kadamba Transport Corporation Ltd., Panaj_i":'


Shalk Abdul Razak,' H. No..50, Valpo~ Satari, Goa.

Shree pamodar Motor Service P. O. Box No. 72, ¥aa'gao-Goa.· Col1amba to'Mapusa & vice versa (Renewal ~f GDPST/251/69).

Applicatimi8 received in response to pu,blic notice, oa Colomb to Maims a & vice ver:su.

Mis. santeri Bus Service, Rain Gavur, Salcete-Goa. Managing: Director, Kadamba ~"',ranspol't Co1"p{)ratioll Ltd., Panaji-

Shri Lucio S. Vaz, -H. ·No. 377, lfatorda, Marga-Goa. Shri Damodar -]'fotor Service. P. O. Box No. 72._ Margao-Goa. Rivon'& to Margao & vIce versa (Renewal of GDPST/252/t39). Arlindo D'Souza, Aldona, (Bri:n1(;z, Goa: Aldona-Mapu..:;a & back._(Renewal of GDPST/24j66).

Applica.tion.s 'received 'in rcspO'il-8e to Imblie Notice on Aldo1W ·to Ma:pU8a mKt bacrc..

Dr. Arlmdo. D'Souza, QUitla, Aldona, Bardez, Goa. Shri Shriram S. Nail;:, Kitla,' Aldona. Kitla, Aldona, B.ardez-Goa Tu..i(8)r-am N. Shtrodkar, Headland 'Sada, HarooUl', Vas.eo, Vasco­

-Harbour-Bogmalo extended upto New Vadem, (ReneWal of GDPST/923/82). .

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