Official gazette

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Applications 'i'oceivoo in -rcspmwe to pu,blic N oUce on Vasco­-H04"bou1'-Sogmalo extended 'Ie-pM New Vadem.

Dinkel' N. BllOmker, Rita Bar Raina, Vasco-da-Garna.

Gourish Transport Service, Cuncollm, Salcete. CuncoUm .to Margao, :F'atoI-Pa. extended upto Veroda, Adnem, -Khanan­guinim and bac]:;:. (Renewal of GDPST/486/71).'

Appl10atfmlB received. 1n' TCSPO'nSc to 'public N oti-cc (;1;. CuncolErn

> -to lJiM·gu.O~ Fato-rpa. ~J.:t0nded upto Vetoda, Ad1wm, Cana-. . :;mi.nim & baok.

M/s. Kashinath R. Naik, Cunoolim, Salcete, Goa. Gotirlsh 'Dr'ansport Service, Cuncolim, S8.lcete.-Ctincolirn -to 'Mat'g'8.0­~Fa.torpa extended upto Ven>da. Adnem, Canaguinim and bac.k:.· (Renewal of GDPST/487/71). Mohan S. Naik, Ibl",:r!.'apur, Pernem, Go,,,. Ibrampur to Pahaji, vfa -Sansoli, Dodamarg, Assonora, M;:Lpuna a..'"1d bad:;:. (Renewal of GDPSTj6,03/76).

Applicat'ions rcceS,,-'ecl 'in r(,-"spo'nse to lJUblic ..notice .q~ Ib~'~£1fl,p:)' to Pan.aji t;ia San.soU, Doda'l)W,rfJ, A8sonO'l'u.. Mapusa, and 'vice versa.­

hJ:anaging Directoi, Transport CorPoration Ltc., Panaji· -Goa. 1vfinino Mascarenhas, BaIozuem, Usgao, Tatuka, Porida, Goa, Pon""' da to SurIa via Usgao. (Rene\val of _GDPST/936/82). ' Sukharu::.nd Phadte, Tonca, Marcaim-Goa. Paikul to Ponda ar..d . back. (Renewal of GDPST/9G1/82j. . Queiroj 'J. V. Viegas,'-H, No. ·180, Carmona, Salce-t.e Goa, Cavelossim to Mnrgao of GDPST/445/70j,

Haricltandra X. Borkar, Fl. No, 32/A, Santemola Raia, Salcete, Goa. Tembi-Raia (Santemol) to }'!argao'(2) Rachel to Margao and hack. (Renowalo£ GDPST/58G/75).

GD'Jl 2317

New vehicle . . Tata/Leyland 1982-83


GDS 2113

GnT 2392

GDZ 2573 Taia/Leyland 1982-83 model New vehicle GDT2258

GOT 2286

GDT 2286 GDT 2286 GDS 1717

New vehicle


1984 model" GDS 1523

GDT 2491

'l'ataiLeyi;nid i982-83 model" ODS 1756,

GDS 1585

GOT 2207

GDT 2220


The above applications will be considered by the Regional Transport Authority at its meeting, together with any repre­sentations for or against or objections that lruo/ be submitted, -so as to reach the undersigned within thirty days f!""om the date of publication of notification in the Official Gazette. Copies of the representations unless sent to the applicant will not be considered•.

Applic.-'ltions of the applicants will_ be, available for ins­pection to any person or authority specified in Section 47 of

the Motor 'Vehicl~s Act, 1939 at the Office of the 'undet'­signed on receipt of a written request from_ ~ch person. The date, ti.u:e and place f.or considering the ,applications by the Regional Transport Authority, Panaji~Goa will be notified.

Panaji, 6th· June, '19-35. --The' Asstt. Director of Transport tlnd :r..temb8': Secretary, RTA. E. lYCr>)..z.


Revenue Department

Office of the Marl'!icrtdar of Canacoria Taluka:

SecHon 01 M.::t:anios .

It is·hereby announced that on 16-7-1985 at 5.00 p. n1. in the frOnt of the Mamlatdar's Office, Can.acona, auction will 00 held of the plot of land, named "Devatey~ Gazana" alias "Babu FaJach1 Gas!3ona", situated at Magdal of Poiguinim Village Panchayat and belonging to the Parashuram. Pan­chagram Poiguinim, Canacona applied on lease for the c\lltt­vation of paddy crop covering an area of 18500 Sq. Metres and.bounded to ,the east by the property of Shri Xabaya Vi­thal Falo, to the west by the river Galjibaga, to the north by the property of Shri Xabaya Vithal Falo 'and to the south by the river Galjibaga, the auction price he~ng the annual rent of Rs. 666.10 (Rs. Six hup.dred sixty-six and paise. ten) only.

Chaudi, 18th June, 1985. ---'-The Secretary, J P. Gaonka1".

Seen: -The Mam1atdar, C. Abd1l11a.

v. No. 1647/1985

It is her~by announced that on 16-7-1985 at 4.00 p. m. in the front -of the Mamlatdar's Office, Canacona, ~uction will be held of a plot_ Of.. land named. "Devat,ay Gazan" alias "Babu Folachi -Gossona", situ.ated at Magda! ·of Poiguinim Village Panchayat and belonging to the Parashuram PanGha­gram POigu4tim, Canacona, applied on le~ for the .culti­vation of paddy crop covering an area of 16867.50-Sq. Metres and bounded to the east by the property of ShM Xaba­ya Vithal Falo, to the west by the river Galjibaga, to the north by the pro:perty of Shri Xabaya Vithal Falo and to the south by the river Galjib.8..0o-a, the auction prh:e being the annual rent of Rs. 512.10 (Rs. five hundred twelve -and pais-.~ ten) only. -

Chaudi, 18th JW1e, 1985. -'rhe Secretary, .f, P. Qaonkar.

Seen. -The Mamlatdar, C. Abdulla.

v. No. 1648/1980


p.dministration Office of Comunidades. of TisVladi


In accordance with the terms and for the purpose established in .article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, in force, it is hereby announced that the President of Ponda Edlleation SOCiety, Ponda, Goa has applied. on "aforamento" basis for construction of th~. proposed college Complex, th.e tL.""lcuWv&.ted and unused plot of land named "Rubtill" surveyed under No. 102/0, situated at Curti and belonging to the Comunidadc of. Curti, covering an approximate aref'~ of 5 Heet,ares. It is bOunded on the -east by the land of the same 'Comunidade surveyed under No. 101, on the \Vest by' the land of Vitllal Ghanashy8.l!l-Sinai Cundaikar sUrveyed under No. 1/1, on the north by the remaining portton of the land surveyed under No. 102/0 and -on the south by land belonging to Shinkre and othel'S. -File-No. 29/1985.

If any person has any objection against the proposed lease, he/she should submit hisjher objection in writing to· the Administrator of Comunidades of Tiswadi, within 30 days from the date-of second publication _of. this .notice, in the Official Gazette.

Panaji, 21st JW1e, 1985. -The acting Head Clerk, lYladh1~.­

car N aiqy_e Gauncar.

v. No. 1678/1985

-----<>-----Administration Office of Comunidades of -Bcrdez


,2 In accordance with the-terms and for the pLLrpose est-a.­bUshed in ~article 330 of the Code of Comunidades in force it is hereby 'a,nnowlced that 'Shri M. A. K. Mirza, resident .of Muslim-W~da,· Bicholim..Goa, has 'applied on le,ase for cons­!ruction of a residential house, the uncultivated arid unused plot of land W1der No.5, comprised in survey No. 47/1, situ­ated at Sirgaim and be.l(;>nging to the Con11.:nidade of Sirgaim, covering an area of 44.1 sq. mts.

It is bounded on the east by plot no. 4 on th<:'! west by plot no. 6, on the north by road and on the south by proposed road. File No. 223/1985.

~f any person-has any obje~tion against the proposed lease, he_sho:uld submit his objection in writing to the Administrator of Comunidades of Bardez, within 30 days from the date of second publication of this notice, in the Official Gazette.

Mapusa, 10th-'June, '1985. -The acting, Secretary, Nelson

Xa' Trin([ade.

v. No. 1477/1985


3 It is hereby' announced that on 19th July, 1985-, at

11.00 a. m., at ·the door of the aforesaid Office, auction will be held of_ a..'1 :uncultivated ana unused plot of land named "Condichem-Gallum", lote No: 399, under plot No.8 situated at' Tivim and 'belonging' to -the Trvim Comunidade,' covering an area of 530,00 square metres, applied for on permanent' lease by Shri AntonIo Eusebio de Souza_resident·of Tivi-m for construction o-f resideptial house, being the upset· pric~ the annual .1eas~ rent of Rs. 270.00..

. It 'is bounded on the e.ast by the land of CcmWlidade, (plot No. 12), on the west by the proposed road of 6 metres width, on the north by plot· No.7 and on the south by the land of the Comuniqade reserved as "open space" atter which lies the road that leads to Gavoim. --File No. 1'59/197'7.

~~!v:"~~,, ­

-1t·"·is ~further announced that the contesting bidder '\viH l~ave to pro.duce-a certificate from the Clerk of the respec­tIve Comumdade or an affidav"'it to prove that he/she does not .possess in that Coml.lllidade any plot of land for house construction or any house in terms and for. the purpose of

*2nd of Art. 326 of the Code -of Comunidades in force.

Mapusa, 14th June, 1985. -"The acting SeCretary N alson

Xamer Trindade. -,

Seen. -The Adm~strator, G. p, VerZeka1'.

V. No. 1620/1985­



4 The above Comtmidade is convened for an extraordi­n.ary meeting at its meeting Hall at Parra, on 3rd Wednesday after the publication of this notice in, the Official Gazette, at 10 a. m. with the representation of 2/3 of Social Capital in order to give its opinion on the file no. 179/1984 in which President of Verla-Parr.a-Canca Association i'4¥luest for land for Sports and -Cultural Organisation, bearing Survey-No. 30 an~ 34 of this Comunida~e covering. an area·. ()f 120X60 sq.

. mts.; i;f this-Comunidade fails to m~t on the said day, it is again convened for the secqnd time; .on the same day, at

12.30 afternoon, in the same form, at the 'same place and purpdse and still it failS to meet at this time ''it is agam con­vened for the third time, in its ordinary form, on 4th \Ved­nesday, at 11 a. m. at the plac(' and for the s~me purpose.

Parra, 30th ~y, 1985. -.The Clerk -in charge, Laxrnika'}it G-ovind Kmnat.

v. No. 1578/1985


5 The above mentioned-'Comunidade is hereby convened to meet at its meeting hall, _at 10.00 a. m. on third Sunday. after the publication of his notice -in the Official Gazelte with the representation of %. of its social capital in order

, to give its opinion on file No. 42/1985, in which the attorney of the Comunidade has' complained that one Smt. Alcinha Fernandes from Dramapur has encroached upon the land of the Comunidade _known as' ZANCQTTO 5n lot No.5, planting therein coconut seedlings and erecting a poultry shed. As per the statement of the encroacher the area covered js 1000 sq. mts. She requests that the land be '-given to' her f'.s a special case under Art._30-4-f' of_the Code of Comunida­des. '

If the Comunidade fails -to meet on the said da.;, it is again convened on the next Tuesday for the second' time in the Said form, time, place and for the same-purpose and if -it fails to meet still, it is convened again for the third time on 4th Sunday irt an: ordinary fonn, at-the' same time,

~=====-c=-=--==.-...-.. -..-..--_-­

27TH JUNE, 1985 (ASADHA 6,1907)

place and for the same purpose. The twenty major share holders of the Comunidade are also convened to meet en 4th Sunday at 12 noon at the same pJace to give their opinion and consent to the matter resolved by the Comunidade.

Dr.a.mapur, 19th June, 1985. -The U. D. C., Xamba Siv~ Naique Dlf8sai.

V. No. 1640/1985

Institute 01 Public Assistance (Provedoria'da Assistencia Publica) Panaji -Goa 8th GOA LOTTERY Date of DravJ": 22nd June, 1935.

Results First Prize (1): Rs. 1,00,000/­AG-577662 Consolation Prize (2): Rs. 1,000/-each AG--577662 Second Priz~ (3) Rs. 10,000/-each (one in each series) GG -·12{}33S OG --. 354667 AG -456731

Third Prize (21): Rs. 1,000/-each (Seven in each series) GG -637995 660721 637H2 359165 558902 6261Z7 358132 OG -619377 671482 539383 117241 219239 307965 217321 AG -509243 11)6838 581960 160443 609248 265868 78275R

Fourth Prize (210): Rs. 500/-each -Ticket numbers ending with the last 5 digits in all series as follows:

42430 16401 43193 93434 17323 48936 73712 69933 02079 38382

:B'ifth Prize (2100): Rs.

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