Old Lyme Rowing Association

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Old Lyme Rowing Association
MINUTES for Board Meeting of Wednesday, July 2, 2014, 7pm
ATTENDEES: Greg Hack, Kristy Dorsey, Deb Heminway, Chris McCawley, Liz Lightfoot, Heather Stone, Joan Rivington, Paul Fuchs, Candace Fuchs

  • Approval of Minutes from Meeting of May 19, 2014. approved

  • Treasurer’s report, including:

Heather has transitioned our account from Citizens to Essex Savings Bank because Citizens was unable to grant Heather access to bill paying functionality for many days. All vendors were erased from the account.

Cannot download from Essex Savings bank to quick books

  • Updated Treasurer’s Report and Balance Sheet

    • $40K in the bank account. This is all income for the year. Only other income will be Fall fees. $10K in coaching fees still to pay. Will have $37-38K once summer is over.

    • LTR is garnering positive feedback. Potential for more enrollments

    • Still waiting for a check from Tanya for tag sale.

  • Progress on spring 2014 masters dues and summer program revenue

    • Our website has ensured that payments and waivers come in, but it is not flawless, and there are tons of questions that Heather has to manage. Tracy Stocker indicated that US Rowing and RC are trying to arrange a deal.

    • Create a help page or help video.

  • Wrap up of ERG-A-THON and other spring fundraising activities:

    • Thanks to the many people who contributed to these events

    • Tag Sale (Dorsey and women): total revenue $510
      ($235 from sale of old ergs, which is a one time event)

    • Tag sale might be more successful if more items were contributed, or of held on Saturday morning

    • Silent Auction (Fuchs and contributors): total revenue $3685

$2000 came from Ireland trip donated by Pauline Kaplan

    • Ergathon: total revenue $9362, $13,752 including corporate match

BV 80% participation, GV 70% participation, 8 non-varsity contributors

This would not have been a success without large donations from Corrigans and Hacks

    • Ask for end of year donation ? This has been tried before with moderate success

    • A fee for HS rowing is unlikely to be approved by RSD18

    • EL and stonington do have a fee of >$200, this is why the goal is $250

    • Put the pie chart on the website ?

    • Bid on IFound Fitness gift certificate on Facebook

    • Make an effort to have an adult attend the Spring Sports meeting to inform parents about fundraising

    • Amazon Smile: Liz to post on facebook

    • Essex Savings Bank Community investment program: people vote for local organizations, and ESB awards money

  • Report of Equipment/boat purchase committee, including 5-year boat purchase plan

  • Asked to develop a 5 year boat purchase plan (see page two of minutes)

  • All based on projected income; purchases need to be adjusted if we do not meet income levels

  • Budget for parts/maintenance is a priority over new purchases

  • Equipment we cannot maintain should be sold

  • Club purchase of singles: provide Maas and Pienert and existing nicer racing 1X, but club will not continue to invest in high level racing 1X

Maas sells a slimmer boat; Paul is not impressed with construction

Coaches selecting boat purchase: Our organizational structure, wherein various programs use the equipment does not support unilateral boat selection by coaches (as is the practice at other schools). Equipment committee will make recommendations because they have representation from the whole organization. Equipment Committee recommends addition of a summer coach to the committee (Steve B.)
Donations for a particular boat: if donor donates 2/3 of purchase price, we can advance a boat 1 year.

Winter training program should fund the purchase of 1 new erg.

  • For budgeting purposes, we have assumed all purchases are new. Good idea to seek lightly used equipment, but will buy new when necessary

  • GAH suggests that girls 8 should be lightly used, if possible.

  • Boys 8: used much less frequently so not included in the 6 year cycle

  • Some expenses have not been included in this accounting:

    • Coaching and coxing for masters women

    • Insurance

    • Net income from programs is used for this budget, so coaching costs have been backed out; Winter project to incorporate the equipment budget into a comprehensive organizational budget

Analysis of Vespoli, Hudson, King (P.Fuchs)
In the interest of learning about the characteristics of some of the hulls we have in the boathouse I measured three boats:

  • Vespoli 4+ (Laundon)

  • King 4+ (on loan)

  • Hudson 4+ (varsity girls)

From the measurements I created 3D computer models of the boats. I then utilized a program which uses the hull models and determines the drag of the hull at racing speed as well as the general characteristics of the hulls including stability. To be clear, this is a basic, not exhaustive method for determining drag, i.e. the boats trim during rowing (bow down, bow up) and all these conditions were not studied. There are also more sophisticated programs in use and I am trying to get these models run on those programs for confirmation. In any case, the results should show the drag of the hulls relative to one versus another. All boats were tested at the same speed and displacement.

The King was the most stable boat, followed fairly closely by the Vespoli with the Hudson being least stable. The Vespoli had the lowest drag, followed by the Hudson (.6% more, 2 secs in a 6 min race), and the King (1.5% more, 5 sec in a 6 min race). I have other data that shows the same range of percentages for eights.

Hull durability: rhino V1 is more durable than lesser Vespoli models
Chris suggests half tennis balls with shock cord to protect hulls from scratching from pins.
Equipment Purchase Committee to make a recommendation for boat purchase: attendees: Paul, Heather, Greg, Steve B. Bill, Kristie, Louis Zubek. It is critical that this decision be made in time to have a boat in place for September training. To that end, a recommendation is requested by 11-JUL.
King is not being used this summer. Sean Wolf wants an answer on our intent to purchase. Offering the boat to us for $18,995 plus $5K for the Hudson 4+ in trade. Equipment committee to meet by phone by July 11.
Coaching Clinics

  • Dan Boyne clinic: John Flory would like to host this on our lake. PYC is welcome to host a clinic on our lake, using our launches.

  • John Biglow clinic: John does not have a lot of coaching experience, but is welcome to come and do a ride along with Paul.

  • CM suggests that consistency of coaching is valuable.

GAH to ask Steve to take photos and get bios of summer coaches.
Recognition for Maas repair, Vespoli 2x,
Cookout Monday July 7 with Dev camp girls; bring salad

  • News and updates:

  • Boathouse plans/ Hains Park Improvements Committee (BHPIC) report.

Waiting for a variance regarding the height of the building. Working on construction documents. Three local builders (some with ties to the rowing community) have been asked to develop bids.

  • Developing plans for separate fundraising effort to support Boathouse project

Meeting of the committee scheduled for after 04-JUL. Planning a Kick off at Cooley Gallery in September. Members for this committee are welcome. Chris McCawley met some people involved with fundraising in Glastonbury. Perhaps he would put us in touch with these people

  • Progress on repairs and maintenance

Thanks go to Paul Fuchs for his repairs on the Maas singles and the Vespoli 2x/2-. Paul to send Heather an invoice.

  • Report of masters Captains;

    • Women are having a light sprint season having raced in Worchester. They do not have adequate participants to race Cromwell Cup, but do plan to race at Narragansett BC.

    • Men/sculling captain not present

  • Develop fee schedule for fall junior programs; Paul and Greg to meet to discuss

  • Access to boathouse keys;

all masters > age 21 have keys, control of keys is somewhat lost, with several Juniors and college kids now having keys. Electronic lock on the new boathouse should allow us to control access.

8 wk program 3-SEP to 29-OCT.

Registration fee will remain $425.

3 day program $275

Need to discuss race fees.

Chris McCawley to post this on website.

  • Welcome cookout for USRowing Jr Women’s Dev Camp scheduled for Monday, July 7. Anyone who wants to bring side dishes is welcome. Unfortunately, Heather’s deviled eggs will be missed. This has been posted on Facebook

  • New business??

  • Future meeting dates: MONDAY August 11, 7pm.





Create help page for registration on Regatta Central

Chris & Candace


Post Ifound Fitness certificates on FB for bidding



Post on FB: Amazon Smile routing a percentage of purchases to OLRA



Participate in Esssex Savings Bank award of money to community organizations



Winter project: incorporate equipment budget into an overall organizational budget

Heather with help


Recognition of years of service from John Laundon



Circulate Equipment Purchase Committee minutes



Equipment Committee to meet by phone by 11-JUL to determine a recommendation (attendees include committee plus Greg Hack and Steve B.)



Boyne clinic: notify John Flory that Dan Boyne is welcome to use our lake and our launches. BSS participation not guaranteed.



Biglow Clinic: notify John that he is welcome to come down and coach with Paul



Ask Steve B. to collect photos and bios of all coaches for posting on website



post information regarding Fall Junior program


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