Ömer Turan Curriculum Vitae

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Ömer Turan budapeşte kasım 2007 018

Department of International Relations,

İstanbul Bilgi University

İstanbul Bilgi University

Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santrali

Kazım Karabekir Cd. No: 2/13,

34060 Eyüp


+ 90 212 311 51 04



2005 - 2012 Central European University - Budapest, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, PhD

2004 - 2005 Central European University - Budapest, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, MA—with Distinction

2001 - 2004 Middle East Technical University - Ankara, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, MSc

1995 - 2001 Bilkent University - Ankara, Department of Economics, BA

Professional Experience

2013 - İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations, Faculty Member

2011 - 2013 İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations, Visiting Instructor

2010 - 2012 İstanbul Bilgi University, Director for Planning and Monitoring

2002 - 2004 Teaching Assistant, İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations.

Teaching Experience

2008 - 2014 İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations.

(IR 112 Culture and Politics in Modern Turkey,

IR 149/179 Politics, Culture and Society I,

IR 150/180 Politics, Culture and Society II

IR 211 Early Modern Political Thought,

IR 212 Modern Political Thought,

IR 251 Turkish Politics,

IR 309 Political Economy,

IR 323 / IR 505 Turkish Politics and Foreign Policy,

IR 534 Issues in Turkish Politics)

2009 Spring Part-time Instructor, Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts.

(History of Thought)

2007 Teaching Assistant, CEU Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.

(Key Issues in Sociological Theory)

2002 - 2004 Teaching Assistant, İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations.

(IR 211 Early Modern Political Thought,

IR 212 Modern Political Thought,

IR 112 Culture and Politics in Modern Turkey)

Language Skills: Turkish (native), English (fluent), French (reading)

Academic Interests: social and political theory, historical sociology, Turkish politics, intellectual history, urban politics, anthropology of compulsory military service, political sociology

Doctoral Dissertation in Sociology:

“Facing Eurocentrism, Facing Modernity: Questions of Modernization and Global Hierarchies in Turkish Intellectual History”

Fulltext: http://www.etd.ceu.hu/2012/sphtuo01.pdf

Master Thesis in Sociology:

“Spatial Politics of Belated Modernisations: Budapest and Ankara”

Master Thesis in Political Science:

“The Triangle of Publicness, Communication and Democracy in Habermas’s Thought”

Fulltext: http://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12605267/index.pdf

Grants and Awards

Turkish Social Sciences Association, Competition for Young Social Scientists, Honorable Mention for the master thesis, “The Triangle of Publicness, Communication and Democracy in Habermas’s Thought,” 2005.

Central European University, Full Graduate Scholarship, June 2004
İstanbul Bilgi University, Travel Grants, April 2003 and April 2004.

First prize in the “History Article Competition for University Students,” organized by The Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey, for the article “1930’lardaki ‘Şehircilik Tartışmaları’: Cumhuriyet’in Kamusal Alanını Oluşturması” (Discussions on Urbanism in 1930s: The Formation of the Republican Public Sphere), in December 2000.


“Emperyalizm Karşıtlığı ve Kemalizm: Tek-Parti Döneminde ‘Europacentrisme’in Tasfiyesi’ ve ‘İktibasçı İnkılâb’ Tarışmaları” (Kemalism against Imperialism: Discussions on “Liquidation of Europacentrisme” and Adaptive Reformism in the Single Party Era), Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2014, (forthcoming)

“Gezi Parkı Direnişi ve Armağan Dünyası” (Gezi Park Resistance and the World of Gift-Giving), Toplumsal Tarih, no 238, October 2013, pp. 62-73.
“Alternatif Tahayyüller, Devingenlik, Popülizm: 1970’ler İçin Bir Çerçeve Denemesi,” Toplum ve Bilim, no 127, June 2013, pp. 3-24.
“Haklar ve Özgürlükler Perspektifinden Başörtüsü: Bir Demokrasi Sorunu” (Headscarf from the perspective of rights and freedoms: a question of democracy), Doğu Batı, issue 64, 2013, pp. 53-85. (with M. Borovalı)
“‘Esas Duruş!’: Kışla Deneyimleri ya da Türkiye’de Zorunlu Askerliğin Antropolojisi” (Experiencing the Baracks or the Anthropology of Compulsory Military Service in Turkey), in Nurseli Yeşim Sünbüloğlu (ed.), Erkek Millet, Asker Millet: Türkiye’de Militarizm, Milliyetçilik, Erkek(lik)ler, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2013, pp. 261-335.
“Üniversitelerde Başörtüsü Tartışmalarına Kavramsal Bir Bakış” (A conceptual perspective to the discussions of headscarf in universities), in Fuat Keyman (ed.), Türkiye’nin Yeniden İnşası: Modernleşme, Demokratikleşme, Kimlik, İstanbul, İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2013, pp. 189-206. (with M. Borovalı)
Is ‘Dialogue among Civilizations’ a True Remedy for ‘Clash of Civilizations’? Rethinking Civilizationist Categories with Reference to Turkey-EU Relations” in Towards Dignity of Difference?: Neither ‘End of History’ nor ‘Clash of Civilizations’, edited by Mojtaba Mahdavi and W. Andy Knight, Ashgate Publishing, 2012, pp. 305-316. (with S. Adak)
“Kudretli Devlet, Karma Ekonomi, Manevi Kalkınma: Türkiye Sağı ve Kalkınma Meselesi” (Strong State, Mixed Economy, Spiritual Development: Turkish Right and the Question of Development), in İnci Kerestecioğlu and G. Gürkan Öztan (eds.), Türk Sağı ve İmgeler, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2012, pp. 459-505.
“Çatışma, Diyalog, İttifak: Türkiye-AB İlişkilerinde Medeniyetçi Söylem” (Clash, Dialogue, Alience: The Civilizationist Discourse in Turkey-EU Relations), Toplum ve Bilim, no 120, 2011, pp. 165-203. (with S. Adak)
“Ahmed Rıza ve Postkolonyal Bağlam” (Ahmed Rıza and the Postcolonial Context), in Sina Akşin, Sarp Balcı, Barış Ünlü (eds.), 100. Yılında Jön Türk Devrimi, İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2010, pp. 585-599.
“Oryantalizm, sömürgecilik eleştirisi ve Ahmed Rıza: Batı’nın Doğu Politikasının Ahlâken İflası’nı yeniden okumak” (Orientalism, colonial criticism and Ahmed Rıza: revisiting La Faillite Morale de la Politique Occidental en Orient), Toplum ve Bilim, no 115, 2009, pp. 6-45.
Doğan Avcıoğlu”, in Ömer Laçiner (ed.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Dönemler ve Zihniyetler, volume 9, İstanbul: İletişim, 2009, pp. 159-179.
Mehmet Ali Aybar”, in Ömer Laçiner (ed.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Dönemler ve Zihniyetler, volume 9, İstanbul: İletişim, 2009, pp. 132-158. (with S. Adak)
“Hány híd köti össze a „Keletet” a „Nyugattal”?” (How many bridges are there between ‘East’ and ‘West’?), anBlokk Közéleti Tudományos magazin, number 1-2, 2008, pp. 97-101. (with S. Adak)
“‘Hasta Adam’ Metaforunu Aşmak: Osmanlı Modernleşmesi ve Devlet Kapasitesi” (Beyond the “Sick Man” Metaphor: Ottoman Modernization and State Capacity), Muhafazakâr Düşünce, year 4,

no 16-17, special issue on Ottoman Modernization, 2008, pp. 143-164.

“A Legitimate Restriction of Freedom? The issue of the headscarf in Turkey,” in Remaking Turkey: Globalization, Alternative Modernities and Democracy edited by Fuat Keyman, Lexington Books, 2007, pp. 137-152. (with M. Borovalı)
“Kara Atlantik’in şiirsel söylevi: Aimé Césaire” (Poetic Discourse of the Black Atlantic: Aimé Césaire), Tarih ve Toplum Yeni Yaklaşımlar, no 5, Spring 2007, pp. 265-281.
“Takva ya da Oryantalist Klişelerin Ötesi”, Birikim, no 213, January 2007, pp. 90-93.
“Olgular, Bellek ve Bir Belgesel: Geçmişin Üzerinde ‘Kutsal’ Devletin Gölgesi”, Birikim, no 201, January 2006, pp. 31-36. (with S. Adak)
İmparatorluğun İhtişam Arayışından Cumhuriyet’in Radikal Modernleşme Projesine: Türkiye’de Kentsel Planlamanın İlk Yüzyılı” (From the Empire’s Quest for Magnificence to the Republic’s Radical Modernization Project: The First 100 Years of Urban Planning in Turkey), Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, volume 3, number 6, Fall 2005, pp. 353-436. (with M. B. Uluengin)
“‘Yitik Savaşların Komutanı’: Attilâ İlhan’ın Ardından”, Birikim, no 199, November 2005, pp. 95-104.
Siyasetin Yeniden Tanımlanması ve Gösteri Toplumu: Genç Parti Özelinde 3 Kasım Seçimleri”, Birikim, no 165, January 2003, pp. 101-118. (with Z. G. Çapan)
Cahit Tanyol”, in Ahmet İnsel (ed.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Kemalizm, volume 2, İstanbul: İletişim, 2001. pp. 382-389.
Son Dönemde Kemalizme Demokratik Meşruiyet Arayışları”, in Ahmet İnsel (ed.), Modern Türkiye’de Siyasî Düşünce: Kemalizm, volume 2, İstanbul: İletişim, 2001. pp. 592-600.
“1930’lardaki ‘Şehircilik Tartışmaları’: Cumhuriyet’in Kamusal Alanını Oluşturması” (Discussions on Urbanism in the 1930s: The Formation of the Republican Public Sphere), Toplumsal Tarih, no 85, January 2001, pp. 48-56.
Ötekine Sorumluluk ve Barış”, Est & Non, no 5-6, October-November 2000, pp. 95-103.
Radyo Haftası ve 1950’de Ankara Radyosu’nun Kore Neşriyatı”, Tarih ve Toplum, no 201, September 2000, pp. 23-30.
Özgürleşme ve Kamusal Alanın İçeriksizleşmesi”, Düşünen Siyaset, no 10, November 1999, pp. 31-45.


“Fandom and Contentious Politics: Çarşı Fan Group at Gezi Protests in Turkey,” Social Media and Transformation of Public Sphere, University of Amsterdam, 18-20 June 2014. (with B. Özçetin)

“The Manner of Contention: Pluralism at Gezi,” ResetDOC, 7th İstanbul Seminars, The Sources of Pluralism – Metaphysics, Epistemology, Law and Politics, İstanbul Bilgi University, 15-20 May 2014. (with İ. Romain Örs)
“Football Fans at Gezi: Counterpublic in the Making,” FREE Conference: From Habermas to Fanblogs: Exploring the Public Sphere of European Football, METU, April 2014. (with B. Özçetin)
“Gezi Direnişi: Kamusal Alan ve Çekişmeci Siyaset Üzerinden Bir Analiz,” Felsefeden Siyasete Bir Gezi Sempozyumu, Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü, 9-11 April 2014.
“Avrupamerkezcilik Karşında Kemalizm: Celâl Nuri ve Şevket Süreyya’nın Modernite Tahayyülleri,” (Kemalism Facing Eurocentrism: Celâl Nuri and Şevket Süreyya’s Imaginations of Modernity), History Foundation Ankara Talk Series, 28 February 2014.
“Writing against Global Hierarchies: Colonial Criticism and Ahmed Riza”, MESA 47th annual meeting, New Orleans, October 10-13, 2013.
“Kudretli Devlet, Karma Ekonomi, Manevi Kalkınma: Türkiye Sağı ve Kalkınma Meselesi” (Strong State, Mixed Economy, Spiritual Development: Turkish Right and the Question of Development), 12th National Congress on Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 14-16 December 2011.
“‘Esas Duruş!’: Kışla, Disiplin ve Militarist Kültür” (Baracks, Discipline and the Militarist Culture), 11th National Congress on Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 9-11 December 2009.
“Oryantalizm, sömürgecilik eleştirisi ve Ahmed Rıza: Batı’nın Doğu Politikasının Ahlâken İflası’nı yeniden okumak”, İstanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations, departmental seminar, 25 March 2009.
“Ahmet Rıza ve Postkolonyal Bağlam” (Ahmed Rıza and the Postcolonial Context), paper presented at “1908-2008: The Centennial of the Young Turk Revolution”, Ankara University, Faculty of Political Science, May 2008.
Labeling the Past, Fixing the Memory: the Case of Terror Háza,” paper presented at “Memory and Nostalgia,” Ege University, 11th International Cultural Studies Symposium, May 9-11, 2007. (with H. Doğruöz)
Clash, Dialogue, Alliance: the Civilizationist Discourse in Turkey-EU Relations,” paper presented at International Studies Association Annual Conference, February 27 – March 3, 2007, Chicago. (with S. Adak)
“Piyasa Tahakkümü ve Tartışma Etiği”, paper presented at the Second National Congress on Applied Ethics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 18-20 October 2006.
Space as the Milieu of Forgetting: the Great Fire of İzmir of September 1922 and Nationalisation of Urban Space”, paper presented at [CITY IN (CULTURE] IN CITY), Ege University, 9th Annual International Cultural Studies Symposium, May 5-7, 2004.
Annihilation of Time by Space or Creation of National Identity by Visible Politics: Construction of Ankara as a National Capital,” paper presented at CTB XI: Identity and Space, May 2-3, 2003 SUNY-Binghamton.


Review: Silent Violence: Neoliberalism, Islamist Politics and the AKP Years in Turkey”, Turkish Studies, volume 14, issue 1, 2013, pp. 186-192. (with C. Boyraz)

“Review: Kabul Transit”, CUJHSS, volume 7, number 2, 2010, pp. 595-598.
Review Article: Localizing modernity in the Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey: Historical anthropology perspectives,” Focaal - European Journal of Anthropology, Number 48, November 2006, pp. 152-157.
Orhan Dirik’in Kitabı İçin Tamamlayıcı Notlar”, Tarih ve Toplum, no 186, June 1999, pp. 61-63.

Opinion Essays in Turkish Dailies

Türkiyeliliği Tartışamamak”, Birgün, 24/11/2004.

TCK Hakkında Tartışılmayanlar”, Birgün, 28/9/2004.

Kamusal Alanı Tartışmak”, Birgün, 11/8/2004.

İnsan Hakları ve Üniversitelerde Başörtüsü”, Radikal 2, 18/7/2004. (with M. Borovalı)
Çocuk ve Allah Var mı?”, Birgün Pazar, 18/7/2004.
Yasayı Güç Değil Hakikat Yapar”, Birgün, 14/5/2004.
Anayasa Değişlikleri ve 24. Madde”, Birgün, 29/4/2004.
Polis ve vicdan”, Radikal 2, 14/3/2004.
Zaga ve Sultan Makamı’ndaki muhalefet”, Radikal 2, 25/1/2004.
Sovyet deneyiminden ders çıkarmak”, Radikal 2, 14/9/2003. (with S. Adak)

Extra Curricular

Member of organizing team, Turkish Political Science Association Graduate Conference, 2003.

Editing translations of books for İstanbul Bilgi University Press.

Visual Anthropology Club, Central European University-Budapest.

Editorial board member for the journal Toplum ve Bilim.

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