Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11771
Title: Declarations of Time Observations are Incorrect in Figure 13.22
Commissariat a l Energie Atomique-CEA/LIST (Huascar Espinoza, huascar DOT espinoza AT cea.fr)
Fig. 13.22 misuses time observation declarations when using the occurrence index at declaration level.
Rather, time observation declarations should be specified in time expressions.
Revised Text:
Revise Figure 13.22 to use proper VSL syntax.
Replace Figure 13.22 with:
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11778
Title: “[SAM: Profile] (association of SaStep to SharedResource in UML View)”
Commissariat a l Energie Atomique-CEA/LIST (Mr. Huascar Espinoza, Huascar DOT Espinoza AT cea DOT fr)
ARTiSAN Software (Mr. Lonnie VanZandt, lonnievz AT artisansw DOT com)
Within Figure 16.4, where the SAM Workload Domain model is illustrated, the SaStep metaclass has a [none-to-many with 0..1] uni-directional association, sharedResource, to metaclass SAM_Resources::SharedResource. The association subsets GQAM_Workload::GaStep::usedResource. The association does not appear in the presentation of the corresponding UML SAM Profile model.
Noted in Passing:
The superclass of SaStep is sometimes named as GQAM_Workload::Step and other times named as GQAM_Workload::GaStep. Such inconsistencies SHOULD be corrected.
The rationale for the existence of SaStep is that one can use this to model execution steps that use a resource throughout their execution. An alternative approach would be to explicitly acquire and release the resource using the AcquireStep and the ReleaseStep steps.
The proposed resolution is to add the existing GRM::Scheduling::MutualExclusionResource metaclass to Figure 16.7 where the SAM Profile is presented, to show the usedResource association from GQAM_Workload::GaStep, and to show the sharedResource association from SaStep to SharedResource.
Revised Text:
Figure 16.7, a UML metamodel diagram, MUST be remodeled as described.
The second paragraph on printed page 290, beginning “In this model, steps…” SHALL conclude with “… network adapters) identified using the sharedResource association of the SaStep instances.”
The “Associations” paragraph of Section, which claims that SaStep has no associations MUST be rewritten to state, “sharedResource : SharedResource [0..1] {subsets GQAM_Workload::GaStep::usedResource}”.
Review Figure 16.12 for SaStep usage.
The “Associations” paragraph of Section F.11.3, which claims that SaStep has a sharedResource association of none-to-many multiplicity, MUST be rewritten to state the same multiplicity of the association as that in Section and in Figures 16.7 and 16.4.
Disposition: Resolved
Disposition: Resolved OMG Issue No: 11780
Title: Details for Time-triggered Systems' TimeTableDriven Policy
Commissariat a l Energie Atomique-CEA/LIST (Mr. Huascar Espinoza, Huascar DOT Espinoza AT cea DOT fr)
Lonnie VanZandt (Mr. Lonnie VanZandt, lonnievz AT artisansw DOT com)
Although the SchedPolicyKind enumeration in Section and shown in Figure 10.19, includes an enumeration literal for time-trigged table-based scheduling, SchedPolicyKind::TimeTableDriven, no addition details are provided to enable the specification of such a Scheduler. Therefore, one cannot currently specify the format of such a table.
Additionally, to clarify expected usage, some examples for time-triggered system modeling should be provided in MARTE.
Schedulers of the other variants of SchedPolicyKind use configuration parameters which are expressed in the SchedulableResource::SchedParameters attributes. To be consistent, when modeling TimeTableDriven scheduling, the SchedParameters stereotype SHALL include a tag definition SchedParameters::tableEntry of type OpaqueExpression which SHALL store the information necessary to schedule the SchedulableResource according to the algorithm of the Scheduler’s time-triggered, table-based scheduling.
The algorithm of the time-triggered, table-based scheduler SHALL be expressed within the Scheduler::schedule’s OpaqueExpression.
Revised Text:
In Figure 10.11, on page 93, provide the tag definitions of SchedParameters as stated and revised in Section
In Figure 10.14, on page 96, provide the stereotype SchedParameters and enumerate its tag definition attributes as stated and revised in Section Show that SchedParameters extends UML::Classes::Kernel::InstanceSpecification.
In Figure 10.19, on page 99, provide the tag definitions of SchedParameters as stated and revised in Section
In Section, on page 112, add the Attribute tag definition of tableEntry with this definition:
• tableEntry: OpaqueExpression [0..*] parameters used for the particular SchedulableResource in a time-triggered, table-based scheduler whose algorithm is expressed in the associated Scheduler::schedule.
In Section F.4.31, on page 529, replace the absence of content with appropriate text that relates to the content in Section
In Section 10.4, on page 113, provide a simple example which expresses an algorithm (preferably in no specific programming language) for time-triggered, table-based scheduling within an instance of a Scheduler::schedule attribute and which uses per-SchedulableResource scheduling parameters expressed in the tableEntry attributes of a SchedParameters.
Disposition: Resolved
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