/EC Event counter associated with the I/O Rate tag for this interface.
/F Scan class, sets scan frequency and offset for the class.
/HOST The name and location of the PI Server, and its port number.
/ID Interface instance identifier. The Location1 parameter of all tags must match this, unless /IDis zero or not numeric, in which case all tags with the correct point source will be considered valid for this instance of the interface. This is for running more than one instance of the interface on the same machine.
/MAXSTOPTIME Set how many seconds the interface is allowed for shutting down.
/PISDKCONTIMEOUT Change the timeout value for PI SDK calls.
/PS The point source for the interface.
/STARTUP_DELAY If the interface hangs when the machine reboots, it may be necessary to tell it to wait a few seconds before connecting to the network layer.
DCOM Security
/DA Default Authentication level. This parameter is used to set the interface specific authentication level that is necessary to verify the identity of the OPC Server during calls. The following security levels can be used: DEFAULT, NONE, CONNECT, CALL, PKT, PKT_INTEGRITY, or PKT_PRIVACY.
/DI Default Impersonation level. This parameter is used to set the interface specific impersonation level that can grant to an OPC Server to perform processing tasks on its behalf. The following authority levels are allowed: ANONYMOUS, IDENTIFY, IMPERSONATE, or DELEGATE.
OPC Server
/SERVER The name or IP address and location of the OPC Server.
/TS Specifies the source of timestamps for PI tags.
/VN Version of the OPC protocol to expect.
Advanced Options
/AF Advise groups immediately. This helps when the OPC server does not return initial data on advise. The symptom is that when creating an advise tag for a value that doesn't change often, the interface does not write a value to PI when it first starts up. This problem can be tested by using PI OPCClient to create a group, add tags, and then Advise the group. If an immediate value is not returned for the tags, but adding another tag to the group gets a value for that tag, this parameter will need to be used.
/AR Ignore the Access Rights property. If "Invalid read/write mode requested" if found in the pipc.log file, try this one.
/DC Disable Callbacks. This option is designed to reduce the load on the OPC Server by disabling callbacks for groups that are being Polled. Polled groups have callbacks enabled by default but are not used by the interface. Explicitly disabling the call backs should reduce the load on the OPC Server. For Advise groups this option has no effect.
/ES Event source determines whether event tags are read from the OPC Server's CACHE or directly from the DEVICE, for v1.0a servers. For v2.0 servers, it has no impact, because all event tag reads are from DEVICE.
/GA For some servers, the load on the OPC server can be levelled somewhat by having the groups activated one at a time, with a slight delay between them. This can avoid the problem of having all scan classes with the same scan period being read all at once, which can cause the OPC server to be overloaded. For those servers, using the Group Activation parameter along with specifying offsets for the scan periods will cause the staggering of the activation of the groups. See the /f parameter for more on offsets.
/GL If “OnDataChange:Invalid group ID” is in the pipc.log file, this means that the OPC server does not follow the OPC standard. Please, email OSIsoft at techsupport@osisoft.com and tell us what server it is so we can talk to the vendor.
/GS If "OnDataChange: Header status:" is in the pipc.log file, the Group status sent by the OPC server does not follow the OPC standard. Use this switch to tell the interface to ignore it.
/HWPS Enable checking for error codes specific to the Honeywell Plantscape system, for server-level failover. For newer Plantscape servers this is obsolete.
/IS Ignore Status. The OPC Server should go to OPC_STATUS_RUNNING state when it is ready to send data. If it doesn't, tell the interface to try to talk to it anyway.
/MA Mass Adds. It is faster to add items to groups in a bunch, instead of one by one. But some servers will reject the entire group if one tag is invalid, and it can take a lot of work to figure out which tag was the problem. So tell the interface to add tags one at a time.
/RD Reconnect Delay. If the server goes away ungracefully, and the interface can get an error code indicating the RPC server is unavailable or too busy to answer, the interface will wait this many seconds before trying to reconnect.
/SD Scan delay. This parameter specifies a delay before reading from or writing to the OPC Server. If this parameter is specified, the interface will connect to an OPC Server and wait till the delay time is expired.
/UR Update rate, if different from the scan frequency.
Data Handling
/AM Controls the number of tags for each advise group.
/AS Assigns alternate digital states for qualities
/CO Connection Output causes the interface to send all output values when the PI Server comes back after having been unavailable. This is only useful if when not using PI API buffering.
/CR Connection Refresh causes the interface to call Refresh on all Advise tags when the PI Server comes back after having been unavailable. This is only useful if when not using PI API buffering.
/ER Update rate for event classes.
/GI Makes groups inactive on startup. Once all groups are created then they are activated.
/IF Ignore First value. If the server sends data before it actually reads data, there may be zeros or erroneous values when the interface starts. This parameter will tell the interface to ignore the first value it receives for each tag.
/IT Integer Time. Use this parameter to ignore the millisecond portion of timestamps. Storing integer seconds speeds up processing on the PI Server.
/NT No Timeout. This parameter directs the interface to never write I/O Timeout. This is rarely used and included for very special circumstances.
/OPCSTOPSTAT Specifies the digital state to be written to all tags when the interface is shut down.
/SG Send only GOOD quality data. If the /SG is set, only GOOD quality data will be sent to PI. Questionable quality data and BAD quality data will be ignored.
If the /SQ=I or /SQ=Y flag is also set, then Questionable Quality data will be sent to PI as described by the /SQ flag. BAD quality data will continue to be ignored.
The quality information will continue to be sent to tags that are configured to store quality instead of values.
/SQ Store quality. If data has other than GOOD quality, store the quality information rather than the value if SQ=Y. If SQ=I, treat "questionable" quality as "good".
/TF Sets the format for timestamp strings read from or written to the OPC Server.
/TO Timestamp Offset. If the server installation is such that the time on the server machine is incorrect (specifically, this is useful when the server clock matches the wall clock but the server's time zone information is required to be incorrect), this will tell the interface to adjust all the timestamps by a specific amount.
/US Update snapshot. When this parameter is set, if the current snapshot is a system digital state (i.e. I/O timeout, shutdown, etc.) and the new value read in is older than the snapshot, the interface sends the new value 1 second after the snapshot timestamp of the system digital state. This check will not be done if the current snapshot is a good value.