Operational Plan Report

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Total Funding: Redacted

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

This mechanism will provide technical assistance to GoK to assist in their implementation of human resources information system (HRIS). Through this technical assistance, the HRIS will:

• Expand an already developed workforce database to include a new health cadre: clinical officers, physicians and laboratory technologists

• Ensure GoK-Ministry of Health linkage with the professional regulatory boards of nurses, physicians, dentists, laboratorians & clinical officers

• Continue the provision of IT backup and software support to these expanded cadres of health care providers on a national basis

• Produce health workforce data that the government of Kenya can use for national policy decision-making

• Complete training of management and technical staff at physicians', dentists', pharmacists', laboratory and clinical officers' regulatory boards on the HRIS. This will include installation of the HRIS software, hardware and communication devices.

• Conduct an evaluation of the HRIS project in Kenya and make recommendations on future sustainability of the systems under the Kenyan Ministries of Health.

• Ongoing maintenance and replacement of outdated equipment. This will occur concurrently with any additional training at the departments of the Ministries of Health dealing with HRIS.

• Ensure data analysis and use for policy formulation as well as routine reporting of HRH data. This will be to GoK, PEPFAR, stakeholders in the health sector and donor.

• Ongoing dissemination of HRH data at various forums such as in-country workshop, scientific conferences. This activity will also see the continuing production of IEC materials on HRH.
The activities carried out by this IM will address pillar 1 of the KNASP III: Health Sector HIV Service Delivery. It will focus on national, district, sub-district regions or sets of villages and/or clinics for the implementation of public health programs on emerging or reemerging human infectious diseases, with an emphasis on HIV/AIDS and malaria, as well as other identifiable public health problems in Kenya.
The IM's primary contribution to cross-cutting programs/key issues is developing the MOH linkage with the professional regulatory boards. Over time, this IM will become more cost-efficient by leveraging funds received from other organizations to reduce reliance upon USG funds or implementation and evaluation of HIV/AIDS related activities.
This project, partner TBD, will continue the work of the previous award to the Association of Schools of Public Health - Emory Kenya Health Workforce Project.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


TBD-Association for Schools for Public Health Follow-on


Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount






The ASPH-Emory Kenya Health Workforce Project has been operational in Kenya since 2002, implemented in collaboration with the Kenya Health Ministries. That award is currently being re-competed, and this TBD follow-on project will continue implementation of a standardized human resources information system (HRIS) in sub Saharan Africa. Goals and Objectives of the mechanism are:

• Expand already developed workforce database to include a new health cadre: clinical officers, physicians and laboratory technologists.

• Ensure Ministry of Health linkage with the professional regulatory boards of nurses, physicians, dentists, laboratorians & clinical officers

• Continue the provision of IT backup and software support to these expanded cadres of health care providers on a national basis

• Produce health workforce data that the government of Kenya can use for national policy decision-making

• Complete training of management and technical staff at physicians', dentists', pharmacists', laboratory and clinical officers' regulatory boards on the HRIS. This will include installation of the HRIS software, hardware and communication devices.

• Conduct an evaluation of the HRIS project in Kenya and make recommendations on future sustainability of the systems under the Kenyan Ministries of Health.

• Ongoing maintenance and replacement of outdated equipment. This will occur concurrently with any additional training at the departments of the Ministries of Health dealing with HRIS.

• Ensure data analysis and use for policy formulation as well as routine reporting of HRH data. This will be to GoK, PEPFAR, stakeholders in the health sector and donor.

• Ongoing dissemination of HRH data at various forums such as in-country workshop, scientific conferences. This activity will also see the continuing production of IEC materials on HRH.

Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information

(No data provided.)

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 12061

Mechanism Name: Health Care Improvement Project (Formerly TBD Community Strategy)

Funding Agency: U.S. Agency for International Development

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: TBD

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted

TBD: Yes

Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

Total Funding: Redacted

Funding Source

Funding Amount



Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

This activity will support the Ministry of Public Health and sanitation implement the community strategy in the country. In particular the TBD partner will 1. support national dissemination of the community strategy at national and all provincial levels, 2. support the Ministry to evaluate the community strategy and develop a process of adaptation of the strategy per province/region based on special health needs of the province. This will result in strengthening the Ministry's capacity to support a national system that then supports the community follow up of HIV care and treatment patients and allows for building of communities capacity to participate in HIV care. This will strengthen clinic-community referral systems and bring the communities to participate more effectively in community clinic referrals using strengthened referral system.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Health Care Improvement Project (Formerly TBD Community Strategy)


Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount






This activity will support the Ministry of Public Health and sanitation implement the community strategy in the country. In particular the TBD partner will 1. support national dissemination of the community strategy at national and all provincial levels, 2. support the Ministry to evaluate the community strategy and develop a process of adaptation of the strategy per province/region based on special health needs of the province. This will result in strengthening the Ministry's capacity to support a national system that then supports the community follow up of HIV care and treatment patients and allows for building of communities capacity to participate in HIV care. This will strengthen clinic-community referral systems and bring the communities to participate more effectively in community clinic referrals using strengthened referral system.

Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information

(No data provided.)

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 12062

Mechanism Name: Strategic Information

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: African Medical and Research Foundation, South Africa

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

Total Funding: 1,200,000

Funding Source

Funding Amount

GHCS (State)


Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

This cooperative agreement with was awarded in FY 09 from FOA PS09-990. The activity was written into COP 09 as a TBD "PS-09-990" (mechanism ID: 12232.09, mechanism system ID: 12232). This mechanism is now being submitted in COP 10 as a continuing implementing mechanism with request for a new mechanism system ID.

The GoK is developing the national Monitoring and Evaluation framework following the recent finalization of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP-III). In order to cope with the rapid scale up of programs and the changing need for data at various levels, GoK and its partners, AMREF included, are developing strategies to strengthen national M&E systems. AMREF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of M&E activities. These include:
• Developing and reviewing the 2009 -2013 National HIV/AIDS M&E framework
• Developing an implementation plan for the M&E framework and supporting the GoK with the development and rollout of of tools for routine monitoring of HIV programs.
• M&E technical assistance (e.g. for routine reporting of laboratory, community based programs and national TB data reporting) and institutionalizing data quality assessments to improve reporting and data use as health facilities.
• M&E capacity building, including review of M&E capacity assessment reports, training and short courses to improve understanding of indicators, introductions to new/ revised tools and registers, data management, analysis, reporting and data use for decision making down to facility level.
• Training of trainers (TOTs) at the national and provincial levels for M&E and program staff of NACC, NASCOP, the two Ministries of Health, AMREF, Afri Afya, and other implementing partners
The above efforts will greatly complement work by the GoK and other partners to strengthen health workers' capacity to collect, collate, analyze, report and use data to improve programs.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Strategic Information

African Medical and Research Foundation, South Africa

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





The Government of Kenya (GoK) is developing the national Monitoring and Evaluation framework following the recent finalization of the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP-III). In order to cope with the rapid scale up of programs and the changing need for data at various levels, GoK and its partners, AMREF included, are developing strategies to strengthen national M&E systems. AMREF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of M&E activities. These include:
• Developing and reviewing the 2009 -2013 National HIV/AIDS M&E framework
• Developing an implementation plan for the M&E framework and supporting the GoK with the development and rollout of of tools for routine monitoring of HIV programs.
• M&E technical assistance (e.g. for routine reporting of laboratory, community based programs and national TB data reporting) and institutionalizing data quality assessments to improve reporting and data use as health facilities.
• M&E capacity building, including review of M&E capacity assessment reports, training and short courses to improve understanding of indicators, introductions to new/ revised tools and registers, data management, analysis, reporting and data use for decision making down to facility level.
• Training of trainers (TOTs) at the national and provincial levels for M&E and program staff of NACC, NASCOP, the two Ministries of Health, AMREF, Afri Afya, and other implementing partners
The above efforts will greatly complement work by the GoK and other partners to strengthen health workers' capacity to collect, collate, analyze, report and use data to improve programs.

Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information

(No data provided.)

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 12063

Mechanism Name: Laboratory Accreditation

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: Global Healthcare Public Foundation

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

Total Funding: 500,000

Funding Source

Funding Amount

GHCS (State)


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