Operational Plan Report

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Total Funding: 1,320,000

Funding Source

Funding Amount

GHCS (State)


Sub Partner Name(s)

(No data provided.)

Overview Narrative

This cooperative agreement was awarded in FY 09. The activity was written into COP 09 as a TBD. This mechanism is now being submitted in COP 10 as a continuing implementing mechanism with request for a new mechanism system ID.

Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will partner with Kenya Medical Training College( KMTCT) and other Medical Training Colleges(MTC), Nursing Council of Kenya, Kenya Medical Laboratory Technologists Association, Clinical Officers Association and other professional associations and regulatory bodies to support pre-service MTC's to achieve outcomes aligned with the Ministries of Health national training policy, the KMTC training goals, the various professional association training and practice goals, Kenya National Strategic Plan 111( KNASP 111) and PEPFAR II goals. The HIV/AIDS training curricula at MTCs will be revised and new HIV/AIDS contents integrated and faculties empowered to implement new curricula. The faculty in all the MTC's including KMTC and its network of colleges, private health training colleges will be supported and faculty trained to deliver the new pre service curricula for comprehensive adult and pediatric HIV/AIDS management including TB/HIV, PMTCT, HIV Laboratory diagnosis, male circumcision: support for the training of a minimum of 200 faculty members from various MTCs will be provided during this fiscal year. MTCs will be supported to deliver pre-service training for medical, nursing, public/environmental health and for postgraduate students; a minimum of 4 MTCs will be supported during this fiscal year. Distance education based e-learning courses will be used to deliver courses in HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment , care and support and additional courses developed; At least 4 courses will be developed during this fiscal year in addition to using 4 distance education courses developed during the first project year.

Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)

(No data provided.)

Key Issues

(No data provided.)

Budget Code Information

Mechanism ID:

Mechanism Name:

Prime Partner Name:


Pre-Service Training (MTC)

Johns Hopkins University

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on pre-service HIV Education and Training in MTCs.
The training partner will support training Adult HIV treatment and all aspects of HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support by integrating and design and develop curricula that incorporate materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and KMTCT and other MTCs as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all MTCs including private MTCs and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use integrated, innovative and comprehensive curricula. For example the adult antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will adopt and adapt the new NASCOP curriculum on Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI). The initial Adult ART curriculum will still continue to be used for health workers from higher level facilities depending on results of training needs assessment and when the 2nd level advanced curriculum is released. These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Faculty will also receive continuing medical education (CME). JHPIEGO will also assist and collaborate with University of Maryland to support training in in-service and pre-service university HIV training including laboratory training and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on pre-service HIV Education and Training in Medical Training colleges (MTC) including Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC).
JHPIEGO will work with USG agencies: CDC, USAID and DOD in collaboration with Ministries of Health and MTC faculties together with regulatory and accrediting bodies and professional associations. The training will target MTC students in the health professions and their faculty, including, nursing, clinical officers, oral health/dental, pharmaceutical technology, laboratory technology and technicians, public health, nutrition, social work and other health professions and related fields. The students will be trained in all areas of HIV management including HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using integrated curricula and innovative training methods that incorporate the HTC curriculum and the National Guidelines for HIV Testing and Counseling in Kenya. HIV Testing and Counseling (HTC) training will focus on both facility based and community based HTC approaches, Communication skills and models for appropriate linkage to HIV Care and Treatment and Prevention services. The training will also impart knowledge and skills to both faculty and students on core principles of HTC, providing HTC to special groups including couples, children, and Most-at-risk-population e.g Commercial Sex Workers, Men having Sex with Men (MSM) etc. The focus will be on imparting the appropriate skills for communication and counseling. Additionally, the students will also be trained in conducting Rapid HIV Testing using the recommended algorithms to ensure their competency assessed before graduation.
The partnership will contribute to PEPFAR II goal of supporting production of 140,000 new graduates from pre-service educational institutions by 2014 and will support KNASP strategies and build the capacity of Kenyan facilities and health care providers to provide quality HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support. In addition, through USAID and DOD funding other activities will be supported to utilize the acquired competencies optimally. JHPIEGO will also assist and collaborate with University of Maryland to support training in in-service and pre-service university HIV training including laboratory training and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on pre-service HIV Education and Training in Medical Training Colleges( MTC) including Kenya Medical Training College( KMTC).
The training partner will support training in Pediatric HIV treatment and all aspects of HIV diagnosis including early infant diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support in infants, young children and older children by integrating and design and develop curricula that incorporate materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and KMTCT and other MTCs as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all MTCs including private MTCs and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use integrated, innovative and comprehensive curricula. For example the pediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will adopt and adapt the curriculum on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Faculty will also receive continuing medical education (CME). JHPIEGO will also assist and collaborate with University of Maryland to support training in in-service and pre-service university HIV training including laboratory training and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University will provide support strengthening of medical pre-service and in-service HIV Education and Training in medical training colleges (MTC). Training of health workers in MTCs including Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) will be strengthened to include all aspects of universal precautions, bio-safety, infection prevention and control, injection and phlebotomy safety as well as medical waste management. Johns Hopkins University will work with the MTCs and stakeholders to ensure integration of these aspects into existing training curriculum. Johns Hopkins University will support the MTCs to ensure that trainees acquire practical experience on safety measures for infection prevention and control so as to inculcate appropriate culture from college that will impact in their future practice including sharps injury prevention, first aid and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in case of injury.
This activity builds on initiatives that were undertaken by John Snow Inc. (JSI) over the last five years. This activity serves to prevent HIV transmission through unsafe medical injections; phlebotomy; other blood drawing activities and other medical procedures that expose health workers and patients to infectious blood and other body fluids pathogens. Johns Hopkins University will support integration, design and development of curricula that incorporate materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) for in-service training. Curricula for MTCs will be approved by respective professional and regulatory bodies. The faculty of MTCs and core trainers within Ministries of Health will be supported to use the developed curricula. Johns Hopkins University will institute systems to track trainees and measures to assess impact of training at facility level. Johns Hopkins University will collaborate with University of Maryland to support training in in-service and pre-service university HIV training including laboratory training and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on pre-service HIV Education and Training in Medical Training colleges (MTC) including Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC).
JHPIEGO will work with USG agencies: CDC, USAID and DOD in collaboration with Ministries of Health and the MTC faculties together with regulatory and accrediting bodies and professional associations. The training will target MTC students in the health professions and their faculty, including, nursing, clinical officers, oral health/dental, pharmaceutical technology, laboratory technology and technicians, public health, nutrition, social work and other health professions and related fields. The students will be trained in all areas of HIV management including HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using integrated curricula and innovative training methods that incorporate the PMTCT curriculum and Guidelines for the Prevention of MTCT in Kenya. PMTCT training will focus on all the four prongs of PMTCT; primary prevention of HIV, prevention of unwanted pregnancy among HIV positive women and interruption of MTCT among HIV positive pregnant women, and treatment, care and support of HIV positive women and their partners, children and other members of their families.
Training in PMTCT will include all the PMTCT interventions including HIV counseling and testing, antenatal care, ARV prophylaxis including more efficacious regimen and triple ART prophylaxis, ART treatment for eligible HIV positive women, infant feeding counseling and choices. Family planning, integration of PMTCT to other sexual and reproductive health services and gender main streaming including gender based violence will also be covered in PMTCT training. STI and FP orientation packages will be used to train health care provider on integration while other training materials sexuality training materials will be used for other PMTCT training. Linkages to pediatric and adult treatment training will be made using various guidelines and curricula which will be integrated into the PMTCT training and curricula.

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University in collaboration with KMTC, three national polytechnics and ten government supported technical training colleges will support HIV training at pre-service level. The training partner will work with USG agencies: CDC, USAID and DOD in collaboration with Ministries of Health and the MTC faculties together with regulatory and accrediting bodies and professional associations. The training will target MTC students in medical laboratory technology and their faculty. The partner will support improvements at training laboratories at the colleges, provide laboratory medicine teaching materials (Text books, CD-Rom, journals, atlas) and teaching aids to training institutions to implement teaching of revised college pre-service curriculum and train 45 lecturers from 14 medical lab training colleges on teach back skills to deliver revised laboratory pre-service curriculum.
The partnership will contribute to PEPFAR II goal of supporting production of 140,000 new graduates from pre-service educational institutions by 2014 and will support KNASP strategies and build the capacity of Kenyan facilities and health care providers to provide quality HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support. In addition, through USAID and DOD funding other activities will be supported to utilize the acquired competencies optimally.

Strategic Area

Budget Code

Planned Amount

On Hold Amount





Johns Hopkins University through JHPIEGO will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on pre-service HIV Education and Training in Medical Training colleges (MTC) including Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC).
The training partner will support training Adult HIV treatment and all aspects of HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support by integrating and design and develop curricula that incorporate materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and KMTCT and other MTC's as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all MTC's including private MTC's and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use integrated, innovative and comprehensive curricula. For example the adult antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will adopt and adapt the new NASCOP curriculum on Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI). The initial Adult ART curriculum will still continue to be used for health workers from higher level facilities depending on results of training needs assessment and when the 2nd level advanced curriculum is released. These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Faculty will also receive continuing medical education (CME). JHPIEGO will also assist and collaborate with University of Maryland to support training in in-service and pre-service university HIV training including laboratory training and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact. This activity links to other TB/HIV activities (HVTB) provided by comprehensive clinical services TBD. Funds will support refresher training of faculty as well as well as basic laboratory microbiology capacity and link to the laboratory training in order to meet the increased needs of TB testing. The training partner will maintain data concerning the numbers students trained and will report both nationally and through the Emergency Plan.

Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information

(No data provided.)

Implementing Mechanism Details

Mechanism ID: 12066

Mechanism Name: Umbrella

Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement

Prime Partner Name: Liverpool VCT and Care

Agreement Start Date: Redacted

Agreement End Date: Redacted


Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No

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