Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 12068
Mechanism Name: New Partners Initiative
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: National Organization for Peer Educators, Kenya
Agreement Start Date: Redacted
Agreement End Date: Redacted
Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No
Total Funding: 0
Funding Source
Funding Amount
Sub Partner Name(s)
(No data provided.)
Overview Narrative
NOPE-NPI Scaling up HIV AIDS Prevention will reach 120,000 individuals with abstinence and being faithful messages along two transport belts Namanga-Kajiado-Kiserian and Kangemi-Limuru-Narok-Kisii. They will employ a 360 degree Model of Protection that seeks to delay first sex and increase secondary abstinence among youth aged10-24 years, increase safer sexual practices among sexually active youth and reduction of multiple concurrent partnerships. Most-at-risk groups along hotspots on identified belts will be provided with a minimum package of services as per national guidelines. Other sub-groups to be reached will include vulnerable women in low resource settings, teachers, health care providers, the clergy and religious leaders and PLWHA for positive prevention. The model targets families, schools, health facilities, places of worship and communities by developing activities that build the capacity of the populations to establish and maintain healthy behaviors. It addresses cultural determinants to that promote low-risk behavior. The model aims to encompass individuals with a supportive environment at every level of their lives (family, peers, school and community). 800 individuals will be trained to provide AB programs in the different groups. The AB program will be implemented by FBO sub-partners and other NGO/CBOs to integrate life skills programs for HIV/AIDS prevention, drug and alcohol abuse. In addition, NPI SHAP will work with the Ministry of Education,Kenya Network of Positive Teachers and use the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health (KARHP) strategy to reach out to more youth in and out of learning institutions. The activity will expand the youth peer education interventions using the Y-Peer approach established by Youth-Net and UNFPA; work with the Provincial Education Office, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) to roll out life-skills peer education programs to schools along the project belt; and work with tertiary training colleges, polytechnics and universities to integrate HIV/AIDS education using the 'I Choose Life' approach and NOPE's Ambassadors of Change (AOC) approach. Referrals and linkages will be established to increase access to treatment and other services. Particular attention will be given to addressing Gender based violence prevention and mitigation.
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
(No data provided.)
Key Issues
(No data provided.)
Budget Code Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 12069
Mechanism Name: NRHS
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: Nyanza Reproductive Health Society
Agreement Start Date: Redacted
Agreement End Date: Redacted
Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No
Total Funding: 5,250,000
Funding Source
Funding Amount
GHCS (State)
Sub Partner Name(s)
(No data provided.)
Overview Narrative
NRHS will continue scaling up VMMC (voluntary Medical Male Circumcision) services for HIV prevention to contribute to prevention of new infections in Nyanza province. They will deliver the minimum package for MC services, using innovative approaches as recommended by the Kenya VMMC Taskforce, to ensure rapid coverage of 'catch up' population with quality and safe VMMC services through training of health care providers on VMMC skills. These may include use of facilities, as well as mobile and outreach VMMC services to smaller dispensaries, health centers, schools, churches and market places/community centers.
The capacity of facilities serving residents in Luo districts in Nyanza will be increased to provide VMMC in response to increased demand for services likely to result from near-universal awareness of HIV status among many clients who will be referred from Home based CT services (HBVCT). Through this activity, NRHS will train Health Care workers and circumcise over 75,000 men. Outreach and/or mobile VMMC services will involve high quality high-volume standardized approach through trained mobile teams and will follow Ministry of Health (MOH) guidance. Mobile teams will work at temporary sites including existing buildings and tents that will be equipped for minor surgical procedures and pre- and post-operative services. Mobile VMMC Teams may geographically follow HBVCT teams as they move through the target geographical area to ensure coverage and no missed opportunities.
Pre-operative assessment will follow group education about VMMC and HIV risk reduction, including the information that MC is not 100% protective against HIV acquisition. Standard HIV prevention messages in group educational sessions will include age-appropriate information about delaying sexual debut, abstinence where appropriate, partner risk reduction and use of condoms correctly and consistently. This activity includes major emphasis in training of health care providers on VMMC skills, development and distribution of Information, Education and Communication, minor renovation of health facilities out-patient theatres to provide VMMC services and linkages to appropriate health care services.
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
(No data provided.)
Key Issues
(No data provided.)
Budget Code Information
Mechanism ID:
Mechanism Name:
Prime Partner Name:
Nyanza Reproductive Health Society
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
NRHS will continue scaling up MC services for HIV prevention in Nyanza to contribute to prevention of new infections. They will deliver the minimum package for MC services, using innovative approaches as recommended by the Kenya MC Taskforce, to ensure rapid coverage of 'catch up' population with quality and safe MC services through training of health care providers on MC skills. These may include use of facilities, as well as mobile and outreach MC services to smaller dispensaries, health centers, schools, churches and market places/community centers.
The capacity of facilities serving residents Luo districts in Nyanza will be increased to provide MC in response to increased demand for services likely to result from near-universal awareness of HIV status among many clients who will be referred from Home based CT services (HBVCT). Through this activity, NRHS will train Health Care workers and provide over 75,000 Male Circumcisions. Outreach and/or mobile MC services will involve high quality high-volume standardized approach through trained mobile teams and will follow MOH guidance. Mobile teams will work at temporary sites including existing buildings and tents that will be equipped for minor surgical procedures and pre- and post-operative services. Mobile MC Teams may geographically follow HBVCT teams as they move through the target geographical area to ensure coverage and no missed opportunities.
Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 12070
Mechanism Name: Strategic Information
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: University of California at San Francisco
Agreement Start Date: Redacted
Agreement End Date: Redacted
Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No
Total Funding: 2,200,000
Funding Source
Funding Amount
GHCS (State)
Sub Partner Name(s)
(No data provided.)
Overview Narrative
This cooperative agreement was awarded in FY2009 from FOA PS09-990. The activity was written into COP 2009 as a TBD "PS-09-990" (mechanism ID: 12232.09, mechanism system ID: 12232). This mechanism is now being submitted in COP 2010 as a continuing implementing mechanism with request for a new mechanism system ID.
UCSF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of HIV surveillance activities.
• Developing a protocol that will measure the readiness of Kenya to move from relying ANC sentinel surveillance to estimate prevalence to using PMTCT data.
• Surveillance of MARPs including MARPs protocol review, finalizing MARPs protocol and MARPs technical assistance and capacity building.
• Manuscript preparation support for the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey 2007
• Surveillance needs assessment for surveillance capacity building with MoH and other implementing partners
• Developing a plan for building surveillance capacity and assisting NASCOP to build up a surveillance team.
• Developing a surveillance matrix and a strategic surveillance plan for Kenya, including incidence surveillance, STI surveillance, mortality surveillance, case reporting and clinical outcomes surveillance, pediatric surveillance
• Developing an epidemiologic profile for Kenya that is constantly being updated
• Preparations for next Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey
UCSF will work with the MoH and NASCOP to support the ongoing informatics activities which include:
• Developing standards for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems in Kenya and establishing a framework for systems interoperability.
• Integration of key national electronic sub-systems which include a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Pharmacy systems. This will be demonstrated in at least two geographical locations (district or province) at different levels of health facilities. Internationally recognized standards such as HL7, LOINC, and ICD 10 coding should be included in the framework.
• Building local capacity to support and use EMR/HMIS applications. This will entail the training of staff at local health facilities, regional level and at the national level. This activity will also include the ongoing capacity training workshops in selected technical in informatics topics as a way of ensuring sustainability.
• Supporting the Division of HMIS to fully develop a data warehouse at the MOH. Support will be directed to all HIV programs and will include training MOH.
• Supporting informatics activities in Nyanza province, including integration of Demographic Surveillance System (DSS) and health facilities.
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
(No data provided.)
Key Issues
(No data provided.)
Budget Code Information
Mechanism ID:
Mechanism Name:
Prime Partner Name:
Strategic Information
University of California at San Francisco
Strategic Area
Budget Code
Planned Amount
On Hold Amount
UCSF will support an expanded surveillance portfolio as well as informatics activities. Informatics support was not funded in the previous fiscal period. The activities to be supported through this implementing mechanism are listed below:
UCSF will provide technical assistance to the GoK and implementing partners on a variety of HIV surveillance activities.
• Developing a protocol that will measure the readiness of Kenya to move from relying ANC sentinel surveillance to estimate prevalence to using PMTCT data.
• Surveillance of MARPs including MARPs protocol review, finalizing MARPs protocol and MARPs technical assistance and capacity building.
• Manuscript preparation support for the Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey 2007
• Surveillance needs assessment for surveillance capacity building with MoH and other implementing partners
• Developing a plan for building surveillance capacity and assisting NASCOP to build up a surveillance team.
• Developing a surveillance matrix and a strategic surveillance plan for Kenya, including incidence surveillance, STI surveillance, mortality surveillance, case reporting and clinical outcomes surveillance, pediatric surveillance
• Developing an epidemiologic profile for Kenya that is constantly being updated
• Preparations for next Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey
UCSF will work with the MoH and NASCOP to support the ongoing informatics activities which were previously supported by University of Washington/ITECH. These include:
• Developing standards for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems in Kenya and establishing a framework for systems interoperability.
• Integration of key national electronic sub-systems which include a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Pharmacy systems. This will be demonstrated in at least two geographical locations (district or province) at different levels of health facilities. Internationally recognized standards such as HL7, LOINC, and ICD 10 coding should be included in the framework.
• Building local capacity to support and use EMR/HMIS applications. This will entail the training of staff at local health facilities, regional level and at the national level. This activity will also include the ongoing capacity training workshops in selected technical in informatics topics as a way of ensuring sustainability.
• Supporting the Division of HMIS to fully develop a data warehouse at the MOH. Support will be directed to all HIV programs and will include training MOH.
• Supporting informatics activities in Nyanza province, including integration of Demographic Surveillance System (DSS) and health facilities
The Kenya AIDS Indicator Survey showed that HIV is still a major problem in Kenya and there is wide geographical variation in prevalence. STIs that are known to be associated with the risk of HIV acquisition and transmission are also common. This calls for strong HIV and STI surveillance systems to monitor these diseases. UCSF will help the GoK to strengthen its surveillance and routine monitoring systems through these expanded activities.
Implementing Mechanism Indicator Information
(No data provided.)
Implementing Mechanism Details
Mechanism ID: 12071
Mechanism Name: PACE
Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Procurement Type: Cooperative Agreement
Prime Partner Name: University of Maryland
Agreement Start Date: Redacted
Agreement End Date: Redacted
Global Fund / Multilateral Engagement: No
Total Funding: 2,010,000
Funding Source
Funding Amount
GHCS (State)
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