This cooperative agreement with was awarded in FY 09. The activity was written into COP 09 as a TBD. This mechanism is now being submitted in COP 10 as a continuing implementing mechanism with request for a new mechanism system ID.
The University Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) will support pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely: Pre-service University HIV Education and Training, In-service HIV Training, and Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training.
The training partner will support training in all aspects of HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using material developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the university as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies. Training will be provide for health care workers in all regions of the country and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged.
Cross-Cutting Budget Attribution(s)
(No data provided.)
Key Issues
(No data provided.)
Budget Code Information
Mechanism ID:
Mechanism Name:
Prime Partner Name:
University of Maryland
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
University of Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) will support pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely; Pre-service University HIV Education and Training; In-service HIV Training, and Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training.
University of Maryland will support training in Adult HIV treatment and all aspects of HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the universities as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all regions of the country and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use national curricula or develop national curricula. For example the adult antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will be conducted using the new NASCOP curriculum on Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI). The initial Adult ART curriculum will still continue to be used for health workers from higher level facilities depending on NASCOP's and MOH need's and on how soon the 2nd level advanced curriculum is released. The same curricula will also be used to train health workers from the USAID supported institutions and Department of Defense (DOD) throughout the country. These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Health care providers will also receive continuing medical education (CME). The training partner will maintain teams of specially trained trainers. Members of these training teams will also provide patient care at supported sites. This on-site participation helps to maintain the clinical skills of the trainers, ensures that the trainers are teaching from recent and relevant experience, and assist with meeting critical staffing needs. This activity has been previously supported through Mildmay International. The cooperative agreement with Mildmay ended in mid 2009. By April 2008, two multidisciplinary teams had provided ART classroom training to over 135 health care professionals and had reached over 1,200 health care workers through CME sessions addressing care of pediatric patients and management of patients co-infected with TB and HIV. The teams have undergone trainings in teaching methodology as well as advanced HIV management as advanced training in adult and pediatric HIV management. Health care providers have also received training in PMTCT, Counseling and testing and HIV laboratory training. Pre-service training has been less structured. University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with JHPIEGO to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
The University Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) will support pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely; Pre-service University HIV Education and Training; In-service HIV Training, and Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training.
University of Maryland will support training in HIV Testing and Counseling using materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the universities as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all regions of the country and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Liver Pool VCT and Treatment and Care. The country is in the process of finalizing the harmonization of the national HTC training curricular that reflects key knowledge and skills of the HTC service providers given the dynamic HIV testing requirements. The trainings will thus use The National HTC Training Curriculum that covers the different aspects on Client Initiated HIV Testing (CITC) and Provider Initiated HIV Testing (PITC), and has protocols for use in the different HTC settings e.g. Facility, Community, Home , workplace etc. Other important components include effective communication which is key in counseling, providing and supporting Couples to take HIV test and disclosure, HTC in children and in specific other vulnerable populations namely the Most-at-risk-Populations. Finally, the training will also focus on conducting HIV testing as per the national guidelines and various Quality Assurance aspects for HTC services. Health care providers will also receive continuing medical education (CME). The training partner will maintain teams of specially trained trainers working in health facilities. This on-site participation helps to maintain the clinical skills of the trainers, ensures that the trainers are teaching from recent and relevant experience, and assist with meeting critical staffing needs. University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with JHPIEGO to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
University of Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) will support strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely: Pre-service University HIV Education and Training, In-service HIV Training, and Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training.
The training partner will support training in Pediatric HIV treatment and all aspects of HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support in infants and young children as well as older children using materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the universities as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all regions of the country and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use national curricula or develop national curricula. For example the pediatric antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will be conducted using the current curricula on Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) and other relevant curricula. The same curricula will also be used to train health workers from the USAID supported institutions and Department of Defense (DOD) throughout the country. These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Health care providers will also receive continuing medical education (CME). The training partner will maintain teams of specially trained trainers. Members of these training teams will also provide patient care at supported sites. This on-site participation helps to maintain the clinical skills of the trainers, ensures that the trainers are teaching from recent and relevant experience, and assist with meeting critical staffing needs. This activity has been previously supported through Mildmay International. The cooperative agreement with Mildmay ended in mid 2009. By April 2008, two multidisciplinary teams had provided ART classroom training to over 135 health care professionals and had reached over 1,200 health care workers through CME sessions addressing care of pediatric patients and management of patients co-infected with TB and HIV. The teams have undergone trainings in teaching methodology as well as advanced HIV management as advanced training in adult and pediatric HIV management. Health care providers have also received training in PMTCT, Counseling and testing and HIV laboratory training. Pre-service training has been less structured. University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with JHPIEGO to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
The University Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) with support from PEFPAR through Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other USG agencies: USAID and DOD will provide support for strengthening pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely:
• Pre-service University HIV Education and Training
• In-service HIV Training
• Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training
Training of health workers in selected MOH health facilities across the country will be conducted on safe phlebotomy practices, safe injection and infection prevention control (IPC) so as to significantly reduce or eliminate the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other blood-borne diseases resulting from unsafe practices.
UOM will target various cadres of staff including facility managers to strengthen infection prevention and control committees, procurement and supplies staff to strengthen injection safety, waste management and other commodity security and waste handlers to improve their health safety skills.
UOM will work with Universities to integrate a component of injection/phlebotomy safety and waste management issues as well as universal precautions and IPC into existing university curricula for doctors, dentists, pharmacists and nurses. The training will empower facility managers to strengthen IPC committees that will promote injection/phlebotomy safety activities within health facilities through short trainings and/or workshops.
University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with Johns Hopkins University to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
University of Maryland in partnership with University of Nairobi will support HIV training in public universities: University of Nairobi, Moi University, Kenyatta University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Egerton University and Maseno University as well as Masinde Muliro University. The training partner will work with USG agencies: CDC, USAID and DOD in collaboration with Ministries of Health and the University Senates and faculties together with regulatory and accrediting bodies and professional associations. The training will target university students in the health professions and their faculty, including medical, nursing, dental, pharmacy, laboratory technology and science, public health, nutrition, social work and other health professions and related fields. In-service health care providers in the same professions and working in public health facilities at all levels of health care will also be trained in all areas of HIV management including HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using integrated curricula and innovative training methods that incorporate the PMTCT curriculum and Guidelines for the Prevention of MTCT in Kenya. PMTCT training will focus on all the four prongs of PMTCT; primary prevention of HIV, prevention of unwanted pregnancy among HIV positive women and interruption of MTCT among HIV positive pregnant women, and treatment, care and support of HIV positive women and their partners, children and other members of their families.
Training in PMTCT will include all the PMTCT interventions including HIV counseling and testing, antenatal care, ARV prophylaxis including more efficacious regimen and triple ART prophylaxis, ART treatment for eligible HIV positive women, infant feeding counseling and choices. Family planning, integration of PMTCT to other sexual and reproductive health services and gender main streaming including gender based violence will also be covered in PMTCT training. STI and FP orientation packages will be used to train health care provider on integration while other training materials sexuality training materials will be used for other PMTCT training. Linkages to paediatric and adult treatment training will be made using various guidelines and curricula which will be integrated into the PMTCT training and curricula.
The partnership will contribute to PEPFAR II goal of supporting production of 140,000 new graduates from pre-service educational institutions by 2014 and will support KNASP strategies and build the capacity of Kenyan facilities and health care providers to provide quality HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support. In addition, through USAID and DOD funding other activities will be supported to utilize the acquired competencies optimally. University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with JHPIEGO to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
Effective health systems depend on a well trained workforce that can carry out the tasks and build the systems needed to achieve PEPFAR goals. As new technologies are introduced constantly, new pathogens are recognized, and information about known pathogens keeps on expanding. UOM will build the capacity of Ministries of health lab personnel to acquire and maintain relevant skills and knowledge to enable them to perform their duties optimally, to develop leadership and management skills and remain motivated as valuable members of the public health workforce. Training will include QA for rapid HIV testing, microbiology, chemistry, hematology and CD4 for monitoring HIV positive patients on care and treatment, early infant diagnosis, commodity management, laboratory management, good clinical laboratory practice, laboratory equipment maintenance, integrated disease surveillance, and data management.
UOM will work in collaboration with ministries of health and other stakeholders to utilize existing standardized training materials or develop new ones where such materials does not exist. UOM will train regional trainers to facilitate cascade of trainings to lower facilities with support of regional implementing partners. The in-service training will be packaged to target all levels of health service delivery and will be prioritized based on program needs.
UOM will collaborate with four public universities (KU, JKUAT, Maseno, and Egerton) to strengthen laboratory pre-service training for medical students in medicine, laboratory technology and laboratory sciences. This will include review of medical laboratory technology curriculum as appropriate, provision of teaching materials and training lecturers to deliver new curriculum.
In collaboration with key stakeholders UOM will build the capacity of laboratory workforce through both laboratory in-service and university pre-service training. Following are activities for FY 10:
i) Strengthen office of national lab training coordinator to
a. Develop lab training database
b. Monitor all lab related training
c. Develop library of training resources-both electronic and paper based
ii) Conduct pre training and post training evaluations to assess impact of each training.
iii) Review laboratory in-service training curricula, and where appropriate integrate with training in other program areas.
iv) Train (in-service) 200 laboratory health workers in lab related trainings (management and bench techniques)
v) Review Laboratory sciences curricula at four local universities.
vi) Establish 2 regional training centers for laboratory in-service training in close consultation with CDC and local stakeholders.
vii) Provide laboratory medicine teaching materials (Text books, CD-Rom, journals, Atlas) and teaching aids to training institutions to implement teaching of revised university bachelor of science (medical laboratory) pre-service curriculum.
viii) Train 40 lecturers from 4 public universities (Jomo Kenyatta university of agriculture and technology, Kenyatta , Maseno and Egerton universities) on teach back skills to deliver revised laboratory university pre-service curriculum.
Strategic Area
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On Hold Amount
The University Maryland in partnership with the University of Nairobi (UON) will support TB/HIV training in public universities: University of Nairobi, Moi University, Kenyatta University, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Egerton University and Maseno University as well as Masinde Muliro University. University of Mary land will support and strengthen pre-service and in-service training nationally with focus on three training areas, namely: Pre-service University HIV Education and Training, In-service HIV Training, Pre-service and In-service HIV Laboratory Education and Training.
University of Mary land will support HIV/TB training and all aspects of TB and HIV diagnosis, prevention, treatment, care and support using materials developed and approved by the National AIDS and STD Control Program (NASCOP) and the National TB and Leprosy Control Programme and the universities as well as respective professional and regulatory bodies and provide trainings for health care workers in all regions of the country and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. This activity has been previously supported through implementing partners, through NASCOP and through other training partners such as Mildmay International. The trainings will use national curricula or develop national curricula. For example the adult antiretroviral treatment (ART) trainings will be conducted using the new NASCOP curriculum on Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI). The initial Adult ART curriculum will still continue to be used for health workers from higher level facilities depending on NASCOP's and MOH need's and on how soon the 2nd level advanced curriculum is released. The same curricula will also be used to train health workers from the USAID supported institutions and Department of Defense (DOD) throughout the country. These activities will include classroom and practical training of health care workers in antiretroviral (ARV) drug management as part of training on comprehensive care of people with HIV/AIDS and will incorporate components of follow up and quality assurance at the sites where these trained health care workers are engaged. Health care providers will also receive continuing medical education (CME). The training partner will maintain teams of specially trained trainers. Members of these training teams will also provide patient care at supported sites. This on-site participation helps to maintain the clinical skills of the trainers, ensures that the trainers are teaching from recent and relevant experience, and assist with meeting critical staffing needs. This activity has been previously supported through Mildmay International. The cooperative agreement with Mildmay ended in mid 2009. By April 2008, two multidisciplinary teams had provided ART classroom training to over 135 health care professionals and had reached over 1,200 health care workers through CME sessions addressing care of pediatric patients and management of patients co-infected with TB and HIV. The teams have undergone trainings in teaching methodology as well as advanced HIV management as advanced training in adult and pediatric HIV management. Health care providers have also received training in PMTCT, Counseling and testing and HIV laboratory training. Pre-service training has been less structured. University of Maryland will also assist and collaborate with Jhpiego to support training in Kenya Medical Training Colleges and build their capacity to design, develop, and deliver quality training and mentorship and evaluate and monitor the training and its impact.
The support training will be linked to other for TB/HIV activities (HVTB) in the clinical services TBD and partner will support refresher training of laboratory staff and improvement of basic laboratory microbiology capacity in order to meet the increased needs of TB testing. 150 health care workers will be trained to provide clinical prophylaxis and/or treatment for TB to HIV-infected individuals. The training partner will maintain data concerning the numbers of health providers trained and report both nationally and through the Emergency Plan.