Conservation biology
Batea, N. D., Nicolin, A. L., Arsene, G. G., Imbrea, I. M., and Neacsu, A. G. 2014. Present state and conservation measures for Orchidaceae species in the National Park Nera Gorges-Beusnita (S-W Romania). Research Journal of Agricultural Science 46: 25-36.
Bhattarai, P., Pandey, B., Gautam, R. K., and Chhetri, R. 2014. Ecology and conservation status of threatened orchid Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo in Manaslu conservation area, central Nepal. American Journal of Plant Sciences 5: 3483-3491.
Bunnag, S. and Hongthongkham, J. 2014. Cryopreservation by encapsulation-dehydration for long-term storage of Aerides falcata Lindl. Acta Horticulturae 1039: 155-160.
Chauhan, R. S., Nautiyal, M. C., Vashistha, R. K., and Prasad, P. 2014. Morphobiochemical variability and selection strategies for the germplasm of Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo: an endangered medicinal orchid. Journal of Botany 2014: 869167.
Czerepko, J., Gawrys, R., Ciesla, A., and Sokolowski, K. 2014. Warunki srodowiska wplywajace na stan zachowania obuwika pospolitego Cypripedium calceolus L. w lasach gospodarczych. [Environment conditions influence on protection status of lady's slipper orchid Cypripedium calceolus L. in managed forests]. Sylwan 158: 867-874.
de Macedo, M. C., Chaim Jardim Rosa, D. B., Soares, J. S., Tatara, M. B., Kobayashi Hofmann, N. T., and Chaim Jardim Rosa, Y. B. 2015. Seed storage and acclimatization of Brassavola tuberculata Hook. Semina-Ciencias Agrarias 35: 2883-2894.
Gigant, R. L., De Bruyn, A., Church, B., Humeau, L., Gauvin-Bialecki, A., Pailler, T., Grisoni, M., and Besse, P. 2014. Active sexual reproduction but no sign of genetic diversity in range-edge populations of Vanilla roscheri Rchb.f. (Orchidaceae) in South Africa. Conservation Genetics 15: 1403-1415.
Kosaka, N., Kawahara, T., and Takahashi, H. 2014. Vegetation factors influencing the establishment and growth of the endangered Japanese orchid, Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense. Ecological Research 29: 1003-1023.
Parthibhan, S., Kumar, T. S., and Rao, M. V. 2015. Phenology and reintroduction strategies for Dendrobium aqueum Lindley - an endemic, near threatened orchid. Journal for Nature Conservation 24: 68-71
Pellegrino, G. and Bellusci, F. 2014. Effects of human disturbance on reproductive success and population viability of Serapias cordigera (Orchidaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 176: 408-420.
Rankin, B. L., Ballantyne, M., and Pickering, C. M. 2015. Tourism and recreation listed as a threat for a wide diversity of vascular plants: A continental scale review. Journal of Environmental Management 154: 293-298.
Rewicz, A., Zielinska, K. M., Kiedrzynski, M., and Kucharski, L. 2015. Orchidaceae in the anthropogenic landscape of central poland: diversity, extinction and conservation perspectives. Archives Of Biological Sciences 67: 119-130.
Zhang, Y., Zhao, S., Liu, D., Zhang, Q., and Cheng, J. 2014. Flowering phenology and reproductive characteristics of Cypripedium macranthos (Orchidaceae) in China and their implication in conservation. Pakistan Journal of Botany 46: 1303-1308.
Zhang, Z., Yan, Y., Tian, Y., Li, J., He, J-S., and Tang, Z. 2015. Distribution and conservation of orchid species richness in China. Biological Conservationm 181: 64-72.
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