Diversity Charter, Spain Objectives, structure, activities and plan for future growth
Overall aim of the project
Further develop and promote the Business Case for Diversity in EU
Place diversity management firmly on the strategic business agenda and activities of European companies and business schools
Project Partners
European Commission (client) – DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities
Focus Consultancy (leader) – specialised in social inclusion, diversity & anti-discrimination, and organisational change in Europe
European Academy of Business in Society (EABIS) – committed to understanding and integrating corporate responsibility into business theory and practice
EIM Business & Policy Research – implementing studies on business and the link with policy, including SMEs
European Institute for Managing Diversity – focused on diversity management and adaptation to local cultures
Support Partners
European Business Test Panel – DG MARKT
CSR Europe – European business network for corporate social responsibility
European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) – networking and research on innovation, best practice and quality in management development
Austrian Institute for SME Research – social and economic research on small and medium-sized enterprises
UEAPME – European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Wider umbrella networks, NGOs and social partners
Project Milestones
Project Outcomes
5% of SMEs in the EU have some degree of awareness of diversity as a strategic tool
Task 1 SMEs European-wide research and consultation with 1,200 SMEs and 70 intermediaries
63% of the corporations implement diversity management policies in the EU
Task 2 EBTP Survey to 6.000 companies of EBTP panel
80% of companies that manage diversity as a corporate policy claim that their diverse workforce is responsible for their capacity to innovate
Task 4 Innovation Work research and focus groups with select companies answering the questionnaire and willing to go in further in their analysis
Project Outcomes
9.3% of academic world, give a full degree in diversity management, 51.2% elective and 39.5% as part of other courses
Task 5 Business Schools Research to 1.800 universities worldwide and Symposium to discuss results with other stakeholders
Diversity Charters prove to be a very valuable tool to create awareness and reach the corporate community, the social agents and local administrations to align with the antidiscrimination Directives
Task 3 Diversity Charters Research across France, Germany and Brussels to both Charter managers and signatory companies and institutions. Set up the Spanish Diversity Charter. Continue the journey towards a European Charter network.
Comparison Chart of different agents regarding the Implementation of Diversity and Inclusion Activities
Diversity Charter of Spain
Directives in the European Union Legislation toward an Equal and Anti-discriminatory Europe
The genesis of a Europe where all the people have equal rights began in the year 2000.
Treaty of Amsterdam, 1997 (art.13)
Lisbon Strategy, 2000
Directive against race and ethnic discrimination, 2000/43/EC
Directive against discrimination according to age, capacity, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs, 2000/78/EC. Application 2003-2006
2001-2006 Community Action Program
EU Charter Fundamental Rights
Constitution of Europe:
In its preamble it is established that the constitution is for all the people of Europe.
"United in diversity, Europe offers the best possibilities to advance in a grand adventure that represents a privileged space of human hope"
Some of the more relevant articles regarding the commitment to create an inclusive environment based on respect and equality in a unique space, and should govern the behavior of the people and institutions
The fight against discrimination constitutes one of the priorities of the European Union. As a result of this interest, in the year 2000, the Council of the European Union approved two Community Directives or laws of significant transcendence:
Directive 2000/43/CE
Directive 2000/78/CE
Legislation in all Memeber States
Objectives of a Diversity Charter
Signing the Charter is a voluntary commitment and has no cost for the signatory
Disseminate information, generate awareness.
Contribute to stability and corporate and social sustainability
Offer tools to support companies that have signed the Charter, ie. Guides, newsletter, best practices, etc.
Achieve direct or indirect adhesion of Spanish companies to the Charter, no matter their size or scope,
Establish a network of collaborators, including public entities, private companies, institutions, business schools, regions, cities, etc. committed to diversity inclusion.
Organize events, forums, workshops and training related to diversity and inclusion to promote the spirit of the Charter
Develop financial sustainability to give support to signatories and their need for information, exchange of experience, tools, etc
Diversity Charter France
The Diversity Charter France was set up in the year 2004 and now has 1,860 signatary companies and the personal commitment of Claude Bébéar, Presidente of the Axa Group, L´Oréal and Sodexo, 18 institutions, 3 company federations (MEDEF, CGPME, and UPA), Chambers of Commerce, 8 networks of companies (CJD, ANDRH, FACE, IMS-Entreprendre pour la Cité, ….), 3 Public Administrations (ACSé, DAIC, DGEFP) as well as ANPE, HALDE and FSE and 1,800 signatory companies.
Diversity Charter Brussels
The Diversity Charter Belgium was founded on 19 December 2005 by the Ministry of Employment, Entrepreneurial Association (UEB-VOB), and companies like Axa, Carrefour, Manpower y L’Oréal and small businesses like EXKi, Cofinimmo and Jani-king. At present it has 123 signatories.
Diversity Charter of Germany
The Diversity Charter Germany was founded on 3 July 2006, fostered by the Prime Minister Angela Merkel and ESF, German Association of Companies and the Chamber of Commerce. The founding companies are Daimeler, Deutsche Teleko, Deutsche Bank, and Deutsche BP. In 2007 there were 170 signatory companies, 2 Ministries, 5 cities and 4 Chambers of Commerce.
Foundation for Diversity The Diversity Charter of Spain
The Foundation for Diversity in Spain was incorporated by the IEGD and the ALARES Foundation in order to foment equality and antidiscrimination policies and diversity management in Spain. Its objectives are to spread
Content: free on-line training courses; information, news and reports; chats and monitored experience exchange; direct access and relation with other European Charters
Setting up the Diversity Charter Spain
Created the Foundation for Diversity together with Fundación ALARES to give a framework to the promotion of the Charter
Established close interaction with the other operating Charters of France, Germany and Brussels
Develop a DELPHI program during 4 months with 96 companies and institutions to write the text of the Charter.
Created the Web www.fundacióndiversidad.org – to create awareness, communication, training programs and other support for signatories and members
Obtained support and participation of the Ministry of Equality
Attracted major corporations as signatories ; Telefónica, ENDESA, BBVA and SODEXO; and other companies both national and European
Establish agreements with institutions/ intermediaries in order to promote the Charter in Spain.
Attracted a list of service supplier as credited organizations that can directly give support of members of demand
Create a structure to manage the Foundation and the promotion of the Charter
Started expansion to other autonomic regions
DELPHI – 96 companies and institutions that participated in developing the text of the Charter during 4 months, must of them also participated in the EU PROGRESS project
Charter de la Diversidad (Documento de Compromiso)
Structure of the Foundation
Founding members:
European Institute for Managing Diversity
Fundación ALARES ( specialising in work/life projects)
Support from the Ministry of Equality
Later we will look for support from local autonomic governments
Institutions are invited to join the Charter in order to act as intermediaries between the Foundation and the ultimate beneficiaries: SMEs, Disabled, Women, Age groups, Immigrants, etc
Funding strategy
Other Founding members
Members who made donations according to the number of employees
Sponsors of events
Sponsors of research
EU projects
We need to obtain support from ESF and other local subsidies for NGOs
Ministerio de Igualdad Projects
Research project to analyse the degree of awareness of employees of the administration related to anti-discrimination behaviour
Research project to analyse de degree of awareness and implementation of diversity and inclusion policies by the corporate community
2 events to present these results
2010 the implementation of practices both in the administration and in the corporate community that derive from these research projects.
Mainly intermenisterial training
Training in diversity management for companies
Promote Diversity Plan
Web has being restructured
Home page open to all visitors
Reserved area for Foundation members
On-Line training
Diversity awareness “capsules / spots”
Audit tool
Legal information
Anti-discrimination platform in process
Other services
Brochures with Charters and form to request it
Media communication activities
Tool for signatories to disseminate Charter to clients and suppliers
March 17th - Presentation in Madrid, at the Ministry of Equality -181 participants and 30 signatories.
On July 7, in Madrid, Act of signature: European Commission site
October 28 in Madrid Act of signature
The plan is to organise at least 4 signature events a year in Madrid and in Barcelona
November 4 in CaixaForum Act of signature and Presentation of the Diversity Charter in Barcelona.
In collaboration with:
Generalitat de Cataluña
Fundación La Caixa
Ministry of Equality
And NGOs and intermediaries
FORUM September 22– 4 a years sponsored by Sodexo, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, Banesto, Iberdrola, MSD
4 de November 2009, Madrid. Segundo Foro de la Diversidad: Diversity - gender.
13 January 2010, Madrid. 3rd Foro: Dissability *
10 March 2010, Madrid. 4th Foro: Diversity - culture*
Capital Humano Fair of HH RR -19 November 2009, Madrid. Business Event in collaboration of Banco Popular, L’Oréal y MSD *;
Novartis: Day of Diversity in Novartis, October 16th,
ACOGE Network
Session in Burgos – October 15th
Seminar in Cordoba – October 29th
Seminar in Elche, November 11th
The plan is to organise all type of events with associated members and invite signatories as well as general public; breakfast, dinners, research, forums, etc
Next events: Disseminating the Charter
Presentation of the Charter in Aragón –
In collaboration with Instituto Aragones de la Mujer
Presentation of the Charter in Sevilla
In collaboration with FAFFE
Presentation of the Charter in the north of Spain
In collaboration with AEDIPE associates
Plan is to name a Delegate in each autonomic region after presenting the Charter together with the local Autonomic government and institutions
Still to define – relationship with Delegates – profiles of Delegates
Presently role: attract signatories, promote dissemination of Charter, attract associated members of the Foundation, organise events
Sra. Elisa Durán
Directora General Adjunta de la Fundació La Caixa
Dña. Carmen Navarro
Directora General contra la Discriminación.
Ministerio de Igualdad
Sra. Belinda Pyke (Lectura de su mensaje)
Directora General de Igualdad y Antidiscriminación de la
DGV de la Comisión Europea
Sra. Myrtha B. Casanova
Presidenta de la Fundación para la Diversidad y
Presidenta del Instituto Europeo para la Gestión de la
Hble. Sra. Mar Serna
Consellera del Departament de Treball de la Generalitat
de Catalunya
Acto de firma por parte de las empresas e instituciones
Presentation of Charter in Barcelona November 4th
Presided by the Honourable Consellera de Treball of the Generalitat of Catalunya. The presence and backing of the Secretary General of Antidiscrimination of the Ministry of Equality. Sponsored by the Foundation La Caixa
220 attending and 48 signatories
Next events: European campaign
Project of the European campaign " For the diversity, Against the discrimination " of the Group of work of the DG of employment of the European Commission The diversity within reach of all: Campaign to introduce the Diversity in the Spanish companies
Members of the group of work
Confederal de Empleo de la Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO); Observatorio Español del Racismo y la Xenofobia; Ministerio de Igualdad; Fundación Secretariado Gitano; Consejo de la Juventud de España (CJE); Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR); Plataforma asociación ONGs Acción Social; CERMI y Fundación para la Diversidad.
Institutions that have signed the Charter
AED - Asociación Española de Directivos
AEDIPE Catalunya. Associació Catalana de Direcció de Persones
AEDIPE centro
Asociación Nacional del Alzehimer, AFALcontigo
Club de la excelencia en sostenibilidad
Colegio de Psicólogos de Madrid
Companies that have signed the Charter
ADD Work Systems S.L.
Automóviles Citroën España, S.A.
Autotransporte Turístico Español, S.A.
Baker & McKenzie Barcelona S.L.P.
Banque PSA Finance (Sucursal en España)
bidea, consultoría para el desarrollo de la empresa sostenible
BT Global Services SAU
Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo
Centro de Ensayos, Innovación y Servicios, S.L.
Comercial Citröen, S.A.
Companies that have signed the Charter
Ingecom Consultores, S.L.
Innova Humana
Lilly S.A.
L'Oreal España, S.A
Medialuna Comunicación, S.L.
Merck, Sharp & Dohme de España, S.A.
NH Hoteles
Nomitek, S.A. de C.V.
Norman Broadbent
Novartis Farmacéutica S.A
Signatories November 4th in Madrid
América, España, Solidaridad y Cooperación,
Almenara Estudios Económicos y Sociales,
Alta Capacidad,
aRch Internacional,
Asociación Mujeres para el diálogo y la educación,
Asociación Inclusive,
Centro de Ensayos, Innovación y Servicios, S.L.,
Club de Excelencia en Sostenibilidad,
Conecta Management,
Esfera One Business Management Group, S.L.,
Grupo BLC,
Grupo Indra en España,
Internacional Business Events .XXI, S.L.L.,
Lilly, S.A.,
L’Oréal España, S.A.,
Motorota España, S.A.,
Oportunita Consulting, S.L.,
Quatropi for Projects,
Red acoge,
Sociedad de Prevención de FREMAP SLU.
Signatories November 4th in Barcelona
AIS Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial, S.A.
AISD Viver de Bell-lloc
Alius Modus Consulting
Associació d'amics de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (AAUPC)
Associació per la Promoció i Inserció Profesional - APIP
Associació Sant Tomàs-Parmo
CITE-CCOO (Catalunya)
Condis Supermercats
Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals
Desarrollo Estratégico
DHL Supply Chain Spain SLU
Dominika Hirsch, SL
FEICAT - Empreses d'Inserció de Catalunya
Fundació ECOM
Fundació Engrunes
Fundació Factor Humà
Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Benefits of Associated Members of the Foundation
FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) ,
Use of Charter seal in all communications
Feature name in the Web
Self-audit tool – commitment with Charter
Self-audit – meeting diversity policies
Receive all reports and research carried out
Attendee forums, and al types of events
Participate as speakers in events organised by Foundation
Represent the Foundation and promote Charted in events to which the Foundation is invited to participate
Membership to the Foundation levels of donations per year
Benefits Signatory vs Collaborator
Challenges facing existing Charters
Key challenges
Lack of legal status
Lack of funding and resources to generate income to cover Charter on going costs and activities
Signatories of course do not pay for signing the Charter code
Need for a dedicated organization to support the Charter:
Oversee the implementation of commitments at company level
Generate activities and events to meet the needs signatories
Associated problem is the extent to which signatories agree to being evaluated periodically to certify their meeting their voluntary commitments stated in the local Charter code
European Diversity Charter Network
Project in 2010 to extend Charters to all 27 Member States
Create norms for the Charters to guarantee quality standards through Europe
Set up virtual platform to promote exchange between signatories and Charters at European level