Other places & trip things to do I found Austin 2 b overpriced

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I found Austin 2 B overpriced.

I found San Antonio 2 B nsg.

Houston--apts overpriced.

Lincoln, NE found nothing.


Erie, PA gh stn not near my kind housing.

Akron, OH didn't find

Cleveland, OH didn't find nsg

Not the old south

Not New England

Not far northern U.S.

The trav hotl, s.a. stole my heat. & place in Amarillo

OM GH & amtk, bad attitude, & om didn't prove out approx 15 times
08/06/11 And now, spent $80.75 for xptn to hou, believing it was L's will, but apparently, it's not. Looks like that amount wasted, unless smth from L6:38
07/21/11 Just returned from another failed trip to Omaha. Still can't trust voice. Still not Spirit-led. But all things work together for good for me?

Om has a problem w bad gh stn. $8 1st 2 hrs + $8/hr thereafter for 2 bags.

chgo loaded w hisp & milwk.
If changing cities, compu in strap bag, but btry in brn suitcase.

Apply some more gray tape to wheel bag?
Fred: There are degrees of perse. It could be that at a certain time, enuf perse. to change residences, while not enuf to req. diff. city?
I arrived in Tu in May '11 w/o a very gd plan at abt 2pm with those dumb people gh, who again showed their bad manners, bad attitude, incompetence, and bad business skills. Proper govt would have come down hard on them, long ago. It looks like a person could get stuck in T if he's not fearing always, so I'll fear always. But consider alternates to Amk & gh. Robt Byer took Lineas Ejecutivos. There's Los Limousines, Paisanos on Santa Fe @ Paisano (but bad attitude by a cust there). There's Tornado (wh. was recently in news for accident). There's something on Gateway West E. of Airway. >>Get a car. But these hisp bus cos. nsg.
06/26/11 gwhep's run by children needing adult supervision & not getting it. SonCha isn't there enuf to manage properly. Staff w houses on sand. Bad maids w bad attitude. The Toribio Chavez incident. Allan F. Ry., Al xx9. ep bad restaurant situation. I need 2 change chkng accts. They won't keep the place properly clean. Bad TV in lobby. Elev only 2 2nd fl. Bad maids. But we'll get a new ckng acct & close bwep after xferring dir dep.
The timing of all schedules.

what about station hours at all stations?

Los Paisanos nsg, Los Lomousines p 202 yes Den, Lineas Ejecutivos, Americanos, Tornado, Black Hills Lines, Arrow, Burlington Trlwys, bus co on Gateway West E. of Airway.
Call the Chamber of Commerce in prospective city?

A place to buy out-of-town newspapers.

out of town newspapers @ eppl?

W/o counsel, purposes are disappointed. "I took counsel w myself" & w the Lord.
Study up, using internet?, on what is the best city? But internet nsg for finding apartments. find people who live there & inq. about dwelling places. I have tx dl. isn't there a city in tx?? Networking. Blogs??

Avoid ep, tx wh. has bad landline att, so use wifi & library, but bad ep libr.

avoid Ft.W GH stn, Dal, KC, Shrieveport, St. L.
Flee ye into another (Matt 10:23) was to the 2 x 2, and I'm not one of a couple.

Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel. But I'm not in Israel. Never have been. & Have no plans to go.

"Led by the Holy Spirit"
YOU COULD RENT A CAR (better price if you rent on internet? Dollar, Rent a Car?)

Rent a Wreck on int? on Arbor Vitae nr intercon airport

See "have a strategy card."

LA Times. Daily News. LB Press Telegram, Orange County Register

S. Spng St (s. of 7th). bldg on N/S st seen on bus 2 fd 4 less.

S. Hill St. (s. of 7th)

Olivett hotl, (or, Oviatt?) @ corner of Bl line NG, shut down, appar.

Lincoln Park Motel, 2102 Parkside Av LA 90031 (323) 225-3101

nr. Mission Rd. (stayed B4 nr BertCo Graph) Overpriced. 3800?

Cameo hotl. Marion hotl. Amelia? Emilia?

St. George hotl

Commodore? Apts 7th/Lucas or so (publ laundromat)

John was 501, drunk, now @ 'nother hotl Amelia? E. on 7th. nsg & LA gone crazy w applications

Ellis hotl nsg afro fem.

Ford hotl NSG Rosslyn (ap)

KEhotl nsg bad staff (elev opr Ju, painter, maid, dsk clrk) 213 626 6107 bad guy Alexandria/3

Balto nsg bad staff (maids, dsk clrk, bad tenants)

Barclay nsg ($300? plus deposit)

Glendale Y, 140 N. Louise (818) 241-4130 or, 243? 240-4130? nsg Glndl Bernetta, Tom?

Gardena? gambling. LA apts toward laundromats on 3rd st?


(213) 626 6107 Mad?

LA 22nd St hotl?


Cudahy? these 3 OK rent says guy I worked w

Huntington Park?

Bell Gardens?

Burbank? (bad cops?)

Van Nuys & the valley?

Pasadena? nsg. Looked. Porn statue, Colo motl

Hwd? nsg fg.


see Thos Bros maps

Colorado Blvd?

El Monte?


Monrovia? May Av.

Montebello? their #50 bus 2 Pico Riv. w mrt

City of Commerce?


Madison hotl. 213 622 1508

Marion hotl? 642 Crocker St. (213) 624 7205 nsg

Downey these 2 exp rent says guy I wrkd w.


Wayne McCall. John Chapman. Bill Walsh (gone) (213) 626 6107


Huntington Beach?

Dollar RentACar, nr LA Int'l airport, Arbor Vitae, but rent the car on internet?

Rent A Wreck on internet?

Whittier Blvd (720 Rapid bus). $170 & $180/week. NG near Ford st.

Long Beach? Plaza hotl, 1101 S. LB Blvd? (562) 437-3137 waiting list.
ABILENE NG too exp. S 1st St or Av SW of GH nsg

bad classifieds 4 apts.
area code (702)=NV
CHICAGO nsg. crooked ATM deposit collection

man @ maint job (no prkg) told how Chgo cheated him w his home

Oak Park Y, 1 blk E of Haarlem (708) 383-5200 nsg Jeff Wms No food or ur. No sink. 4pgs rules.

They stole my car & I had to buy it back for $117. They wanted another $50 Poss outstnd prk matter

Covent hotl nsg Mrs G. RAG 5? 2653 N. Clark St.(773) 549-3399 I'll put u in x. fg dsk clrk

There's a Korean YMCA in the Lincoln Park area?

YMCA's nsg

Evanston Y, (847) 475-7400 nsg bad manners, bad mgr

Lawson Y 30 W. Chicago Av. NG (sign lease) (312) 944-6211

YMCA 3763 S. Wabash Av. Chgo (773) 285-0020 nsg neighborhood

Irving Park Y, 4251 W. Irving Park Rd, Chgo (773) 777-7500 provide name of ur doctor. Nr Bl Line

There was a Y w hisp whr maids nsg--was it in the Linc Pk area? seems like N side of town, they seemed to B ho's

Niles Y, or, Leaning Tower Y. (847) 647-8222 NG mgr wmn smoking/non-smok sections

100 W. Civic Center Dr., Niles, IL 60714

Austin Y. nsg bk sign 1 yr. lease 501 N. Central, Chgo (773) 287-9120 too blk

New Jackson Hotel, 768 W. Jackson Blvd, Chgo 60661 (312) 372-8856 nsg dumb clerk. too bk.

Jefferson Hotel?

Ohio St. Hotel pigeons in room? nsg $58/nite?

Tokyo Hotel 19 E. Ohio see owner 4 pm -- 7:30 pm? nsg $58/nite?

Chicago Transit Authority info 312 836 7000

US Bank nsg hard 2 close acct?

Chicago Tribune. Chicago Sun-Times. on line ng?

Hotel on Wells St. nr the L, must rent for 1 mo. bad attitude

Reasons not to go to Chgo: 13 bad employers incl UPS & Grey smth, they took my IL drv lic & didn't return it. Addison, La Grange. A bad ph co there. Jeff Wms. dumb Y's. bk pblm. corrupt state.

poss prob tk?
EL PASO NG bad library. bad hotels w bad mgmnt

Sun Metro 533-3333

Bk of W (915) 747-1000

GW hotl (915) 533 4783

the Warren Apts or hotl, N. Mesa. $380/mo w. frig & cable. deposit reqd.

De Soto a bad maid. Irma Rivera (heard she's gone, but still connected w org). a noisy place. Guillermo--a liar. whore. falsely accused. prices raised. skip it.

Missouri House? went. nsg

Christian Home on Alameda? Frank Feste not there. Blue bus. Steve19 stayed there B4

Coronado Motel, 4645 N. Mesa (N. of Executive (915) 533-6801 $19.95 out of business? by city. shut down?

N. Oregon Apts, 504 N. Oregon. Bert. (liar, since posted apt for rent, but said not) 544-3948 -3943 is a fax # $340/mo + $175 depos

the Opportunity Center. go east on Myrtle (homeless OC) Julio Gutierrez, VA Outreach rep VTLC Vets transition house? abt 1300 Myrtle, Octavia? entr in alley

#36 bus goes to VA hosp?

El Paso Rescue Mission. bus #10 1949 W. Paisano

the Upson, 312 Prospect? but only on top floor. NG they stole $150

the Nevada? nsg no English.

Another reason to avoid ep is their bad usps service. Bad maids gwh. AFRy A.So.
Indianapolis, In No checked baggage amtk 784K people

Cincinnatti, OH Checked baggage amtk, but 308K people

FT WORTH area nsg didn't find.

DALLAS didn't find
HOUSTON bad P.O. S. of Bdwy. lack of blue mail bxs. no sr. disc. city bus. Apts too exp.

Miracle Christian Fellowship Church

Seafarer's Union. Rick Britain

Cossa NG. bad mail service? bad res mgr.

Hotel Booth (did I already check & find it's nsg?)

Golden Valley Enterprise is newspap?

Coachlight Inn, 301 S. Motel Blvd. 88007 exit 139 from I-10

"inconven loc."--Don. has TV (575) 526-3301
LAS VEGAS did have some cheaper hotels, then fenced off.

Vets smth Center? NG

Hotel Azor?

Hotel Aldridge. no lites upper floors. seems inop.

see notes

$192/mo? see notes on 3x5 card. Near Country Club & Baseline.

any place from signal to signal on Main St.?

Best Value Motel I-55 North

short Dave 307 lived @ Salv Army, Mobile

S.E. 15th St @ I-35 $119/wk motel. no GH lkrs. bk prob & myr., bad att. GH baggage dept. Newspaper is the Oklahoman. or OklahomaNews? NewsOK.com
OMAHA GH no lkrs. Bad attitude.

Colonial Hotel, 3804? Farnam NG, annex NG. My key doesn't work, & a lot of keys don't work (to front entrance of annex) & annex is bad 'cause 6 people to 1 bathroom & can't use one on diff floor.

Lutheran Thrift Store, Leavenworth/24th

20th st. S of Leavenworth? but N of L St. Not S 24th St.

See American Classified newspaper

"Clean & Comfortable Inn", 341-7657, $55-70/wk. Henry? but price went up?

Dave Featherston, (402) 201-6677 (cell)

613 S. 19th St. apt 4, 68102, $385/mo, or $330 Dave's ForRent sign:(402) 345-2760

apts 613 402 345 0658 efficiency timprk? is NG

Kellog Rooming House. 2454 Harney mgr nsg attitude. hassle re rent receipt. was $70/wk--2 wks min.=140. After 4 wks, 60/wk, or 240/mo. Went up. Crook.

John Demler NG

Henry was 39th St. Carey NG 35th Av

Frieden's Superette 402 341 4154 (Don) 10 units on Jackson. nsg (& Steve)

Frieden's Superette to get ur American Classified free newspaper, ea. Thurs.

410 S. 24th, 68102, is a residence NSG bk

3xxx s. 24th St is Chr place 2 live? smth outreach? NG

613 isNG 68102 GD 68108-9999

place on 13th St.

Cornh cab 402 331 5558

Den RTD 303 299 6000 RTD-Denver.com 800 366 7433

Den Amtk 303 825 2583

Omaha World-Herald

US Bank was hard 2 close acct that u had in Chgo area?

a bus to downtown from the GH station nr arprt by exiting main entrnc, then across st diag to rt. take "Redline West" bus to downtown. "the game they play" 6 a.m.? Gary Irbine

Phx Y. nsg people running it. (was sent to look @ rm where man sleeping)

Lincoln Family Downtown Y, 350 N. 1st Av. 85003 Gary sez go early 6am? 602 253 6181 nsg
PITTS N. side, not dntn. E. Ohio St. nr ymca

The Indian man's gone. New old guy, 80 yrs, likes no one.

Trav hotl nsg? 220 N. Broadway #406 78205

Cheap Sr. Housing in S.A.?
Santa Fe, nm santa fe int'l hostel nsg? within half mile of train stn. road runner logo, santa fe to Albuq
TULSA? pervs

Y dntn. has been shut down.
SAN DIEGO NG & bad pol.

Plaza Hotel on 4th?

Churchill Hotel

Jackson Hotel? 13th?

Golden West Hotel? 4th $138/wk

Maryland Hotel.

Salv Army, Hutchin/4th $35.00 big P.O.
Yuma, AZ Robt E. Lee hotl, 390 S. Main St., Y 85364 30 rms 928 728 6336 (but shut down?) pop 80K, prob w sand No baggage to Y on Amtk! Sand problem. heard bad thngs from Geo Alexander. bad email addr.

Hwy 99

Praise Center

Wade Hayes

Royal Lodge, 320 E. Kellog St., 67202. (316) 263-8877 NG india too pricey.
Hotel Seattle. In Big Spring, TX?
Fred--you spent about 800 in about 2 wks traveling. Don't go w/o being pretty darn sure it's the will of G.



kayak.com 4 cheap hotels?




Google cheap hotels?


the Denver Rescue Mission
Motel6 (800) 466 8356 4motel6

Seafarer's smth, Seattle.

Morrison hotl, Seattle. millionaire's club.

low cost of living: TX

wirelessCATS.ridetransit.org, Charlotte, NC, but high rent
Youngstown, OH, low cost of living?

Mike Dadey (106) sez Erie, PA cheap hotels. FEH says I didn't see them nr GH stn

There were Hardly any gd apts in hou.
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