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Over the Rainbow: The Gay Battle for Social Reorganization of America
Table of Contents
Page /Discussion
1. Introduction
2. Gay History in America
3. Organizations Form to Support and Oppose the gay agenda
3. Supporting
4. Opposing
5. Reframing Education
6. The Rainbow Curriculum
6. It’s Elementary
6. BACKLASH in Education
7. Parents Shut Out
7. Political Correctness in Academia
8. Concerned Christians Organize
9. The Professional Health Establishment Responds
9. Demands to Change
10 The Debate on Reparative Therapy
11. Concerns about Health Risks
12. Risky Behaviors Cause Concern
13. Safe Sex Becomes Seductive
13. Statistics and Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Gay Population
15. BACKLASH/ Promoting Responsible Policies
15. The Gay Agenda Battles the Military
17. The Military in the New Millennium
17. BACKLASH to Gays in the Military
18. Gays Confront the Media
18. Six-point Strategy
19. Television
20. Child Molestation Episode
21. Coast to Coast Surveillance
21. Movies
22. Media in the New Millennium
22. BACKLASH to Gay Programming
23. Gay and Lesbians in Corporations and business
23. Gay Demographics
(Table of Contents, cont.)
24. Corporations Address Gay Concerns
26. BACKLASH to Corporate Sponsorship of the Gay Agenda
27. Reproduction and Children in Gay Relationships
27. Reproductive Technologies Challenge the Traditional Family
28. Adoption Becomes Controversial
29. BACKLASH/Americans Divided
29. Rights in Conflict
30. Moving Toward Marriage
31. Hawaii Considers Gay Marriage
31. Vermont Recognizes Gay Unions
31. Promoting a Federal Defense of Marriage Act
32. California Wrestles with Same-Sex Marriage
32. Gay Marriage Ping Pong in San Francisco
32. California Supreme Court Affirms the Right to Same-Sex Marriage
33. Proposition 8 Eliminates Right to Same-Sex Marriage
33. Appeal to U.S. Supreme Court is Imminent
33. State Scorecard on Same-Sex Marriage - 2010
34. Arguing for Gay Marriage
34. BACKLASH to Same-Sex Marriage
35. Challenge to the Churches
36. Churches are Challenged
36. Aggressive Attacks on the Church
37. Soulforce, Inc: We Will Split You
37. Denominations Divided
38. Priestly Sexual Abuse Challenges the Church
38. ENDA and Hate Crimes Challenge Religious Liberty
39. BACKLASH –Protecting Religious Liberties
41. Politics and Beyond
41. Bankrolling the Battle
42. Obama’s Rainbow World
43. Social Consequences of Normalizing Same-Sex Marriage
44. Questions on Gay Reorganization of Society
Over the Rainbow:
The Gay Battle
Social Reorganization of America
By Marjorie L. Coppock, Ph.D.
Tel: 210-497-6346
Paper presented at the Southwestern Sociological Association Annual Meetings
March 31st – April 3rd, 2010. Houston, Texas
| Page
Over the Rainbow: The Gay Battle for Social Reorganization of America. 2010
Dr. M. L. Coppock
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