O’zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o’rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi mirzo ulug’bek nomidagi o’zbekiston milliy universiteti

XXI. Quyidagi so`z va iboralarni ishlatib, qisqacha hikoya tuzing

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XXI. Quyidagi so`z va iboralarni ishlatib, qisqacha hikoya tuzing:

1. Your favourite kind of sport.

2. A football or a hockey match you recently attended or watched over TV.

popular - tanilgan, mashhur

to train - mashq qilmoq, chiniqmoq

to become stronger – kuchli bo`lmoq

to quicken the reactions – sezish, ta`sirlanishni tezlashtirmoq

It makes a healthy mind in a healthy body – sog`lom tanda sog` aql bo`ladi

to have the opportunity – imkoniyatga ega bo`lmoq

to go in for – shug`ullanmoq

to be a membership – a`zo bo`lmoq

palace of sports – sport saroyi

sport ground – sport maydoni

capacity – qobiliyat, iste`dod

the biggest sport event – eng katta sport hodisasi

a leading place – peshqadam, ilg`or, oldingi o`rin

to become a champion – birinchi o`rinni egallamoq

to set new world record – yangi dunyo rekordini qo`lga kiritmoq

achievement - yutuq

to win - yutmoq

to hold – ushlab, ko`tarib turmoq
Mustaqil ish uchun vazifalar
XXII. Participle I ni aniqlab, gaplarni tarjima qiling:
1 . Leaving the stadium the people are talking about the game they have just seen.

2. He stayed in London visiting his friends and going to the museums.

3. Turning to us she said she was ready.

4. Walking slowly along the street he met his friend.

5. There were a lot of people standing at the bus stop.

6. Being tired I could hardly work.

7. We watched the teacher writing a sentence on the blackboard.

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