Performing a conversion Before you begin converting a WS2 client to CSA, be sure that the client
data is ready to be converted. The steps in this section apply only for a
client already using Client Bookkeeping Solution.
1. From the CSA Utilities menu, point to Data Conversion and then
choose Write-Up Solution II.
2. In
Location of WS2 system field, enter the drive and folder
where your WS2 program files are currently located, or click the
Browse button to search for the correct folder.
3. In
Location of WS2 data field, enter the drive and folder where
your WS2 data files are currently located, or click the Browse button
to search for the correct folder.
4. In
WS2 client to convert field, choose the client you want to
convert by selecting it from the drop-down list.
5. You may mark one or more of the following checkboxes, as
appropriate for the selected client:
Convert account groups. The program adds converted account
groups to the default account groups provided with your CSA
General Ledger module. Note that these cannot be used in CBS.
Convert after-the-fact payroll and vendor data.
Convert employee earnings. The conversion utility creates
global pay items from the wages in WS2, and it converts any
monthly, quarterly, and annual earnings amounts for each
employee. You should choose this option if converting a
noncalculating payroll client.
Appendix B: Converting CBS Clients from WS2 to CSA Accountant’s Assistant Handbook 155