Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity
Operation and Maintenance Management Manual
Training Module - D
Community Based Financial
Money collected should not stay with collectors
for more than 24 hours. Money should be paid to
a casher of the
WASHCO who deposit to the bank
Don't let the money be used by the collectors.
They may be tempted to take out some money for
their own use with the intention to refund it
immediately. If
this practice is not stopped,
however, the small amounts may build up to a huge
sum that collectors cannot easily refund.
Any penalty to the non-payment? Penalty shall
be determined by the General Assembly.
For example;
Penalty against the first failure in payment: Oral warning by
Penalty against two
consecutive failures in
payment: Last warning by WASHCO
Penalty against three consecutive failures in
payment: Measure to be taken by WASHCO (e.g.,
double payment)
If the users fails to pay in three consecutive, the
users will be omitted to utilize the scheme however,
it is needed to study why the users do not pay