This Guidebook was developed by Mr. Abdul Quium of the Transport
Division of ESCAP. Its development benefited from the work of the
secretariat in the area of public-private partnership in infrastructure
development and interaction with practitioners from many countries.
The Guidebook is based on an earlier
developed Primer on public-
private partnerships in infrastructure development.
The views presented in the Guidebook may not necessarily be
considered to represent the official views of the Secretariat of the
United Nations.
The designation employed and the presentation of the material in this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal
of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of the frontiers or boundaries. Mention of
firm names and commercial products does not imply the endorsement
of the United Nations.
The Guidebook has been issued without formal editing.
Copyright © United Nations 2011
Bangkok, January 2011
A Guidebook on Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure
The Purpose of this Guidebook
Public-private partnership (PPP) in infrastructure is a relatively new
experience in most developing countries of the Asian and Pacific region. Although
many governments have considered various steps to promote PPPs in their
countries, lack of capacity in the public sector remains to be one of the major
problems in implementing PPP projects. So far, only few countries have established
institutional arrangements and developed manuals and resource
materials in support
of PPP development and for the capacity-building of their public officials. In the
absence of such established institutional arrangements and resource materials,
public officials face difficulties in project development and implementation, and
general public can have many misunderstandings about PPPs.
This Guidebook describes the overall process and activities usually involved
in PPP project development, implementation and management. It has been
developed as a general resource material for better
understanding of the whole
process. The Guidebook also revisits some of the basics of PPPs to help understand
the process and the requirements for developing successful projects. As the actual
process followed in a country depends on its administrative and institutional
arrangements, this Guidebook is
not a substitute for manuals/advisory guidelines
that many
countries have developed
and other countries may consider to develop.
The Guidebook is divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 revisits the basics of
PPPs in infrastructure. It focuses on three things: the characteristics that make PPPs
different from conventional construction projects, models of PPPs, and the basic
structure of a PPP project.
Chapter 2 considers the PPP process and the matters that need to be taken
into account before any project development starts.
The preparatory activities prior to actual project
development tasks are
considered in Chapter 3. This chapter identifies the key tasks at the preparatory
stage and makes elaborations on those tasks.
Chapter 4 deals with project development and due diligence. It identifies the
key tasks involved in project development and describes the details of those tasks.
Procurement is the subject of discussion in Chapter 5. This chapter describes
the typical activities involved in this stage.
Chapter 6 is the last chapter of the Guidebook. It considers contract
management and dispute resolution.
∗ Manuals/handbooks and guidelines have been developed in many countries including Australia,
and South Africa. The development of this Guidebook has also benefited from these manuals and
handbooks as well as practices followed in those and other countries.