discontent . However if I have to
pick out one item
that really
let me down , I would name the birthday cake that I bought for my sister
2 years ago. Now
with reference to why I were not
content with is, I suppose
there was a combination of reasons here. One of them was its
exorbitant price.
On my sister’s birthday, I had an emergency at work and it took me almost all day
till 11 pm to resolve it. Although it
cost me an arm and a leg to buy the cake, I still
decided to take it since it was the only bakery shop stayed open that late.
Everything would be fine if it tasted good but unfortunately the cake was of terrible
quality. It tasted way too sweet and was not
appetizing at all. Thus, I was kind of
regretful, choosing to purchase the cake instead of any other present for my sister.
Actually as I had to
splash out on the cake and received almost nothing back, I
tended be more careful to make really
sensible buying decision from that on.
Transaction (n): an instance of buying or selling something
Discontent (n): dissatisfaction, lack of contentment
Pick out (phrasal verb): to choose
Let someone down (expression): fail to support or help someone as they
With reference to (expression): about
Content (a): in a taste of peaceful happiness
Exorbitant (a): (price) unreasonably high
Cost an arm and a leg (idiom): be extremely expensive
Appetizing (a): delicious
Splash out (phrasal verb): to spend a lot of money on something
Sensible (a): in accordance with wisdom and prudence