"Download" button once the top page loads, then look for "The Large
AIX Freeware and Shareware Archive" link.]
Subject: 1.006: Is IBM "dropping" AIX?
No. IBM sells and supports AIX 4. However, on January 31, 1997 IBM
will "withraw AIX 3.2.5 from marketing." That is, you won't be able
to purchase AIX 3.2.5 anymore. On December 31, 1997, IBM will
"discontinue Program Services" for AIX 3.2.5. Translation: they will
no longer respond to (most) defect reports for AIX 3.2.5.
The US announcement letter can be read via .
Pick the US as region, look for "Announcement Letters," then search
for document number 996-245.
Subject: 1.100: I am used to Unix systems programming,
why should I learn SMIT?
Using SMIT is probably very different from your normal way of doing
system administration, but could prove very useful in the long run. In
some areas, in particular TCP/IP, NFS, etc., you can also do things the
normal way, but it is unfortunately difficult to know exactly when the
normal way works. Again, always using SMIT is probably your best way
to go, even when you have to learn a new tool.
What SMIT actually does is build up commands with all required options
to perform the functions requested and execute them. The commands
called and the output they produce are stored in the files smit.script
and smit.log in your home directory. Looking in smit.script may teach
you more about system administration.
Subject: 1.101: How do I turn off the "running man" in smit?
Use smitty, the standard curses version or add this line to your .kshrc file:
alias smit="smit -C"
Subject: 1.102: How do I import an /etc/passwd or /etc/group file
from another box?
If the other box is non-AIX, copy the password and group entries for
the non-system users into AIX's /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
Then run /bin/pwdck -t ALL. This will create the proper entries in
the shadow password file (/etc/security/users). You should also run
usrck and grpck.
To duplicate the password and group entries from another AIX box,
/etc/security/user, /etc/security/limits, /etc/security/environ. The
last three are optional unless you modified them. If you modified
/etc/security/login.cfg, you should also copy that file.
Subject: 1.103: Cleaning up utmp, who, and accounting problems
The best way to fix this problem is to fix the programs which are
causing the behavior in the first place. The short answer is to call
software support and ask for the "UTMPFIX" collection of PTFs.
Virtually all of these problems should be fixed in the 3251 PMP and
the only one I've been able to prove is still broken is using ALT-F4
to close an aixterm.
This applies if you are running an X11R5 xterm on 3.2.
Add this to the top of X11R5 mit/clients/xterm/main.c:
#ifdef AIXV3
#define WTMP_FILENAME "/var/adm/wtmp"
And your utmp problems should go away. If you want xterminal sessions
to go into the wtmp file you need to define -DWTMP in the Imakefile and
be sure the WTMP_FILENAME is set to the right place.
Section 8.02 contains a small C program that you can use until the
PTFs arrive. The program must be run as root and will periodically
clean up old entries.
Another utmp program was posted to comp.sources.unix, volume 25, issue
96 by David W. Sanderson (dws@cs.wisc.edu) that also works on AIX 3.1.
Subject: 1.104: How to fsck the root filesystem
You can run fsck either in maintenance mode or on mounted filesystems.
Try this:
1. boot from diskette (AIX 3 only --- AIX 4 boot from CD or tape)
2. select maintenance mode
3. type /etc/continue hdisk0 exit (replace hdisk0 with boot disk if
not hdisk0)
4. fsck /dev/hd4
Subject: 1.105: How can I unmount /usr to run fsck on it?
Subject: 1.111: How much paging space do I need?
See answer 2 in question 1.300.
Subject: 1.112: How do I mount a floppy disk as a filesystem?
From: op@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU (Olaf Pors)
You can build a filesystem on a floppy and mount it, however the
filesystem will be read only. The reason that the filesystem will be
read only is because AIX Version 3.1.5 cannot create a journal log on a
diskette. The intended use is for temporary access to read only data.
The diskette file system must be unmounted after use and during system
backup procedures or errors could occur.
To make the read only filesystem on a floppy:
1. Make a subdirectory on an existing filesystem and place all of the
files that the diskette will contain into this subdirectory.
2. Enter the following command to create a prototype file containing
information about the new filesystem, in the example /dir_struct
is the pathname of the subdirectory created in step 1, and
proto_filename is the name of the prototype file to be created.
proto /dir_struct > proto_filename
3. Place a formatted floppy into the drive.
4. Edit the prototype file and replace the first line with the following:
0 0
5. Enter the following command to make the filesystem on your floppy:
mkfs -p proto_filename -V jfs /dev/fd0
6. Create the directory upon which you will mount the floppy based
filesystem, or you can use /mnt. Mount the filesystem:
mount -r -V jfs /dev/fd0 /your_mount_point
7. To unmount the filesystem:
umount /dev/fd0
Since the filesystem is read-only it may be of limited use but if you
are going to use it for utility programs and other data that does not
change much, it may still be useful. If you need to change the data,
you can copy the directory from the floppy into another directory, make
your modifications, and remake the filesystem using this procedure.
Subject: 1.113: How do I remove a committed lpp?
AIX 3.2.5: you can get rid of COMMITTED lpps/ptfs by installing with the force
option and then rejecting the package.
AIX 4.1 users: installp has a new option, uninstall (-u) which can be
used to remove lpps.
Subject: 1.114: How can I recover space after installing updates?
From: Milt Cloud
Note: If you are a /usr server, do not use this because the files
mentioned below are needed by /usr clients and cannot be deleted.
Installp creates numerous files in /usr to clean up after
failed/rejected installs and also for de-installing uncommitted lpps.
Once you have COMMITted packages you can remove these files safely.
Depending on your installation activity the numbers can be significant:
hundreds-to-thousands of files, megabytes of data.
Files eligible for removal are associated with each "product" you have
installed; the largest collection being due to bos. After
COMMITting bos lpps, you may safely remove all files of the form:
and /usr/lpp/bosadt/inst_U4*
You may repeat this for all additional COMMITted products (e.g.,
bostext1, bosnet, xlc) you have on your system.
This problem of lingering install files is a known defect in installp.
If you have installed PTF U411711 (or any superseder of it: U412397,
U413366, U413425) the deadwood in /usr will not be quite as prevalent.
No single PTF currently available completely corrects this problem.
On my own 320, the following freed up 12.4M in /usr:
# rm -R /usr/lpp/bos/deinstl*
# rm -R /usr/lpp/bos/inst_U4*
Subject: 1.115: Where are the AIX log files kept?
From: dirk@kimosabi.ucsc.edu (Dirk Coldewey)
AIX logs messages as specified in /etc/syslog.conf. Here's an