Pre-processing and the role of horses in the history of M/eeg vladimir Litvak
tarix 08.04.2018 ölçüsü 499 b. #47821
Pre-processing and the role of horses in the history of M/EEG
The *.mat file contains a struct , named D, which is converted to an meeg object by spm_eeg_load. The *.mat file contains a struct, named D, which is converted to an meeg object by spm_eeg_load. The *.dat file is memory-mapped and linked to the object. Special functions called ‘methods’ provide a simple interface for getting information from the object and updating it and ensure that the header data remain consistent.
MEG: MEG: Requires quite complex sensor representation including locations and orientations of the coils and the way MEG channels are derived from the sensors. Sensor representation is read automatically from the original dataset at conversion. EEG: Presently only requires electrode locations. In the near future will also include a montage matrix to represent different referencing arrangements. Usually electrode locations do not come with the EEG data. SPM assigns default electrode locations for some common systems (extended 10-20, Biosemi, EGI – with user’s input). Individually measured locations can be loaded; requires co-registration.
Coordinate systems can differ in their origin, units and orientation. MNI coordinates are defined using landmarks inside the brain. Head coordinates are defined based on the fiducials. Commonly used for MEG , but the definition differs between different MEG systems. Advantage: once the location of the head is expressed in head coordinates, it can be combined with sensor locations even if the subject moves. Disadvantage: requires fiducials ; if the fiducials are moved, the coordinate system changes. Device coordinates are defined relative to some point external to the subject and fixed with respect to the measuring device. Advantage: head locations can be compared between different experiments and subjects. Disadvantage: head location needs to be tracked.
In SPM8 In SPM8 MEG sensors are represented in head coordinates in mm. EEG sensors can be represented in any Cartesian coordinate system. Units are transformed to mm. After co-registration MEG sensor representation does not change. The head model is transformed to head coordinates. EEG sensors are transformed to MNI coordinates.
Definition: Cutting segments around events. Definition: Cutting segments around events. Need to know: What happens (event type, event value) When it happens (time of the events) Need to define: Segment borders Trial type (can be different triggers => single trial type) Note: SPM8 only supports fixed length trials (but there are ways to circumvent this). The epoching function also performs baseline correction (using negative times as the baseline).
High-pass – remove the DC offset and slow trends in the data. High-pass – remove the DC offset and slow trends in the data. Low-pass – remove high-frequency noise. Similar to smoothing. Notch (band-stop) – remove artefacts limited in frequency , most commonly line noise and its harmonics. Band-pass – focus on the frequency of interest and remove the rest. More suitable for relatively narrow frequency ranges.
Re-referencing can be used to sensitize sensor level analysis to particular sources (at the expense of other sources). Re-referencing can be used to sensitize sensor level analysis to particular sources (at the expense of other sources). For other purposes (source reconstruction and DCM) it is presently necessary to use average reference. This will be relaxed in the future. Re-referencing in SPM8 is done by the Montage function that can apply any linear weighting to the channels and has a wider range of applications.
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