Professor Brahm S. Srivastava, Ph. D. Former

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Professor Brahm S. Srivastava, Ph.D. 

 *Scientist in Director Grade & Head, Microbiology Division, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow  

*Professor & Founder Chairman, Centre for Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

*Emeritus Scientist (C.S.I.R.), Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow 

*Lecturer, School of Basic Sciences & Humanities, Udaipur University, Udaipur 

*Visiting Scientist, Centre for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland at Baltimore, USA 

*Visiting Scientist, University of Ancona, Italy 

*Visiting Scientist, Pasteur Institute, Lille, France   

Academic Profile

Prof Srivastava, winner of Sir Shanti Swaroop Bhatnagar award, CSIR, graduated from Banaras Hindu University and obtained B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees. He did postdoctoral research at the University of Brussels. He was visiting scientist at Brown University (USA), University of Maryland (USA), Institute Pasteur Lille (France) and University of Ancona (Italy).

He had the honour and satisfaction to start the Masters Programme in Biotechnology at Jawaharlal University and to be the member of the Task Force of DBT on Human Resource Development in Biotechnology. He has served on scientific and academic bodies of DBT, ICAR, CSIR, DST, ICMR, UGC and several universities. He was member of the INDO-US Vaccine Action Programme and of the Indian delegation to USA and China on Biotechnology.

Academic Awards & Fellowships 

B.H.U. Prize for standing Ist in merit in M.Sc. Examination. 

S.S. Bhatnagar Prize in Medical Sciences, C.S.I.R., 1984.

Dr. Nitya Anand Endowment Lecture, INSA, 1991.

Dr. Y.S. Narayana Rao Oration Award, ICMR, 1993.

Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award for Science & Technology, 1995.

Vigyan Ratna Samman, UP Government, National Technology Day, 2002. 

Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India.

Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology. 
Sources of Research Funding
World Health Organization

Department of Biotechnology

Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme

Indo-Italian Scientific & Technical Bilateral Cooperation

Indo French Cooperation for Promotion of Advanced Research

Department of Science & Technology

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Centre for Biotechnology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Selected, the first Professor & Chairman of the Centre and invited to start teaching and research in Biotechnology and to coordinate with other 5 Centres for Biotechnology in BHU, Baroda, Pune, Madurai and Jadavpur.

Significant Research Contribution

  1. Developmental Biology and DNA repair mechanisms in cyanobacteria.

  1. DNA repair in E. coli and bacteriophages. A new gene locus, rer, was identified which facilitated repair of UV-induced damage by regulating the coordination between repair of damage and replication . The rer gene has been incorporated on the linkage map of E. coli.

  1. Pathogenesis of cholera. Landmark discovery on demonstration of expression and modulation of cholera toxin biosynthesis by plasmids (Nature, 1978) and adhesive protein of V. cholerae for binding to intestinal mucosa and the concept of the subunit vaccine in experimental cholera.

  1. Tuberculosis. Identification and development of a reliable reagent for early diagnosis of TB, user friendly non hazardous genetic screens for antitubercular compounds, strategies to identify genes which are important for tubercle bacilli to survive in the host and role of mycobacterial lipase in virulence and modulation of host immune response.

Major Research Publications
  1. Singh, H.N. and Srivastava, B.S. : Studies on morphogenesis. I. Effect of inorganic nitrogen sources on developmental morphology of Anabaena doliolum. Can. J. Microbiol. 14, 1968, 1341. 

  2. Srivastava, B.S.: Ultraviolet induced mutations to growth factor requirement and penicillin resistance in a blue green alga. Arch. Mikrobiol. 66, 1969, 234. 

  3. Srivastava, B.S. and Kumar, H.D.: Inactivation and killing of Anabaena doliolum grown on ultraviolet irradiated culture medium. Radiation Botany 9, 1969, 291. 

  4. Srivastava, B.S.: Sensitivity and resistance of a blue green alga to streptomycin and penicillin. Arch. Mikrobiol. 72, 1970, 182. 

  5. Srivastava, B.S.: A simple method of isolating ultraviolet resistant and sensitive strains of a blue green alga. Phycologia (USA) 9, 1970, 205. 

  6. Srivastava, B.S.: Pigment variation in ultraviolet irradiated Anabaena doliolum. Arch. Mikrobiol. 77, 1971, 274-77. 

  7. Srivastava, B.S., Kumar, H.D. and Singh, H.N.: The effect of caffeine and light on killing of Anabaena doliolum by ultraviolet radiation. Arch. Mikrobiol. 78, 1971, 139. 

  8. Srivastava, B.S.: Repair of gamma ray induced damage in bacteriophage lambda. Virology 55, 1973, 550. 

  9. Srivastava, B.S.: The yield of single-strand breaks in the DNA of bacteriophage lambda irradiated extra and intracellularly with gamma rays in oxic and anoxic conditions. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 26, 1974, 391. 

  10. Lafonteyne, J. and Srivastava, B.S. Replication and recombination dependent maturation of phage lambda. Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie. 355, 1974, 54

  11. Srivastava, B.S.: Radiation sensitivity of a mutant of Escherichia coli K-12 associated with DNA replication: Evidence for a new repair function. Molec. Gen. Genet. 143, 1976, 327. 

  12. Srivastava, B.S.: Irradiation and DNA breaks. Nature (Lond.) 259, 1976, 425.  

  13. Ahmad, M., Srivastava, B.S. and Agarwala, S.C.: Purification of bacteriophage lambda by gel filtration. Ind. J. Expt. Biol. 15, 1977, 387. 

  14. Ahmad, M., Srivastava, B.S. and Agarwala, S.C. : Effect of incubation media on the recovery of Escherichia coli K-12 heated at 52oC . J. Gen. Microbiol. 107, 1978, 37. 

  15. Srivastava, B.S.: The role of inducible gene rer of Escherichia coli K-12 in DNA repair and mutagenesis. Mutation. Res. 52, 1978, 1. 

  16. Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S. : Plasmid induced loss of virulence in Vibrio cholerae. Nature (Lond.) 276, 1978, 708. 

  17. Ahmad, M. and Srivastava, B.S: Thermal inactivation and mutagenesis of bacteriophage lambda. Mutation Res. 73, 1980, 403. 

  18. Rai, R., Prasad, V and Srivastava, B.S.: Symbiotic nitrogen fixation efficiency of mutant strains of Rhizobium growing from pH 4.5 to 7.5 J. Agric. Sci. Camb. 98, 1982, 487. 

  19. Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Suppression of pathogenecity by P and V plasmids in Vibrio cholerae. J. Gen. Microbiol. 104, 1978, 251. 

  20. Bhattacharjee, J.W. and Srivastava, B.S.: Mannose-sensitive haemagglutinins in adherence of Vibrio cholerae el tor to intestine. J. Gen. Microbiol. 107, 1978, 407. 

  21. Bhattacharjee, J.W. and Srivastava, B.S.: Adherence of the wild-type and mutant strains of Vibrio cholerae to normal and immune intestinal tissue. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 57, 1977, 123 

  22. Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Re-evaluation of antibacterial and antitoxin immunities in experimental cholera. Ind. J. Med. Res. 70, 1979, 368. 

  23. Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Attenuation of virulence by P and V plasmids in Vibrio cholerae: strains suitable for oral immunization. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 57, 1979, 643. 

  24. Srivastava, B.S., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Attenuated recombinant strains of Vibrio cholerae for oral immunization. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 57, 1979, 649. 

  25. Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Events in the pathogenesis of cholera: role of bacterial adherence and multiplication. J. Med. Microbiol. 13, 1980. 1. 

  26. Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S.: Isolation of a non adhesive mutant of Vibrio cholerae and chromosomal localization of the gene controlling mannose sensitive adherence. J. Gen. Microbiol. 117, 1980, 275.

  27. Knopf, P.M. and Srivastava, B.S.: Application of cloning techniques to the development of a synthetic vaccine against schistosomiasis. Vet. Parasitol. 10, 1982, 255. 

  28. Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Plasmid associated suppression of pathogenicity of some wild type strains of Vibrio cholerae isolated from human cholera patients. Ind. J. Med. Res. 77, 1983 1. 

  29. Barker, R.H., Srivastava, B.S., Goldberg, M. and Knopf, P.M. : Immunoprecipitation analysis of radiolabelled antigens synthesized in vitro by S. mansoni I. Identification of antigens uniquely recognized by protective antibodies. J. Immunol. 134, 1985, 1129. 

  30. Khan, A.A., Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Regulation of toxin biosynthesis by plasmids in Vibrio cholerae. J. Gen. Microbiol. 131, 1985, 2653. 

  31. Srivastava, R., Khan, A.A. and Srivastava, B.S.: Immunological detection of cloned antigenic genes of Vibrio cholerae in Escherichia coli. Gene, 40, 1985, 267. 

  32. Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S.: Molecular biology of the mating types in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Jour. Pl. Sci. Res. 1, 1985, 48. 

  33. Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Colonization and protection in infant rabbits by a choleragenoid producing strain of Vibrio cholerae. Ind. J. Med. Res. 84, 1986, 139. 

  34. Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Chromosomal transfer and in vivo cloning of genes in Vibrio cholerae using RP4:: mini-Mu. Gene, 75, 1989, 253. 

  35. Srivastava, R., Ali, S.S. and Srivastava, B.S.: Cloning of xylanase gene of Streptomyces flavogriseus in Escherichia coli and bacteriophage lambda induced lysis for the release of cloned enzyme. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 78 (2/3) 1991, 20. 

  36. Czeczulin, J.R., Srivastava, R., Srivastava, B.S. and Kaper, J.B. : Characterization of a possible colonization factor of Vibrio cholerae 01. Proc. Amer. Soc. Microbiol, 1990, 108. 

  37. Kaper, J.B. and Srivastava, B.S. : Genetics of cholera toxin. Ind. J. Med. Res. 1992, 163. 

  38. Jacob, A., Sinha, V.B., Sahib, M.K., Srivastava, R., Kaper, J.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Identification of a 33 kDa antigen associated with an adhesive and colonizing strain of Vibrio cholerae el tor and its role in protection. Vaccine, 11, 1993, 376. 

  39. Sinha,V.B. , Jacob, A., Srivastava R. , Kaper, J.B and Srivastava, B.S.:  Identification of the flagellar antigens of Vibrio cholerae el tor and their role  in protection. Vaccine, 11, 1993, 372. 

  40. Srivastava, B.S.: Pathogenesis of cholera and vaccine development. Proc. Ind. Nat. Sci. Acad., 59B, 1993, 459. 

  41. Krishna Kumar, K, Srivastava,R, Sinha, V.B. Mechalski, J., Kaper, J.B. and Srivastava, B.S. recA mutations reduce adherence and colonization of   classical and el tor strains of Vibrio cholerae. Microbiology 140, 1994, 1217. 

  42. Chandrasekhar, U., Sinha, S., Bhagat, H.K., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S.: Comparative efficacy of biodegradable liposomes and microspheres as carriers for delivery of V.cholerae antigens in the intestine. Vaccine 12, 1994, 1384. 

  43. Singh, S.N., Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S. : A 53 kDa protein of Vibrio cholerae classical strain 0395 involved in intestinal colonization. Microbial Pathogenesis 17, 1994, 69. 

  44. Kumar, D., Srivastava, B.S., Singh, N.B. and Srivastava, R.: Identification of a 25 kDa protein of Mycobacterium bovis BCG to distinguish BCG from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J. Clin. Microbiol. 34, 1996, 224. 

  45. Srivastava, R., Kumar, D., Subramaniam, P., Srivastava, B.S.: - galactosidase reporter system in mycobacteria and its application in rapid  antimycobacterial drug screening. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 235,   1997, 602. 

  46. Srivastava, R., Kumar, D., and Srivastava, B.S.: Recombinant Mycobacterium  aurum expressing Escherichia coli -galactosidase in high through put  screening of antituberculosis drugs. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 240, 1997, 536. 

  47. Bondre, V.P., Srivastava, R., Sinha, V.B., and Srivastava, B.S. : Screening of TnphoA mutants of Vibrio cholerae 0139 for identification of antigens involved in colonization. J. Med. Microbiol. 46, 1997, 1007. 

  48. Bondre, V.P., Sinha, V.B. and Srivastava, B.S. : Evaluation of different subcellular fractions of Vibrio cholerae 0139 in protection to challenge in experimental cholera. FEMS Immunol. Med. Miccrobiol. 19, 1998, 323. 

  49. Shukla, A., Dubey, M.P., Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S .: Differential expression of proteins during healing of cutaneous wounds in experimental and normal and chronic models. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 244, 1998 434. 

  50. Kumar, D., Srivastava, B.S. and Srivastava, R.: Genetic rearrangements leading to disruption of heterologous gene _expression in mycobacteria: An observation with -galactosidase in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Vaccine, 16, 1998, 1212. 

  51. Srivastava, R., Deb, D.K., Srivastava, K.K. Locht, C. and Srivastava, B.S.: Green fluorescent protein as a reporter in rapid screening of antituberculosis compounds in vitro and in macrophages. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.. 253, 1998, 431. 

  52. Chaturvedi, V., Srivastava A., Gupta, H.P. and Srivastava, B.S. :  Protective  antigens of Mycobacterium habana are distributed between  peripheral and  integral compartments of plasma membrane: a study in  experimental  tuberculosis of mouse. Vaccine 17, 1999, 2882. 

  53. Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S.: Tuberculosis vaccines. IDrugs, 3, 2000,  408. 

  54. Deb, D.K., Srivastava, K.K., Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S. :  Bioluminescent Mycobacterium aurum expressing firefly luciferase for  rapid and high throughput screening of antimycobacterial drugs in vitro  and in infected macrophages. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 279, 2000,  457. 

  55. Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S. : Tuberculosis vaccines: a critical role  for T-cells.  Curr. Opinion Anti-inflammatory & Immunomodulatory  Investigational Drugs 2 (2), 2000, 100.

  56. Pathak R., Pant, C. S., Shaw, a.K., Bhaduri, A. P., Gaikwad, A. K., Sinha, S., Srivastava, A., Srivastava, K. K., Chaturvedi, V., Srivastava, R., Srivastava, B.S. : Baylis-Hillman Reaction: Convenient ascending synthetesis and biological evaluation of acyclic deoxy monosaceharides as potential antimycobacterial agents. Biorg. Med. Chem. 10, 2002, 3187. 

  57. Pathak, R., Shaw, A.K., Bhaduri, A.P., Chandrasekhar, K.V.G., Srivastava, A., Srivastava, K. K., Chatturvedi, V., Srivastava, R. , Srivastava, B.S., Arora, S. and Sinha, S. : Higher acyclic nitrogen containing deoxy sugar derivatives: a new lead in the generation of antimycobacterial chemotherapeutics. Biorg. Med. Chem. 10, 2002, 1695. 

  58. Tripathi, R.P., Tripathi, R., Tiwari, V.K., Bala, L., Sinha, S., Srivastava, A., Srivastava, R. and Sivastava, B. S. : Synthesis of glycosylated B-amino acids as new class of antitubercular agents. Eur. J. Med. Chem.  37, 2002,  773.  

  59. Deb, D.K.,  Dahiya, P., Srivastava, K. K., Srivastava. R. and Srivastava, B.S. : Selective identification of new therapeutic targets of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by IVIAT approach. Tuberculosis 82, 2002, 175.

  60. Prem Raj, P., Srivastava, S., Jain, S.K., Srivastava, B. S. and Srivastava, R. : Protection by live Mycobacterium habana cvaccine against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv challenge in mice. Indian J.  Med. Res. 117, 2003, 139.

  61. Tewari, N., Tiwari, V.K., Misra, R.C., Tripathi, R.P., Srivastava, A.K., Ahmed, R., Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B.S. : Synthesis and bioevaluation of glycosyl ureas as a -glucosidase inhibitors and antituberculosis agents. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 11, 2003, 2911.

  62. Katiyar, D.,  Tiwari, V. K., Tripathi, R. P.,  Srivastava, A.,  Chaturvedi, V.,  Srivastava, R. and Srivastava, B. S. : Synthesis an antimycobacterial activity of 3,5-disubstituted thiadiazine thiones. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 11, 2003, 4369.

  63. Mishra, A., Srivastava, R., Pruzzo, C. and Srivastava, B. S. : Mutation in tcpR gene (Vc0832) of Vibrio cholerae O1 causes loss of tolerance to high osmolarity and affects colonization and virulence in infant mice. J. Med. Microbiol. 52, 2003, 1. 

  64. Tiwari, V.K., Tripathi, R.P., Chaturvedi, V., Srivastava, A., Sinha, S., Srivastava, R.Srivastava, B.S. Combinatorial and conventional synthesis of glycohybrid molecules as new class of antitubercular agents. Med. Chem. Res. 12, 2003, 394.

  65. Gautam Panda, Shagufta , Jitendra Kumar Mishra, Vinita Chaturvedi, Anil K. Srivastava, Ranjana Srivastava and Brahm S. Srivastava 2004. Diaryloxy methano phenanthrenes: a new class of antituberculosis agents..Biorg. Med. Chem. 12 . 5269 .

  66. Synthesis of Galactopyranosyl Amino Alcohols as a new class of Antitubercular and antifungal agents. N. Tewari, V. K. Tiwari, R. P. Tripathi, A. Gaikwad, S. Sinha, P. K. Shukla, R. Srivastava and B. S. Srivastava, Bio. Med. Chem.Lett., 2004, 12, 329.

  67. D. Katiyar, V.K. Tiwari, N. Tiwari, S.S. Verma, S. Sinha, A. Gaikwad, A. Srivastava, V., Chaturvedi, R. Srivastava, B.S. Srivastava and R.P. Tripathi 2005. Synthesis of antimycobacterial activity of Glosylated Aminesand Amino Alcohols..  Eur. J. Med. Chem.40, 351.

  68. M. Zampini, C. Pruzzo, V.P. Bondre, R. Tarsi, M. Cosmo, A. Bacciaglia, A. Chabbra, R. Srivastava, B.S. Srivastava.. 2005. Vibrio cholerae persistence in aquatic environments and colonization of intestinal cells: involvement of a common adhesion mechanism.  FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 244 , 267.

  69. Synthesis and antitubercular activities of bis-glycosylated diamino alcohols. R.P. Tripathi, V. K. Tiwari, N. Tewari, D. Katiyar, N. Saxena, S. Sinha, A. Gaikwad, A. K. Srivastava, V. Chaturvedi, Y. K. Manju, R. Srivastava, B. S. Srivastava. Bioorg Med Chem., 2005, 13, 5668.

  70. Ranjana Srivastava, D. Kumar, M.N. Waskar, M. Sharma, V.M. Katoch and B.S. Srivastava. 2006. Identification of a repetitive sequence belonging to a PPE gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and its use in diagnosis of tuberculosis . J. Med. Microbiol. 55, 1071.

  71. Ravi K. Asthana,, Arunima Srivastava, Akhilesh P. Singh, Deepali, Sureshwar  P. Singh, Gopal Nath, Ranjana Srivastava and Brahm S. Srivastava. 2006. Identification of an antimicrobial entity from the cyanobacterium Fischerella sp. isolated from bark of Azadirachta indica (Neem) tree . J. Applied Phycology 18 (1), 33.

  72. P. Akhtar, S. Srivastava, Anil Srivastava, Mukesh Srivastava,     Brahm S. Srivastava, Ranjana Srivastava 2006.  Rv3303c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis protects tubercle bacilli against oxidative stress in vivo and  contributes to virulence in mice. Microbes and infection 8, 2855-2862.

  73. Srivastava, V., C. Rouanet, R. Srivastava, B. Ramalingam, C. Locht and B.S. Srivastava. 2007. Macrophage specific M. tuberculosis genes identified by green fluorescent protein and kanamycin resistance selection. Microbiology 153 (Pt 3) 659-66. 48.

  74. Saquib, M., Manish K. Gupta, Ram Sagar, Yenamandra S. Prabhakar , Arun  K. Shaw, Rishi Kumar, Prakash R. Maulik, Anil Gaikwad, Sudhir Sinha, Anil K. Srivastava, Vinita Chaturvedi, Ranjana Srivastava and Brahm S. Srivastava..2007. C-3 Alkyl /Arylalkyl-2,3-dideoxy hex-2-enopyranosides as antitubercular agents: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and QSAR study. J. Med. Chem., 2007, 50, 2942.

  75. V. Srivastava, A. Jain, B.S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava. 2008. Selection of genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis upregulated during residence in lungs of infected mice. Tuberculosis (Edinb). 88 (3) 171.

  76. A. Saxena, V. Srivasrtava, R. Srivastava, B.S. Srivastava. 2008. Identification of genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis upregulated during anaerobic persistence by fluorescence and kanamycin resistance selection. Tuberculosis (Edinb), 88 (6) 518.

  77. R.P.S. Parti, R. Shrivastava, S. Srivastava, A.R. Subramanian, R. Roy, B.S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava. 2008. . A transposon insertion mutant of Mycobacterium fortuitum attenuated in virulence and persistence in a murine infection model that is complemented by Rv3291c of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Microbial Pathogenesis. 45(5-6), 370.

  78. A. Gupta, S. Bhakta, S. Kundu, M. Gupta, B.S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava. 2009. Fast-growing, non-infectious and intracellularly surviving drug-resistant Mycobacterium aurum: a model for high-throughput antituberculosis drug screening. J. Antimicrob. Chemotherapy 64(4), 774.

  79. J. Kundu, R. Mazumdar, R. Srivastava, B.S. Srivastava. 2009. Intranasal immunization with recombinant toxin-coregulated pilus and cholera toxin B subunit protects rabbits against Vibrio cholerae 01 challenge. Fems Immunol Med Microbiol. 56(2), 179.

  80. R.K. Asthana, A. Deepali, M.K. Tripathi, A. Srivastava, A.P. Singh, S.P. Singh, G. Nath, R. Srivastava, B.S. Srivastava. 2009. Isolation and identification of a new antibacterial entity from the Antarctic cyanobacterium Nostoc CCC 537. Journal of Applied Phycology 21(1), 81.

  81. R. K. Gupta, B.S. Srivastava, R. Srivastava. 2010. Comparative expression analysis of rpf-like genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv under different physiological stress and growth conditions. Microbiology, 156 , 2714.

  82. Singh VK, Srivastava V, Singh V, Rastogi N, Roy R, Shaw AK, Dwivedi AK, Srivastava R, Srivastava BS. 2011. Overexpression of Rv3097c in Mycobacterium bovis BCG abolished the efficacy of BCG vaccine to protect against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice.Vaccine. 2011;29(29-30):4754-60.

  83. Saquib M, Husain I, Sharma S, Yadav G, Singh VK, Sharma SK, Shah P, Siddiqi MI, Kumar B, Lal J, Jain GK, Srivastava BS, Srivastava R, Shaw AK.2011. 2,3-dideoxy hex-2-enopyranosid-4-uloses as promising new anti-tubercular agents: design, synthesis, biological evaluation and SAR studies.Eur J Med Chem. 2011 46(6):2217-23.

  84. Singh V, Chandra D, Srivastava BS, Srivastava R 2011. Biochemical and transcription analysis of acetohydroxyacid synthase isoforms in Mycobacterium tuberculosis identifies these enzymes as potential targets for drug development.Microbiology. ;157(Pt 1):29-37.

  85. Singh V, Chandra D, Srivastava BS, Srivastava R 2011. Downregulation of Rv0189c, encoding a dihydroxyacid dehydratase, affects growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro and in mice. Microbiology. ;157(Pt 1):38-46.

  86. Sharma SK, Moe TS, Srivastava R, Chandra D, Srivastava BS. 2011. Functional characterization of VC1929 of Vibrio cholerae El Tor: role in mannose-sensitive haemagglutination, virulence and utilization of sialic acid. Microbiology.;157(Pt 11):3180-6.

  87. Kashyap VK, Gupta RK, Shrivastava R, Srivastava BS, Srivastava R, Parai MK, Singh P, Bera S, Panda G. 2012. In vivo activity of thiophene-containing trisubstituted methanes against acute and persistent infection of non-tubercular Mycobacterium fortuitum in a murine infection model. J Antimicrob Chemother. ;67(5):1188-97.

List of Patents:
International Patents granted : 5
Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific  DNA  fragment

US Patent no. 6,242,585 B1; 05. 06. 2001

Ranjana Srivastava, Deepak Kumar, B.S. Srivastava
Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific  DNA  fragment

US Patent no. 6114514; 05. 09. 2000

Ranjana Srivastava, Deepak Kumar, B.S. Srivastava
Mycobacterium tuberculosis specific  DNA  fragment

European Patent EP0945462; 08/02/2006

Germany, England, France and Netherland

Ranjana Srivastava, Deepak Kumar, B.S. Srivastava

Antitubercular extracts of Salicornia brachiata

US Patent 20070020351; 25.1.2007

Meena Rajnikant Rathod, Bhupendra Dhanvantrai Shethia, Jayant Batukral Pandya, Pushpito Kumar Ghosh, Prakash Jagivanbhal Dodia, Brahm S. Srivastava, Ranjana Srivastava, Anil Srivastava, Vinita Chaturvedi, Mariappanadar Vairamani
Herbal extracts of Salicornia species, process of preparation thereof, use thereof

against tuberculosis preparation thereof, use thereof against tuberculosis

US Patent 20070248704; 25.10.2007

Meena Rajnika Rathod, Bhupendra D. Shethia, Jayant B.Pandya, Pushpito K. Ghosh, Prakash J. Dodia, Brahm S. Srivastava, Ranjana Srivastava, Anil Srivastava, Vinita Chaturvedi.

National Patent : 22

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