Invoice Invoice Date:20220525-1
SHIPPER Company Name : Magna Mirrors (Tai Cang) Automotive Technology Co., Ltd.
Address : No.188 North Banjing Rd. Taicang Economy Development Area,
Jiangsu Province, P.R.China,215400
Contact Name : JAMES HU
Phone number: 13648375997
Company Name: “Uz-Koram Ko” LLC
No. of pieces:
Address : 1, Novokoltsevaya str., Andijan city 170111, Republic of Uzbekistan
Town/Area Code : 170111 Total Weight : 40 kg
State/Country : Republic of Uzbekistan
Contact Name : Murodaliyev Otabek
Phone/Fax No. : 998 97 332 99 96
MR4 samples(0797010071) 300 PCS EURO 1.84 EURO 552
Total Invoice Value EURO 552
Reason For Export
MR4 samples(0797010071)
I declare that the information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that the goods are of China origin.
I (name) james certify that the contents of this shipment are as stated above.