Programme summary

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MONDAY: 25 JUNE 2007




09:00 - 11:00


(Bus departs from Domestic arrivals ORTI airport 09h00 - Johan van Wyk 082 321 8378)

Joon van Rooy F1,

Senate Room

11:30 - 12:30

Session 1: Plenary Keynote address

Joon van Rooy F1,

Senate Room

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 2: Split sessions

2A Family Studies

2B Economic and Industrial Sociology

2C Gender studies

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 27

G 03

G 28

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Session 3: Plenary 1 Session: Sociology: Defining the Discipline

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

18:00 - 18:30

In Memory of Charlton Koen: young academic and SASA member: Book launch

G 20


Elgro Hotel





08:00 - 10:00

Session 4 Plenary 2: Identity, Livelihood and Social Reconstruction

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

10:30 - 12:30

Session 5 Split sessions

5A Economic and Industrial Sociology

5B Crime, violence and security

5C Aspects of HIV/AIDS

5D Media, Culture and Society

5E Political Sociology and Law

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 27

G 03

G 28

G 17

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 6: Split Session

6A Conceptualising Development: Theory in Local Contexts

6B Higher Education Studies

6C Religion

6D Experiences of Post-Apartheid Transformation in SA

6E Political Sociology and Law

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20
G 27

G 28

G 03
G 17

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Session 7: Special session: SASA/NRF Workshop: Feedback from task team and the way forward

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20





08:00 - 10:00

Session 8: Special session: South African Sociology and Academic Freedom

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

10:30 - 12:30

Session 9: Split sessions

9A Economic and Industrial sociology

9B Methodology

9C Higher Education studies

9D Rural Sociology

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 27

G 28

G 17

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 10: Split Session

10A Economic and Industrial sociology

10B Religion

10C Health

10D Urban Sociology and Migration

10E Social Theory

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 28

G 03

G 27

G 17

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Session 11: SASA AGM

Economic Sciences (EW)


Library Gallery





08:00 - 10:00

Session 12: Split sessions

12A Violence, Conflict and Security:

12B Economic and Industrial Sociology

12C “Minority papers” on important issues

12D Environmental Issues in Development/Regional Development

12 E South Africa, social transformation and the class discourse

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 27

G 20

G 28

G 17
G 03

10:30 - 12:30

Session 13: Plenary 3: Teaching Sociology in South Africa

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

14: 00

Bus departs to ORTI Airport


MONDAY: 25 JUNE 2007




08:00 - 09:00


11:30 - 12:30

Session 1: Plenary Keynote address:

Chair: Johan Zaaiman (NWU)

Eddie Webster (Wits)

Joon van Rooy F1,

Senate Room

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 2: Split sessions

2A Family studies

Chair: Freek Cronje (NWU)
Seedat, Mariam (Wits)

A sociological investigation into the socialisation process of the female African domestic worker.

Mosoetsa, Sarah (HSRC)

We are fighting over income and time”: The nature of conflict in poor South African households.

Rabe, Marlize (UNISA)

Age at first marriage: The South African scenario.
2B Economic and Industrial sociology

Chair: Raji Matshedisho (Wits)

Cock, Jacklyn and Fakier, Khayaat (Wits)

A gendered analysis of the crisis of social reproduction in contemporary South Africa

Kenny, Bridget C. (Wits)

Organising to come in”: South African retail worker politics in the 1980s

Omomowo, Kolawole Emmanuel (UP)

Organization restructuring through subcontracting and work intensity: a case of cleaning services in Pretoria.

Maree, Johann (UCT)

Skills and the Labour Process: Is South Africa delivering what is required?
2C Gender studies

Chair: Elli Binikos (UJ)

Mba, Chuks (University of Ghana, Legon) Some Thoughts On Violence And Discrimination Against Females In Ghana.

Ally, Shireen Adam (Wits)

"Apartheid is still alive in the backyards": Democratisation and Domestic Workers in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Schwarzer, Beatrix (Goethe University) The role of identity in the South Africa Transition process.

Economic Sciences (EW)
G 27

G 03

G 28

15:30 - 16:00


16:00- 18:00

18:00- 18:30

Session 3: Special session Sociology: Defining the discipline

Chair: Simon Mapadimeng (UKZN)

Jimi Adesina (Rhodes)

Peter Alexander (UJ)

Jide Oliyede (UWC)
In Memory of Charlton Koen: young academic and SASA member

Karin Koen, sister of Charlton Koen, short address'

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

19: 30


Elgro Hotel





08:00 - 10:00

Session 4 Plenary 2: Identity, Livelihood and Social Reconstruction

Chair: Simon Mapadimeng (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Gerhard Mare (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Sarah Ssali (Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda)

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

10:30 - 12:30

Session 5 Split sessions

5A Economic and industrial Sociology

Chair: Bennie Linde (UNW)

Matshedisho, Knowledge Rajohane (Wits)

They can even work for R5 a day”: Minimum wage application in the informal sector

Bankole, Adeyinka Oladayo (University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria)

Dynamics of Mode of Organizing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Era of Economic Liberalization: A Study of SMEs in Ibadan, Nigeria

Binikos, Elli (University of Johannesburg)

Sounds of silence: organisational trust and decisions to blow the whistle.

Makwembere, Sandra (Rhodes University)

Government and the South African Municipal Workers’ Union (SAMWU) post-apartheid: public sector industrial relations in the context of Alliance politics
5B Crime, violence and security

Chair: Anton Senekal (UJ)

Smart, Alastair (CUT)

Soldiers of fortune: quo vadis after the closure of the commando's?

Mashike, Lephophotho (Wits)

Born Weak: Accounting for the Absence of Party-Guerrilla Veterans’ Coalition in a Democratic South Africa.

Tamukamoyo, Hamadziripi (SWOP, Wits)

Throw out the trash: Understanding Zimbabwe's 2005 urban clean up operation as a moral panic

Heinecken, Lindy (University of Stellenbosch) & Noelle van der Waag Stellenbosch (Faculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch)

Women “at" war: The intersection of race, class, gender and sexuality within the South African Military context

5C Aspects of HIV/AIDS

Chair: CJ Van Zyl Schalenkamp (UJ)
Mba, Chuks (University of Ghana, Legon)

HIV/Aids And Survival Challenges In Sub-Saharan Africa: An Illustration With Ghana And South Africa.

Molapo, Sepetla (Wits)

Mine migrant workers\' Understandings of HIV/AIDS: A critical realist perspective

Nyawasha, Tawanda Sydesky (University of Fort Hare) Citizenship and Social Capital:The impact of social capital in HIV/AIDS in South Africa

5D Media, culture and society

Chair: Marlize Rabe (Unisa)

Walton, Theresa & Wilson, Kathryn (Kent State University) Invested in Apartheid?: A Critical Analysis of US Media Coverage of Sport and Economic Sanctions

Martinez-Mullen, Claudia (UKZN)

Sport and Professional Football as a Space of Reproduction and Resistance within South Africa

Saramandif, Marie Claire Virginie (UKZN)

'Do we live stories or just tell them?'
5E Political sociology and law

Chair: Michael Neocosmos (University of Pretoria)

Franco Barchiesi (Ohio State University)

Schooling Bodies to Hard Work”. The Post-apartheid State’s Developmentalist Discourse and Its Moral Constructions of Welfare

Matsinhe, David Mario (University of Alberta, Canada) Bodies, nation building and social spaces in South Africa

Nthambeleni, Ndanduleni B (NRF)

SANCO a social movement of a special kind.

Geoffrey Modisha (HSRC)

Towards the cross road: Affirmative Action and its impact on South African multi-cultural citizenship

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 27

G 03

G 28

G 17

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 6: Split Session

6A Conceptualising Development: theory in local contexts

Chair: Monty Roodt (Rhodes University )
Mpolokeng, Gaopalelwe, (NWU-Mafikeng Campus)

Rostow’s Five Stages Of Economic Growth: Challenges In The Application To Social Reconstruction In South Africa Development  

Mapadimeng , Mokong Simon, (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Confucianism and Economic Development in the East Asian Region – Implications for the Ubuntu/Botho Debate in post-apartheid South Africa.

Akpan, Wilson, (University of Fort Hare )

Natural Resources, Social Exploitation and the Sociology of Ideas: Reflections on Contending “Notions” of Nigeria’s Niger Delta
6B Higher education studies

Chair: David Cooper (University of Cape Town)

Monepya, Kabelo Ben (University of Limpopo)

Students' protests: a question of access and success for social reconstruction.

Lundall, Paul (Private)

The problem of graduate unemployment in South Africa: from measurement to metaphysics

Odhav, Kiran (North West University)

Implementing Equity at North West University: renewal or endgame?

Bredenkamp, I.M. (University of the Free State) Engagement: Universities in Society

6C Religion

Chair: Alastair Smart (CUT)

McDonald, Zahraa (University of Johannesburg) Madrassahs: Religious or Cultural Institution

Mosselson, Adian (Wits)

Lubavitch vs. Progressive: Religious Power in the Johannesburg Jewish Community’

Begg, Rashid (University of Stellenbosch)

Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Rassismus
6D Experiences of post-apartheid transformation in SA

Chair: Wilson Akpan (University of Fort Hare)

Sutherland, Charlotte (University of Pretoria)

Afrikaner Men's Experiences of Post Apartheid.

Park, Yoon Jung (UJ)

Chinese South Africans in Post-Apartheid South Africa: The Impact of Exclusion on Identity and 'Home'

Duma, Vusumzi (University of Fort Hare)

Factors influencing public sentiment towards immigrants in South Africa : An Analysis of Data from the IDASA Political Culture Study.

Imoudu, Peter (Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria)

Social Policy & the Transformation of the South African Society: Challenges & Opportunities.
6E Political sociology and law

Chair: Michael Neocosmos (University of Pretoria)

Vyas-Doorgapersad, Shikha (North West University (Vaal Triangle campus)

Role of Society in Social Reconstruction

Chakuwamba, Antony Kapesi (Fort Hare University) Housing Delivery in Post-Apartheid South Africa.Have the Poor Really Been Empowered? Evaluating the Perfomance of Nkonkobe Municipality.

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 27

G 28

G 03

G 17

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Session 7: Special session: SASA/NRF Workshop: Feedback from task team and the way forward

Peter Alexander

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20





08:00 - 10:00

Session 8: Special session: South African Sociology and Academic Freedom

Chair: Sakhela Buhlungu (Wits )

Jane Duncan

Nithaya Chettie

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

10:30 - 12:30

Session 9: Split sessions

9A Economic and industrial sociology

Convenor: Emmanuel Omomowo(UP)
Geoffrey Modisha (HSRC)

Towards the cross road: Affirmative Action and its impact on South African multi-cultural citizenship

Geoffrey Modisha (HSRC)

The growth of the black middle class and its impact on the middle class configuration in post-apartheid South Africa.

Tapiwa, Chagonda (University of Johannesburg).

The Response of the working class in Harare to the Economic Crisis, 1997 – 2007

Xaba, JN (University of Stellenbosch)

Black economic empowerment and the formation of black capitalists: A case study of two organizations in both the public and private sector in the Western Cape Province.
9B Methodology

Chair: Ken Jubber (UCT)

Uys, Tina (UJ)

Determining research quality: The NRF rating system

Rieker, Mark Ivan (UKZN)

Rethinking Ethical Clearance: Student Fieldworkers as a vulnerable population

Jaffray, Penny (University of Fort Hare)

Descriptive Narrative Research Analysis and Chronic Illness: Making sense of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

Asanda Benya, Xoliswa Dilata, Katherine Joynt, Kholofelo Ngoepe and Mariane Tsoeu. (SOWU).

Problematizing the conceptualization and measuring of the informal economy.
9C Higher Education studies

Chair: Alastair Smart (CUT)

Lewins, Kezia (Wits)

Who is at the chalk face? A twenty year overview of the South African academic labour market

Cooper, David (University of Cape Town)

"Theoretical Issues of Research into Masters Student Retention and Success"

Bolsmann, Chris (Aston University)

The recruitment of international students to universities in South Africa and England: Different discourse, similar rationales?

Smuts, Letitia (University of Johannesburg)

Careers with Sociology: Experiences of UJ Sociology students
9D Rural sociology

Ngcebetsha, Tembeka (University of Fort Hare) Understanding women's land righs in post-apartheid South Africa: The Case of the Tshezi community in the Eastern Cape Province.

Igbatayo, Samuel (Igbinedion University, Okada, Nigeria) Landlessness & the Challenges of Rural Livelihood in South Africa

Mpolokeng, Gaopalelwe (NWU-Mafikeng Campus)

Biodiesel and social reconstruction: The Jatropha project in Modimola, North West Province

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 27

G 28

G 17

12:30 - 13:30


Library Gallery

13:30 - 15:30

Session 10: Split Session

10A Economic and industrial sociology

Chair: Nsolo Mijere (Walter Sisulu University)
Heinecken, Lindy (University of Stellenbosch) & Michelle Nel (Faculty of Military Science, University of Stellenbosch) Military Unions and the right to collective bargaining: Insights from the South African Experience.

C de W van Wyk (North West University (Vaal Triangle campus)

HIV/Aids-Related Stigma, Discrimination And Workers’ Rights In South Africa

Chisaka, Janet K. C. (Rhodes University)

A Biographical Disruption due to AIDS and Generational Poverty: Women’s


Mapule Maema (Rhodes University) “The Quality Of Working Life Of Women At Pick ‘n Pay: Grahamstown

10B Religion

Chair: Tessa Dooms (NWU)

Frahm-Arp, Maria (Wits)

Understanding the Corporate Experience: How some Pentecostal-Charismatic Churches are helping young Professional Women Manage their Success

Graham, Lauren (Wits)

Healthworlds – towards a critical development theory of health

Reilly, Tandi & Molapo, Sepetla (Wits)

Transformations of the Traditional; The impact of modernity on traditional healers’ conceptions of well-being

Ibn Hyman, Sundjata (Abti American University of Nigeria)

Maiduguri al-Majirai: The Role of Street Boys in Ethno-Religious Violence in Borno State (Nigeria)
10C Health

Chair: Cecilia van Zyl-Schalekamp (UJ)

Thokozani Xaba (University of KwaZulu-Natal)

Disowned Practice: Making sense of the practice of indigenous medicines and responses to National Surveys

Mariana Snyman (University of Pretoria)

The social factors involved in diabetes mellitus self-care management: the application of the health belief model.

Nolunkcwe Jennifer Bomela (University of Pretoria)

An anlysis of childhood malnutrition in three Central Asian Republics.

Acheampong Yaw Amoateng (Human Sciences Research Council), Ishmael Kalule-Sabiti (North-West University) & Prakash Narayanan (North-West University)

Substance Use and Sexual Behaviour among Adolescents in North-West Province of South Africa
10D Urban sociology and migration

Chair : Freek Cronje (UNW)

Mba, Chuks (University of Ghana, Legon) Urbanization In Ghana: A Call For An Establishment For Research-Based Planning And Management Of Metropolitan Areas

Groenewald, Liela (University of Johannesburg)

Recent debates on urban citizenship in Africa - towards a typology

Palamuleni, Martin Enock (North West University, Mafikeng Campus)

Some patterns of Internal Migration in North West Provinces 1996-2001
10E Social theory

Chair: Ken Jubber (UCT)

Oloyede, Olajide (UWC)

Social transformation : Anatomy of a concept

Keim, Wiebke (Institute for Sociology, Freiburg University) South Africa’s counter hegemonic potential in international sociology

Graham, Lauren (Wits)

Embourgeoisiement of the student body and its effects on sociology lecturers

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

G 28

G 03

G 27

G 17

15:30 - 16:00


16:00 - 18:00

Session 11 SASA AGM

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

19:00- 23:00


Library Gallery





08:00 - 10:00

Session 12: Split sessions

12A Violence, Conflict and Security:

Chair: Lindy Heinecken (University of Stellenbosch)
Du Plessis, Inus (Department of Intelligence Sciences and Analytical Studies at SANAI)

Open Source Intelligence In South Africa

Prudence Makhura, Zahraa McDonald (Centre for Sociological Research at UJ)

The Universality of low Reporting: UJ Students’ Experiences of Crime

Senekal, Anton (University of Johannesburg)

A sociological perspective on the phenomenon of bullying in the workplace
12B Economic and industrial Sociology

Convenor: Lewins, Kezia (Wits)

Tumelo Justice Lepheane (University of Johannesburg) Land Redistribution and its impacts on Agri-Bee: The case of Calcom PTY LTD, Barberton, Mpumalanga, South Africa.

David van Wyk  (Mudjadji Trading)

Gold versus platinum: a sociological perspective

Mijere, Nsolo J N (Walter Sisulu University)

The role of informal cross border traders in the creation of SADC regional common market
12C “Minority reports” on Important Issues

Chair: Rashid Beggs

Carter, Gail (Wits)

A Lack of Environmental Awareness: Will it be left until it is too late?

Tredoux, Marius Jacobus (University of Stellenbosch)

The factors that influence the quality of life of the elderly in old age homes: a Social Gerontological study

Van Zyl Schalenkamp, CJ (UJ)

SA Sociologists At The Party, But Not Eating
12D Environmental Issues in Development/Regional Development

Chair: M.P. Mokhahlame (Univ. of Venda)

Roodt, Monty, (Rhodes University )

An assessment of the Maputo Development Corridor as a catalyst for regional cooperation in tourism between Mpumalanga and Southern Mozambique.

Reilly, Tandi, (University of the Witwatersrand)

Environmental Impact Assessment as a Development Tool: A case study of Mohale Dam

Ikechukwu Umejesi and Akpan, Wilson, (University of Fort Hare )

Revisiting the Colliery: The Quest for a Reviewed Compensational Regime in Nigeria’s Coal Sub-Sector
12 E South Africa, social transformation and the Class discourse

Chair: Vusumzi, Duma (University of Fort Hare)

Ceruti, Claire & Mudau, Rudzani (UJ)

How do people see class in South Africa after Apartheid?

Ceruti, Claire (UJ)

Is the concept of the reserve army of labour useful for understanding Soweto’s unemployed?

Serote, Abraham Chupe (University of Cape Town) Blackness and capitalism in racist South Africa: How 'race' mediated and sustained the development of capitalism

Phadi, Mosa Martha (University of Johannesburg)

The Identity of Black Middle Class in Soweto

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 27

G 20

G 28

G 17

G 03

10:30 - 12:30

Session 13: Plenary 3: Teaching sociology in South Africa

Chair: David Copper (UCT)

Louise Hagemeyer (University of the Witwatersrand)

David Brown (University of Kwazulu Natal)

Economic Sciences (EW)

G 20

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