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I-ESA’06 Conference Programme

Wednesday 22nd March 2006


Opening Session


Keynote: A Changing Context for Enterprise Interoperability research
G. Santucci - European Commission, EU


S. McGibbon - Microsoft, GB

Coffee break and exhibition visit


W11 Session: Inter-organisational Interoperability 1

A Natural Basis for Interoperability
N. Rossiter, M. Heather - Northumbria Univ., GB
D. Nelson - Sunderland Univ., GB

Solving Problems in the Parameterisation of ERPs using a Model-Driven Approach
R. Grangel Seguer - Univ. Jaume 1, ES
J.P. Bourrey - Ecole Centrale Lille, FR
A.J. Berre - SINTEF, NO

Decentralized Metadata Development for Open B2B Electronic Business
F. van Blommestein - Univ. of Groningen, NL

W12 Session: Ontology-based Interoperability 1

Semantic Service Modeling: Enabling System Interoperability
S. Pokraev - Telematica Institute, NL
D.Quartel - Univ. of Twente, NL
M. W.A. Steel - Telematica Institute, NL
M. Reichert - Univ. of Twente, NL

A Model for Assessing the Impact of Enterprise Application Interoperability in the typical European Enterprise
Y. Charalabidis, D. Askounis, G. Gionis - Univ. of Athens, GR

Supporting Scientific Collaboration in a Network of Excellence Through a Semantically Indexed Knowledge Map
P. Velardi - Univ. of Roma, IT
A. Cucchiarelli - Univ. Politecnica delle Marche, IT
M. Petit - Univ. of Namur, BE

W13 Posters Session: Standards and initiatives for Interoperability

Achieving Influence on Standardisation Bodies
E. Soderstrom - Univ. of Skövde, SE

Breaking the monolith - Differences in ascribed relevance of different standards types in different research contexts
S. Gauch, K. Blind - Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research, DE

Institutional Viewpoint on Wireless Standardisation Process
A. Kivimäki - Univ. of Oulu, FI

COPRAS - the Cooperation Platform for Research and Standards: Objectives and achievements towards IST research projects and enterprise software standardization
J. Ketchell, B. Brusse - CEN - European Committee for Standardization, BE

Unsatisfiability Reasoning in ORM Conceptual Schemes
A. Saxena, S. Wadhwa - IIT Delhi, IN

Interoperable Hospital Information Management System: A Vision for Future
S. Wadhwa, A. Saxena - IIT Delhi, IN

Lunch and exhibition visit


Keynote: Integration in a Service - Oriented World: The Big Picture
M. Brodie - Verizon Information Technology, US

Coffee break and exhibition visit


W21 Session: Inter-organisational Interoperability 2

Service Typing in Collaborative Systems
T. Ruokolainen, L. Kutvonen - Univ. of Helsinki, FI

Interoperability through model based generation: the case of the collaborative IS
J. Touzi - Ecole des Mines Albi Carmaux, FR
J.P. Lorrè - EBM Websourcing, FR
F. Benaben, H. Pingaud - Ecole des Mines Albi Carmaux, FR

W22 Session: Ontology-based Interoperability 2

A Framework of Public Administration Domain Data Interoperability Using Semantic Web Technology
S.K. Goudos - Univ. of Macedonia, GR
V. Peristeras - Greek National Center for Public Administration, GR
K. Tarabanis - Univ. of Macedonia, GR

Digital resource discovery: semantic annotation and matchmaking techniques
D. Bianchini - Univ. degli Studi di Brescia, IT
S. Castano - Univ. degli Studi di Milano, IT
F. D'Antonio - IASI CNR, IT
V. De Antonelis - Univ. degli Studi di Brescia, IT
M. Harzallah - Univ. of Nantes, FR
M. Missikoff - IASI CNR, IT
S. Montanelli - Univ. degli Studi di Milano, IT

Ontology-based transformations for achieving interoperability in AmI
S. Erofeev, X. Larrucea - European Software Institute, ES

W23 Posters Session: Inter-organisational Interoperability

Organisational interoperability: Towards Enterprise Urbanism
F. Biennier, H. Mathieu - INSA de Lyon, FR

An Analysis of Plug and Play Business Software
A. Jacobsson, P. Davidsson - Blekinge Institute of Technology, SE

The TrustCoM approach to enforcing agreements between interoperating enterprises
M. Wilson, A. Arenas - CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, GB
D. Chadwick - Univ. of Kent, GB
T. Dimitrakos - British Telecom, GB
J. Doser - ETH Zurich, CH
P. Giambiagi - Swedish Institute of Computer Science, SE
D. Golby - BAe Systems, GB
C. Geuer-Pollman - European Microsoft Innovation Centre, DE
J. Haller - SAP, DE
S. Ketil - SINTEF, NO
T. Mahler - NRCCL, NO
L. Martino - Univ. degli Studi di Milano, IT
X. Parent - King's College, Univ. of London, GB
S. Ristol - Atos Origin, FR
J. Sairamesh - IBM, US
L. Schubert - High Performance Computing Centre, DE
N. Tuptuk - Imperial College, Univ. of London, GB

VEMH - Virtual Euro-Mediterranean Hospital and Medical Grid
G. Graschew, T.A. Roelofs, S. Rakowsky, P.M. Schlag - Univ. Medecine Berlin, DE

Unified Discovery and Composition of Heterogeneous Services
A. Tsalgatidou, G. Athanasopoulos, M. Pantazoglou - Univ. of Athens, GR
H. Hoff, D. Skogan, A.-J. Berre - SINTEF, NO

An Interoperability Model for Automotive Supply Chains
M. Witthaut, A. Wagenitz, B. Hellingrath - Fraunhofer IML, DE

Thursday 23rd March 2006


Keynote: Inter-Organization Business Processes: Some Assembly Required
M. Schenecker - SAP, DE


Keynote: Interoperability - A Challenge In Global Business
L. Garg - Siemens, DE

Coffee break and exhibition visit


T11 Session: Inter-organisational Interoperability 3

An Integrated Approach for Organizational Data Interoperability
J. Sampson, C. Veres - Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology, NO
M. Lanzenberger - Vienna Univ. of Technology, AT

Designing a Modular Infrastructure for Exploratory Integration of Interoperability Approaches
N. Mehandjiev - Univ. of Manchester, GB
P. Grefen - Eindhoven Univ., NL
I.D. Stalker - Univ. of Manchester, GB
R. Eshuis - Eindhoven Univ., NL
K. Fessl, G. Weichhart - Profactor, AT

Managing the Lifecycle of Cross-organizational Collaborative Business Processes
D. Werth, P. Walter, P. Loos - DFKI, DE

T12 Session: Architecture and platforms for enterprise interoperability

Activity Diagram Based Process Family Architectures for Enterprise Application Families
A. Schnieders, M. Weske - Univ. Potsdam, DE Value object analysis and the transformation from value model to process model
H. Weigand - Tilburg Univ., NL P. Johannesson, B. Andersson, M. Bergholtz, A. Edirisuriya, T. Ilayperuma - Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, SE To Adapt or Not to Adapt, That is the Question: Towards a Decision Framework Governing Alignment
W.J. van den Heuvel - Tilburg Univ., NL

T13 Posters Session: Methods, models, languages and tools for enterprise interoperability

Enterprise Website Topic Modelling Technology and Its Web Search Experiments
D. Baoli, Q. Guoning, G. Xinjian - Zhejiang Univ., CN
L. Sumei - Taiyuan Univ. of Science and Technology, CN

Quality Criteria for Enterprise Modelling in the context of networked Enterprises
T. Knothe - IPK, DE
R. Jochem - Univ. of Kassel, DE

A Roadmap for UEML
A. Opdahl - Univ. of Bergen, NO
G. Berio - Univ. of Torino, IT

Method for the Implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture
D. Ernadote, A. Lonjon, J. Zupan - MEGA International, FR

Service- and Process-Matching - An Approach towards Interoperability Design and Implementation of Business Networks
D. Vanderhaeghen, D. Werth, T. Kahl, P. Loos - DFKI, DE

State orientation as the basis of e-business processes standards
F. van Blommestein - Univ. of Groningen, NL

Lunch and exhibition visit


T21 Session: Methods, models, languages and tools for enterprise interoperability 1

The UEML Approach to Modelling Construct Description
A. Opdahl - Univ. of Bergen, NO
Discretization of continuous features by using a Kernel
L. Gonzalez, F. Velasco - Univ. of Seville, ES
F.J. Cuberos - Dept. Planificacion Radio Television de Andalucia, ES
J.A. Ortega - Univ. of Seville, ES
C. Angulo - Technical Univ. of Catalonia, ES
Designing and implementing cross-organizational business processes - Description and Application of a Modeling Framework
U. Greiner - SAP, DE
S. Lippe - SAP, AU
T. Kahl, J. Ziemann - DFKI, DE
F. W. Jaekel - IPK, DE

T22 Session: Service Oriented Architectures

Development of Dynamic Composed Services based on the Context
F.J. Nieto, L. Bastida, M. Escalante, A. Gortazar - European Software Institute, ES
A Platform Independent Model for Service Oriented Architectures
G. Benguria, X. Larrucea - European Software Institute, ES
B. Elveseater, T. Neple - SINTEF, NO
A. Beardsmore - IBM, GB
M. Friess - IBM, DE
Semantics of Interoperable and Outsourced Information Systems
H. Balsters, G.B. Wuitema - Univ. of Groningen, NL

T23 Posters Session: Semantics issues in Interoperability

Practical Issues in Ontology Modeling: The Case of Defence Conceptual Modelling Framework-Ontology
A. De Nicola - IASI-CNR, IT
V. Kabilan - Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm Univ., SE
M. Missikoff - IASI-CNR, IT
V. Mojtahed - FOI, Swedish Defence Research Agency, SE
Automatic Synthesis of Reference Processes Applying Semantic Concepts
F. Lautenbacher, B. Bauer - University of Augsburg, DE
Context-Based Knowledge Management Platform for BTO Production Network: Approach and Technological Framework
A. Smirnov, T. Levashova, N. Shilov, A. Kashevnik - Russian Academy of Sciences, RU
The adaptation of ontologies for sharing information among enterprise systems
D. Tektonidis - ALTEC S.A., GR
A. Bokma - Univ. of Sunderland, GB

Mapping XML Schema to OWL
N. Anicic - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, CS
N. Ivezic - NIST, US
Z. Marjanovic - Faculty of Organizational Sciences, CS

Coffee break and exhibition visit


T31 Session: Methods, models, languages and tools for enterprise interoperability 2

An Interoperable Platform to implement Collaborative Forecasting in OEM Supply Chains
R. Poler, A. Ortiz, F.C. Lario - UPV, ES
M. Alba - DMR Consulting, ES

Interoperability characterization using enterprise modeling and graph representation
S. Blanc, Y. Ducq, B. Vallespir - LAPS/GRAI Univ. Bordeaux 1, FR

Achieving Enterprise Model Interoperability: Applying a Common Enterprise Metamodel
J. Ziemann - DFKI, DE
O. Ohren - SINTEF, NO
F.W. Jaekel - IPK, DE
T. Kahl - DFKI, DE
T. Knothe - IPK, DE

T32 Session: Standards for interoperability

Interoperability in Healthcare: Standards for the French project of a national personal medical record
P. Lagouarde - CEGEDIM, FR
B. Leblanc - Univ. Bordeaux II, FR
B. Vallespir - LAPS/GRAI Univ. Bordeaux 1, FR

ICT Standards Development - Finding the Best Platform
K. Jakobs - Aachen Univ., DE

Standard-compliant, but incompatible?!
T.M. Egyedi - Delft Univ. of Technology, NL

T33 Session: Decisional models interoperability

Towards a conceptualization of decisional interoperability
N. Daclin, D. Chen, B. Vallespir - LAPS/GRAI University Bordeaux 1, FR

Interoperability and Synergism of Decision, Information and Flexibility to improve performances of Enterprise Systems: KM Implications
S. Wadhwa, A. Saxena - IIT Delhi, IN
Y. Ducq - LAPS/GRAI Univ. Bordeaux 1, FR

A Decentralized Approach for Inter-Enterprise Business Process Collaboration
Q. Xiaoqiang, W. Jun, H. Tao - Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN

Friday 24th March 2006


Keynote: Enterprise Interoperability Centre and Community Building / From Interop-NoE to the Virtual laboratory on Enterprise Interoperability and e-Business
MS Li - IC Focus, GB and J.P. Bourrières - University Bordeaux 1, FR


F11 Session: Business models interoperability 1

e-Proc: A TO BE scenario for business interoperability
R. Goncalves, R. Costa - Uninova, PT
O. Garcia, M.J. Nunez - Aidima, ES
P. Malo - Uninova, PT

Enterprise Software with Half-Duplex Interoperations
M. Johnson - Macquarie University, AU

A Complexity Based Approach to Collaborations in the Tool and Die Industry
G. Schuh, A. Sauer, S. Doring - Aachen Univ., DE

F12 Session: Manufacturing enterprise applications interoperability

Enhancing Interoperability of Manufacturing Software Units Using Capability Profiling
W. P. Yu - Southeast Univ., CN
M. Matsuda, Kanagawa Institute of Technology, JP
Q. Wang - Southeast Univ., CN

Supply Chain Management System and Interoperability through EAI Platform
L. Zhou, X. Xu - Harbin Institute of Technology, CN
T. Huang - Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN
S. Deng - Harbin Institute of Technology, CN

Towards a Product Oriented Process Modelling for Enterprise Applications Synchronisation and Interoperability
S. Baina, H. Panetto, G. Morel - Univ. Henry Poincaré Nancy I, FR

F13 Posters Session: Case Studies in Interoperability

Involving Content Producers to Achieve Communication Interoperability The Case Study of a Portal of Universities
D. Reymond - Univ. Michel de Montaigne, FR
T. Alix - LAPS/GRAI Univ. Bordeaux 1, FR

Medical Complaints: A Solution Based on Internet
N. Philip, X.H. Wang, R.S.H. Istepanian, T. Geake - Kingston Univ., GB

Going through software and data interoperability: VIVACE Project vision
T. Nguyen Van, B. Maille - SNECMA, FR
B. Yannou - Ecole Centrale Paris, FR
J.P. Bourey - Ecole Centrale Lille, FR

CIMS and GRID Technology in China Aviation Industry
G. Wang - Harbin Institute of Technology, CN

Coping with Interoperability Issues in EU eGovernment, The Trans-European eGov Project RISER
Y. Rabenstein, J. Staudemeyer - PSI Information Management, DE

RFID and Interoperability: Application in Grocery Supply Chains
M. Jarrar, S. Heymans - Vrije Univ. Brussel, BE

Coffee break and exhibition visit


F21 Session: Business models interoperability 2

Talea: an extensible framework for e-business integration
A. Vagliengo, G. Levi - CSP Innovazione Nelle ICT, IT
A. Goy - Univ. de Torino, IT

Modelling Inter-organizational Workflow Security in a Peer-to-Peer Environment
A. Nowak - ARC Seibersdorf Research, AT
M. Ahfner, M. Breu, R. Breu - Univ. Innsbruck, AT

Developing Interoperable Business Processes Using Web Services and Policies
Z. Maamar - Zayed University, Dubai, AE
D. Benslimane - Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, FR
G.K. Mostefaoui - University of Montreal, CA
S. Sattanathan - Airvana Networks India Private ltd, IN
C. Ghedira - Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, FR

F22 Session: Model-driven approaches for interoperability

A Decentralized Broker Architecture for Collaborative Business Process Modelling and Enactment
J. Mueller - Siemens, DE
B. Bauer - Univ. of Augsburg, DE
S. Roser - Siemens, Univ. of Augsburg, DE

UML for Enterprise Modelling: a basis for a Model-Driven Approach
R. Grangel Seguer - Univ. Jaume 1, ES
J.P. Bourrey - Ecole Centrale Lille, FR
R. Chalmeta - Univ. Jaume 1, ES
M. Bigand - Ecole Centrale Lille, FR

An Integrated Model-Driven Service Engineering Environment
J. P. A. Almeida, M.E. Iacob, H. Jonkers, M. Lankhorst, D. van Leeuwen - Telematica Instituut, NL

F23 Session: Formalisation and interoperability issues

Extending OWL-S to Solve Enterprise Application Integration Issues
I. Said, L. Vincent, P. Burlat - Ecole des Mines de St Etienne, FR
P. Lebrun, H. Solignac - ST Microelectronics, FR

Neural Networks and Process Optimisation Challenges
Y. Hiltunen, M. Henikkinen, T. Hiltunen, T. Rasanen - Univ. of Kuopio, FI
E. Niemitalo, H. Kettunen - Fosterwheeler Energia Oy, FI

Formalizing Analysis of Enterprise Architecture
P. Johnson, L. Nordströn, R. Lagerströn - Royal Institute of Technology - KTH, SE

Lunch and exhibition visit


Keynote: Integration in a Service-Oriented World
H. Tardieu - Atos Origin, FR


Closing Session

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