Selecting field sites in SAS 7. During the PPG process, the sites for project activities in the field were pre-selected according to four categories representing different combinations of land use, types and degrees of degradation1, and potential for improvement. These combinations include most of the challenges that are faced and the opportunities for upscaling to other ASDs.
i) Areas with intense land degradation (accentuated and severe level of land degradation) and extensive natural resource use;
iii) Areas with medium level of clearing and low-to-moderated level of land degradation in which RL are maintained, low mechanization and high potential for SFM/SLM;
iv) Areas that maintain extensive vegetation cover (RL and APP preserved), to demonstrate potential use under SFM/SLM (low land degradation level).
8. This section contains the baseline data on land use and land degradation at pre-selected field sites and outlines the proposed activities and estimated costs for each as well as strategies of replication in other Areas Susceptible to Desertification (ASD). The recommended activities will help improve food, water and energy security and conserve biodiversity. They should also be taken into account in licensing processes and funding.