National Environment Fund (FNMA)
Instrument of National Environment Policy
Support projects in different modalities, aimed at the rational and sustainable use of natural resources, in accordance with the priorities of the National Environment Policy, including the maintenance, improvement and recovery of environmental quality
Support the implementation of the project interventions
Encourage the adoption of SLM in the ASD of the country as a strategy for recovery of environmental quality of degraded areas and sustainable management of landscapes
Support the development of studies about sensitivity analysis for the development of APLs, Supply Chains, PES and other instruments that promote sustainable use of environmental resources and sustainable rural development in ASD
Linked action
Federal Technical Register
Authority responsible for implementing the National Environmental Policy (NEP)
Exercise the power of environmental police
Perform actions of national environmental policies, relating to federal responsibilities relating to environmental licensing, environmental quality control, authorization for use of natural resources and environmental inspection, monitoring and control, subject to the guidelines issued by the MMA
Perform the complementary actions of federal responsibility, according to existing environmental regulations
Support the development of methodological guidelines, regulations and/or resolutions with NCCD, CONAMA and ADEMA
Assist in monitoring and supervision of project activitie
Support and monitor the implementation of the CAR and the PRA in the area of project intervention
Provide technical inputs relating to supervision and monitoring to promote the adoption of SLM in ASD
Support the training process and capacity building in SLM in the state and other ASD
Support the implementation of field operations in the SAS
Support and provide inputs for the refinement of procedures for licensing in order to encourage adoption of best SLM practices as technological alternatives for sustainable use of natural resources