Prologue: Sparks Falling

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End of Part I

The Fires of Haven | Part II

  • Scene 1. Salidar

Min and the others ride through the woods - there's almost no road to speak of. Logain is slumped on his saddle, and Min is riding right next to him to make sure he doesn't fall. Ahead, Siuan and Leane are talking. All of a sudden, they reach a clearing bustling with activity - they've found the Gathering. Aes Sedai and Warders wander everywhere. Logain's interest finally arises a bit.

- Siuan, smirking: Didn't I tell you we'll find them today?

- Min: You told us the same yesterday, and for days before that.

- Siuan: Well, that doesn't matter now. Remember, leave me or Leane to talk, you just mind Logain. Don't answer any questions, unless they're simple. We actually... don't know how they decide to receive us, after all that happened. - to Leane: And we'll play this out the way we talked.- she nods, and they ride in. Stillness spreads as they ride. Suddenly a group of Aes Sedai stops them and turns to Min:

- You there! I remember you from the Tower! How did you find this place? And more importantly - why did you bring HIM here????

- Min: I'm not the one you have to be talking to - then she points to Siuan. Ask Siuan, or Leane here. - their eyes turn at the two of them, studying them coldly.

- Carlinya: Stilling might produce this effect....

- Morvrin: But how do you know they are who they say they are, and not impostors?

- Siuan: I knew you would need a whole book of proofs, you always do, Morvrin. If you allow us to get somewhere private, I'll provide them to you.

Later, the six Aes Sedai are secluded with Siuan and Leane.

- Sheriam: Well, I am satisfied. - the others nod, one by one. - Now, there's still the question of what to do with them.

- Siuan: We still know all we knew before. We can be of great service to you. How do you think we found this gathering so fast?

- Mirelle: Well? Don't make us wait, girl!

Siuan flinches, but keeps her calm: Before I was raised Amyrlin, I was the Blue's handler of the Eyes and Years network. I still remember most of the names and locations of the agents. Is my replacement here? I didn't think so. And Leane here, she still has control over her network of agents in Tar Valon itself.

- Beonin: Tar Valon? That would be valuable indeed. But tell me - what's to stop us from wringing the names out of you anyway?

- Siuan: Have you fallen so far? If yes, then my initial assessment was correct - you have no clear idea what to do now. I took a look at all these papers you're so assiduously examining in the outer room - supplies lists, horses, house repair plans... nothing important!

- Sheriam: Have a care, Siuan! A lot of people here blame you personally for what happened, and wouldn't hesitate to exact revenge!

- Revenge? Towards me? and Leane, probably? Wasn't what Elaida did to me more than enough? And if you want this sort of revenge, why did you leave the Tower anyway? You could've stayed and watched while Elaida humiliated me further, or executed me!

- Mirelle: No, we can't talk like this! Siuan is right - our revenge has to be aimed at Elaida, it was her that did this to the Tower! Whatever Siuan's blame in it, none of us believed even half the accusations she threw at you, and what was most probably correct - your role in handling the three ta'veren and the Dragon Reborn - this didn't warrant stilling! They walked the line of the law so narrowly that I half-suspect part of it might've been against it. It's only fair to let her know our true position, after all she suffered! - the others nod.

- Siuan: Thank you, I can't start telling you what this means to me. But it doesn't change the fact that you are ruderless, like a boat in the middle of the sea.

- Morvrin: And I suppose you're going to tell us where to head? Have a care, Siuan - you're not the Amyrlin anymore, you're not even Aes Sedai!

- Siuan: But I still have the same knowledge of the Game as before! I ... Beonin cuts her off: I see a young girl's temper has come with that young girl's face!

Siuan ostensibly composes herself:

- Forgive me, Aes Sedai, I forget myself. But all I want is to help you!

- Beonin, full of sympathy: We don't want you to feel useless, Siuan, nor you, Leane. Be assured that we'll use all your knowledge.

- You seem to have forgotten Logain, and why I dragged him here.

- Sheriam: Well? Pity?

- I found him wandering on the streets of Tar Valon, while escaping - he doesn't know who we are, and he talked freely. What he said is staggering: The Reds found him in Ghealdan nearly a year before he proclaimed himself. It was them that put the idea of the Dragon Reborn in his head!

Silence. Then: Sheriam: You are certain of this?

- Siuan: Beyond any doubt. He was simply talking about his past, seemingly remembering all that happened and led to this moment - I almost asked no questions at all. So he couldn't have lied, not when he thought he was talking to a simple maid refugee from the troubles at the Tower.

- Morvrin: But why would they do this?

- Siuan: Logain didn't know. Perhaps they think bringing down a False Dragon gains them more than gentling a simple man that can channel. And yes, I ask myself the same question I see in your eyes - if Logain, then maybe others before him as well? You may go ask Elaida, she must know.

- Sheriam: This changes everything. We can't bow to an Amyrlin who has this sort of blood on her hands!

- Leane: Bow to her????? You were still considering returning after all that happened?

- Sheriam: The Tower must be strong, especially now that the Dragon has been reborn. There have been many Amyrlins that were disliked, yet they turned out to be good ones. You don't need to like an Amyrlin to follow her. But this.... it is treason! We can't follow someone that is capable of this sort of actions!

- Mirelle: But whatever we do, the Reds will always support her.

Morvrin: Other will, too. All these that have chosen to stay on her side will prefer to convince themselves they had chosen the right side, sometimes despite all proof. And then there are those that only see authority, not the human wielding it, and those that think we're splitting the Tower in the worst moment possible.

- Beonin: All but the Reds could be approached, negotiated with. We need to gather enough support in the Hall to cause another deposition vote.

- Sheriam nods: It seems we'll have great need of your agents after all - both yours and Leane's.

- Leane: If I may make a suggestion? While we were riding, I was thinking about what would be the best format a challenge to Elaida should take. And I don't think a gathering of Sisters, however large, trying to talk to the Tower and its Hall, is the best format. The world sees the Tower as one, no matter how many sisters wander around at all times. If you stay here, exchanging messages with Elaida back and forth, the world might very well think that you're a bunch of headstrong girls that disagree with one of the Amyrlin's decisions.

- Morvrin: I see. It is logical, what you say. But what do you propose?

- I propose to build a Tower in exile - complete with a Hall and an Amyrlin, mirroring the Tar Valon organization in every aspect, down to teaching novices and Accepted and negotiating with the nations and even the Dragon Reborn.

- Sheriam: This is.....this will show the breach for all to see! There will be no turning back, if we do this!

- Siuan: You already said there is no turning back! The Tower is broken, thanks to Elaida and the Reds, now it's your work to make sure she can't cause any more trouble, to bring her down before she could. I wish I had thought of that myself - Leane's idea gives you a way to build the tower anew without first tearing it down completely. You can show the world a new Amyrlin, and portray Elaida as the usurper!

- Sheriam: It is a good plan, but I can't like its implications. For thousands of years the Tower has stood whole before the world, and now it will split right before the Last Battle... Still, I see no alternative. Do you? - the others shake heads. - Then we'll go ahead with your plan, Leane. We'll need great care when choosing our Amyrlin.

- Beonin: She 'll need to be a skilled negotiator, to deal with the others in the Tower.

Carlinya: She'll need to have cool thinking and logic.

- Morvrin: Sheriam is a good choice, I say. She managed to keep us together and organize this gathering, even though there was no clear goal for any of us. - Sheriam shakes her head vigorously, but Myrelle says:

- It is a good choice - I can promise every Green sister behind her!

- Siuan: If I may suggest: maybe it would be a good idea to select someone that isn't associated with one of the sides in the breach; someone that can't be accused of playing favorites. Maybe someone who wasn't even in the Tower when I was.... deposed.

- Leane: Yes, someone very strong in the Power, to stand for all the Tower stands for.

- Sheriam: That makes excellent sense - good thinking, both of you! And usually with strength in the Power comes strength of will - she will need all of it to deal with this situation. We... - there's a knock on the door, and a Warder enters: - Forgive me for interrupting, but it is important. A group of soldiers is approaching, led by Gareth Bryne himself.

- Siuan: What! Fishguts! I.... - she suddenly feels all eyes in the room are at her.

- Sheriam: Do they know we're here? - Yes, they are coming straight to the village, and I suspect they know we're watching them. Do you want them stopped?

- I don't see much sense in it.... if they cannot be diverted, let them come. But guard them closely. And you, Siuan will now tell us why you reacted as you did.

Gareth Bryne rides slowly in the village, alone. The Warder comes and invites him to meet Sheriam Sedai. Bryne nods and goes in the inn.

- Sheriam: We are please to meet you, Lord Bryne, although somewhat surprised to see you so far out of Andor. May we know to what do we owe the pleasure?

- Bryne: I come for them - she nods towards Siuan and Leane.

- Sheriam: Yes, they told us about their ...unfortunate adventure in Core Springs. Such oaths have to and will be fulfilled, but we're afraid we can't let you have them, yet.

- And why's that? You should know that I followed them all this way, and I'm not walking away without seeing their oath fulfilled. I'm prepared to wait until you're finished with them.

- You should be aware that the women you know as Mara and Amaena are in reality Siuan Sanche, the former Amyrlin seat, and Leane Sharif, her former Keeper of the Chronicles. - Bryne's face shows shock. - How?

- There are some things men would better not know at all. And most women, as well. But I can assure you that nothing would stop them from serving their time, while simultaneously helping us if you're indeed prepared to stay here. And while you're staying, you might be interested in performing another service for us.

- Morvrin: You will gain eternal Aes Sedai gratitude, and that's something any man should thing about.

Brine watches them hard for a moment then:

- I've seen no less than a hundred Aes Sedai here, with their Warders, servants, and even some novices, unless I miss my guess. This large number, along with the news from the Tower might mean only one thing - there is indeed a split, a split between Elaida and you. On the other hand you know who I am and what I do, which means that you could be requiring only one kind of service of me - to be your general. You intend to oppose Elaida. Very well, I've never liked her. I accept, under these conditions: First: I will be the general of the army, I will command it, not you. You will tell me what you wish done, and I will decide how, or if it's doable at all. - several Aes Sedai open mouths, but he raises a hand - I select men, I promote them, and I discipline them, not you. Second - if I tell you something can't be done, or shouldn't be, you'll consider it. I don't mean to usurp your authority, but I don't intend to put my head and my soldier's on the block just because you don't understand warfare. Third - if you begin this, you stay on course and you see it to the end. You will SWEAR it to me, or I walk away. Because if you decide in two months that you would rather not bring war to the Tower, and go bowing to Elaida, the most you'll suffer is some penance, while it's gonna be a death sentence for me and my men. you agree to all this, or I can't perform the service you require of me. Either leave me to walk away, or bind me with the Power for the Warder here to slit my throat.

The Aes Sedai regard him for a moment, then walk away and start talking behind a shield. Siuan creeps closer to him:

- Why did you do this? Why did you follow us? For a burned barn and some gold?

- For an Oath. An oath which you swore majestically, and then broke. I should double your time for that.

- It has been doubled already, you pile of rancid fish guts! You're enjoying this, aren't you? Is it about that time I made you back down over Murandy? Are you so small?

- You were the Amyrlin seat, and even kings kiss the Amyrlin's ring. But what you wanted didn't make any sense, in whatever context I put it. Why did you do that?

- Because your interference could've ruined important plans! Among the lords raiding Andor at the time we've identified a young and promising one, who held the potential of finally making Murandy a strong, united nation. And your soldiers could've killed it during one of the raids!

- Oh? But I haven't heard about any serious changes in murandian politics lately. What happened to your rising star?

- He was.... killed by a farmer. During a raid. - Bryne starts laughing - You should've made the farmers kneel, not me. Well, you need not concern yourself with such matters anymore - now all you'll need to think about is making my bed and cleaning my boots. - She starts exploding, when she realizes the Aes Sedai are back.

- We accept your conditions, Lord Bryne - they're most reasonable. We pledge ourselves to the course of confronting Elaida, in open war if need be, until one side comes out the victor.

- Bryne: Very well then. It seems my vacation ride will turn into something much different. - he kneels and starts swearing solemnly. [camera pans out].

[Camera shows the other end of the pass, with Cairhien sprawling before them. Aiel are filing in columns, by the thousands. There's the charred remains of another town near the road.]

Egwene walking with Aviendha, who's sullen, while looking at Rand nearby. She mutters:

- That ... thing on his hip! I don't know him anymore! I can't know a man wearing a sword!

- Egwene: But it is a custom for us, Aviendha! You know better than to judge someone because of their customs being different than yours!

- Why did he have to do this? He returned all the gold and the gems from the scabbard and hilt, as if he wouldn't accept them! But he handled it, I saw him!

- He had another hilt made, because this one was uncomfortable. Leave over, Aviendha! Look, I know what's bothering you really - how he shouted at you after you saved his life! Now, you have to know that men aren't thinking always, sometimes....

- You still think that's the problem? He apologized, and I was also out of order - he had just saved MY life, and I snapped at him. - What???? You never told me that! - But, the other..... oh Egwene, I can't do this anymore! I can't sleep in his room! I'm risking losing all my honor! Please, would you speak to the Wise Ones for me?

- Speak about what? - a croaking voice behind them. They turn hastily - Sorilea!

- What can't you do anymore girl? Answer me! - I..... actually, I.....

- I see. Since you can't really answer me, it's not anything important - just a girl's whim. During my time, when a girl was told to do something by a Wise One, she would jump immediately and do it. Since I'm still alive, it's still my time. Do I make myself clear?

- Yes, Sorilea!

- Good. Now, I heard the Car'a'carn has made you a regard-gift. Is this true?

- It wasn't a regard-gift, Sorilea, it was cancelling debt between us. A repayment for my teaching.

- Too bad.... You have good hips, girl, made for bearing babes! Why are you still single? My grand-nephew Farran is very handsome and looking for a wife, I'll make sure he meets you in the sweat tents.

- Of course, Sorilea. - she nods and passes them.

- Egwene: Who's this ... Farran?

- Aviendha: I don't know him.

- Then why didn't you say something? She can't MAKE you marry someone you don't want to!

- Are you serious???? Don't you know who that is? Sorilea is the oldest Wise One, even Bair jumps when she says 'frog'! No one denies Sorilea!

Egwene shakes her head. Ahead, Rand stops and dismounts to speak with the clan chiefs.

- Rand: What news from our avant-guard?

- Bael: There have been some skirmishes with wetlander bands, nothing serious. Most flee as soon as they catch a view of us. They look like brigands, dirty and uncaught.

- Keep back. Don't engage anyone that doesn't attack you. I told you already the situation might be more complicated that you think - there are not only forces fighting for different cairhienin lords, but also tairen forces that I sent. What about the other clans?

- Rhuarc: They're still coming behind us - the closest one entered the Jangai Pass already, the others are close behind.

- Good. Now, it's time to set rules for all Aiel in the Wetlands. Remember that you follow me, along with all the world - attacking wetlanders will be attacking your own allies. Stealing from them, pillaging their lands would be to hurt your own allies. We come here to impose peace, not to ravage the land, be it tree-killers land. That's why: everyone that is caught stealing will have his hand cut; everyone that's done murder will hang. Understood?

- Han: That's hard rules for protecting treekillers, Rand al'Thor.

- They are human beings like you and me, Han! I won't condone different standards and I won't distinguish a part of my followers! You mark my words - anyone that does a crime will pay for it, regardless of whom the victim was! Also, I want you to leave men to bring that message to the other clans.

- Rhuarc: We hear you ,Rand al'Thor, but it will be hard for us not to take the customary fifth from the lands we conquer!

- Rand: The Fifth, I give you! But not a penny more. We come here to liberate, not to destroy further.

- Rhuarc: It will be so.

Egwene shakes her head unbelieving: They're his allies! How can he behave to them like that?

- Aviendha: He is the Car'a'carn - he is the alpha wolf in the pack, and it takes hardness to lead such a pack. - she walks away.

  • Scene 3. The Aiel camp, the same night.

Night falls and they make camp. Egwene prepares to go to sleep, mutters "It's still early for our meeting, I'll read a bit". But she falls asleep with book in hand.


She is in the Heart of the Stone. She hears murmured voices, walks carefully towards them and sees Elayne talking to Birgitte. Her mouth pops open, she closes and opens her eyes, murmurs 'Birgitte?? From the legends????' Suddenly Amys says behind her:

- You're here early?

- Yes, Amys, I seem to have fallen asleep while reading. I decided not to exit Tel'aran'rhiod, since there was no telling how much time I would lose.

- Yes, a gai'shain found you. OK, let's go then. - They walk towards Callandor, where Elayne is now alone.

- Egwene: Hi Elayne - I thought it was Nynaeve's turn today?

- She is....nursing her head. There was an accident (she starts smiling and tells the story [camera flashbacks of the Chavana brothers dining with them, flirting with both of them, then Latelle appearing out of nowhere and attacking Nynaeve, them rolling on the ground, until Valan Luca breaks it off])

- Egwene: Nynaeve??? Rolling on the ground like a girl? I can hardly believe that!

- Well... her nerves aren't in their best shape lately. We're moving slowly northwards, toward Ghealdan - Luca wants to perform in Samara, where the Prophet is said to be residing currently. According to him, the throngs that follow the Prophet will fill the menagerie's coffers. And he wants her to participate in a number with Thom throwing knives at her, wearing a bright red dress , hihihihi.

- Amys, coldly: Your wetlander....entertainment is very funny. But do you actually have something useful to tell us, girl?

- Elayne regards her coldly: I'll tank you to address me with some minimum of respect, Wise One, as I address you. Now, there have been interesting things we learned - Cerandin is cooperating fully, and she was telling us all sorts of interesting things about the Seanchan Court - it's called the Court of the Nine Moons. She served there for years, before being sent with the Hailene. It seems their political system is built on the most bitter rivalry, with all important nobles - they call them the High Blood playing what amounts here to the Game of Houses, maneuvering for the favor of the Empress. And her children - they're also competing with each other to be her successor. Only the females, thought - the Seanchan ruler is always a female, like in Andor. Many times the competition is ...quite bloody. Finally, she gave us some items she found during her trips - including an a'dam!

- Egwene: What! Why would you take that filthy thing?

- Well.... it is a ter'angreal, after all. I want to study it.

Amys: I don't understand why you lose your time getting information about a land that's on the other side of the Aryth Ocean? Isn't there anything useful you could be doing?

- Elayne: The Seanchan may come back, Amys. If that happens, the more we know about them, the easier we could counter them.

- Egwene: What about the Aes Sedai gathering? Did she remember the place?

- Not yet, I'm afraid. That's another thing that makes her angry - if we don't know where we want to go, how can we ever get there?

- Well, tell her that however angry she is, I'll box her years very hard if she keeps behaving like a child! Remember how Sheriam used to punish us in her STUDY? It'll be worse than that!

- OK, I'll tell her.... [camera pans out]

Later, Sheriam's study. Egwene appears, and a little later - Elayne.

- Elayne: I thought you meant that. Light Egwene, do you have any idea how difficult it's becoming to remember what to say in front of whom?

- Egwene: For example, when to tell me that you're meeting Birgitte? - Elayne starts, blushes, then:

- I ... don't know what you're talking about.

- Really? I saw you with her, Elayne! Birgitte from the legends, with the bow, the braid and everything?

- Look, whatever you think you saw.... I can't talk about it, OK? I've given a promise! - Egwene lifts an eyebrow, but Elayne doesn't relent.

- Egwene: Very well, then, as you will. We're moving into Cairhien, and the Shaido are wreaking havoc there already. Nothing serious has happened yet, but it will - I can sense it.

- And Rand? I.... oh Light, I promised myself that I won't ask about him, I won't worry over him as a little girl.....

- He's well, Elayne. Although.... he's become hard. He demands things now, instead of asking. His head is swollen beyond belief!

- Well, he's a king, whatever you thing Egwene! He can't afford now to appear weak or indecisive. Speaking of which, you're becoming harder as well.

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