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3GPP TSG-CT WG1 Meeting #71 was C1-111531

Tallinn (Estonia), 9-13 May 2011


Meeting documents by agenda item
CT1 #70 in Tallinn (Estonia)
9 – 13 May 2011

Cyan background means allocated but not available tdoc number

Yellow background means available but not yet treated document

White background means that the document has been handled in the meeting and decision has been made

Additional Colour coding for Tdocs in the 1st row

Must be handled early due to coordination with other groups or internal off-line discussions

Easy and uncontroversial papers – can be presented within 2 minutes

Papers for common session (Monday afternoon or Thursday morning)

Agenda item

Agenda item title









at 09.00

Opening & welcome

Reminder to Individual Members and the persons making the technical proposals about their obligations under their respective Organizational Partners IPR Policy:

I draw your attention to your obligations under the 3GPP Partner Organizations' IPR policies.  Every Individual Member organization is obliged to declare to the Partner Organization or Organizations of which it is a member any IPR owned by the Individual Member or any other organization which is or is likely to become essential to the work of 3GPP


Agenda & Reports





Result & comments



CT1 Chairman




draft C1-70 report


meeting report / action list


There will be work-split between IMS and SAE/legacy on Tuesday, Wednesday and most of Thursday. Details of the IMS-agenda is decided by the chairman of the IMS breakout.

Monday morning - 91 Tdocs

09:00 Agenda item 3; Incoming LSs - 50 Tdocs

CRs from agenda items 11.x (marked in orange) - 1 Tdocs

CRs from agenda items 12.x (marked in orange) - 6 Tdocs

Agenda item 5, 6.2, 7.2, 8.4.2, 9.7.2; Non-IMS WIs (upto and including Rel-8) - 0+0+0+3+3 = 6 Tdocs

Agenda item 8.2; SDoUE, NSP-CR, EVGCS, IVGCS, VGCSflex - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.1; ETWS, PPACR-CT1, EData, IWLANNSP, EVA, I-WLAN_Mob - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.1; SAES - 10 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.2; SAES - 3 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.3, 9.2.4; SAES - 0+0 = 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.5; SAES-CSFB - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.6; HomeNB-LTE, HomeNB-3G - 9 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.2.7; SAES-SRVCC - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.14; EHNB-CT1 - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.15; TEI9 (SAE-related for rel-9) - 2 Tdocs
Tuesday - Main - 77 Tdocs
Election of new CT1-chairman:

Will take place in CT1- main room at 12.30. If a second ballot is needed, this will take place in the CT1-main room at 15.30.

Agenda item 11.12; NIMTC - 75 Tdocs

Agenda item 12.1.2; Other INon-MS rel-11 WIs - 2 Tdocs

Tuesday – IMS-breakout - 27 Tdocs

09:00 Agenda item 11.2; IMS_SC_eIDT - 13 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.3; CCNL - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.4; IMSProtoc4 - 8 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.5; eAoC - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.6; OMR - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.7; IESE - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.8; eSRVCC - 14 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.9; aSRVCC - 6 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.24.1; IMS rel-10 WIs - 3 Tdocs

Election of new CT1-chairman:

If a third ballot is needed, this will take place in the CT1-main room at 12.30.

Wednesday – Main - 53 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.10; ECSRA_LAA-CN - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.11; eMPS-CN - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.13; AT_IMS - 2 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.14; AT_UICC - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.15; SMOG-St3 - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.16; IFOM-CT - 7 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.17; LIPA - 11 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.18; SIPTO - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.19; MAPCON-St3 - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.20; TIGHTER - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.21; MOCH-GERAN - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.24.2; Non-IMS rel-10 WIs - 8 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.7; IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS & IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC - 3 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.8; SSAC - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.9; VAS4SMS - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.10; PWS-St3 - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.11; eANDSF - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.12; MUPSAP - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.13; LCS_EPS-CPS - 2 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.16.2; Non-IMS rel-9 WIs - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.23; TEI10 (SAE-related for rel-10) – 25 out of 49 Tdocs

Wednesday – IMS-breakout - 53 Tdocs

09:00 Agenda item 10.1; IMS SSs (CRS, CAT, CC) - 2 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.2; IMSProtoc3 - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.3; IMS_SCC topics - 1 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.4; EMC2 - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.5; MEDIASEC_CORE - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.6; PAN_EPNM - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 10.16.1; IMS rel-9 WIs - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 6.1, 7.1; IMS-CCR, IMS2, PRESNC - 0+10 = 10 Tdocs

Agenda 8.1; VCC, CSItermS, CSICS, SMSIP, EMC1 - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 8.3; PCC, ServID, MTSI, IMSprotoc, GRUU, FBI, FBI-pcbl - 13 Tdocs

Agenda item 8.4.1; Other IMS rel-7 WIs - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.3; MRFC, UUSIW, PktCbl-Intw, PktCbl-Deploy, PktCbl-Sec, NBA, OAM8-Trace, Overlap, PRIOR, IMS_RP, PNM, IMSProtoc2, IMS_Corp - 42 Tdocs

Agenda Item 9.4; ICSRA, IMS-Cont - 21 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.5; TISPAN and 3GPP2 Maint & redoc - 3 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.6; IMS SSs - 0 Tdocs

Agenda item 9.7.1; IMS rel-8 WIs - 5 Tdocs

Agenda item 12.1.1; Other IMS rel-11 WIs - 7 Tdocs

Thursday common session

09:00 Possible common leftover topics - 0 Tdocs

Thursday – Main – 27 Tdocs

09:00 Agenda item 11.22; FS_UE-CN_ES - 3 Tdocs

Agenda item 11.23; TEI10 (SAE-related for rel-10) – remaining 24 Tdocs
Leftovers from misc WIs

Revisions from some point

Thursday – IMS-breakout - 0 Tdocs

09: 00 Leftovers from misc WIs

Revisions from some point
09.00 Agenda item 11; Outgoing LSs

Agenda item 4.1, 4.2, 4.3; WP and other adm. issues

Rest of revisions
Closing will be the 13th of May at 16.00 at the VERY latest.
The indicated times are approximate and given to somehow distribute time evenly between WIs. If WIs are not finished by the given time, such WIs will be revisited later during the week.
The agenda may also be altered for other practical reasons.


Input Liaison statements




To / CC

Result & comments


LS on Addressing and Identification on XCAP (C4-110961)




CRs are needed in 24.623 and possibly 24.141 to implement the change in 3GPP.

LS to GSMA IREG Packeting WP

Author: NTT DOCOMO / Itsuma

Reply from GSMA IREG PACKET in C1-111669.
XCAP (Ut interface for MMTEL as described in TS24.623, TS24.173 and RFC4825) is a protocol used "for the purpose of manipulating PSTN/ISDN Simulation services data". This protocol has been recently agreed to be a part of VoLTE Profile (IR.92) in GSMA.
XCAP is transported over Ut interface using HTTP, and thus requires HTTP URI for the XCAP server (XCAP Root) discovery. This URI for is called XCAP Root URI, as defined in RFC4825.
To guarantee secure Inter-PLMN DNS resolution for XCAP, the following issues has been discussed and agreed:
 DNS for XCAP is completely separate from the DNS on the Internet. This is purposely done to add an extra layer of security to the involved networks.
 To send XCAP over based on GSMA requirements as specified in GSMA PRD IR.67, the DNS for XCAP requires the use of "well-known" FQDN for XCAP Root URI, given the fact that GSMA currently requires the use of standardized FQDN for the inter-PLMN DNS resolution in any service.
As a result, CT4 agreed on the Change Request for XCAP Root URI FQDN as attached.

A new subdomain 'ipx' is proposed to support the case where DNS is resolved by UE and/or network node. The agreed service id string is 'utmmtel', in order to express XCAP over Ut interface for MMTEL.

Although the CR was agreed, there was a question raised in the meeting such that:

- Can XCAP Root URI not utilize the existing '' without any sub-domain?

- Currently '' is used by the network node only but is it possible to extend the applicability of this domain to UE?
Action to GSMA IREG Packeting WP:

CT4 kindly asks GSMA IREG Packeting WP to discuss the two alternatives described above, and inform the result to CT4 and TSG CT.

Action to TSG CT: CT4 kindly asks TSG CT to approve the CR when the confirmation from GSMA arrives.


LS on Router Advertisement for idle mode UE (C4-111015)



LS to SA2

Author: NTT DOCOMO / Takaaki Matsuura

No related papers in this meeting.
1. Overall Description:

CT4 had discussed attachment (C4-110530) on clarification about Router Advertisement (RA) sending for the case of PMIP based S5/S8 scenario. CT4 had reached the understanding that when the mobility procedure with MAG (SGW) change occurred, e.g. TAU with SGW change, the MAG shall send RA. CT4 understands that this behaviour is in line with the current stage2 specifications and RFC5213 (PMIPv6).

During the discussion, following consequence was identified;
For the both GTP and PMIP based S5/S8 scenarios, the RA is sent regardless of whether UE is active or idle. CT4 has realized that if the PGW (in case of S5/S8 GTP) or the SGW (in case of S5/S8 PMIP) sends RA for the idle mode UE, it results in MME performs the paging and forces the UE to become active mode and establishes S1 bearer in order for the UE to receive Router Advertisement.
Based on above CT4 discussion, CT4 assumed that this would generate extra paging for both PMIP based and GTP based S5/S8 cases. To clarify CT4 understanding, CT4 would like ask the following questions;
Q1) is it SA2 assumption that MAG always send RA when mobility procedure occurs with MAG change, e.g. TAU procedure with SGW change, for PMIP based S5/S8 case?

Q2) does this extra paging, for both GTP and PMIP based S5/S8 scenarios, cause any concern?

Actions to SA2: CT4 kindly asks SA2 to provide feedback on the above questions and make necessary clarification on relevant SA2 specifications if necessary.


LS on excessive updates of NAS security context (C6-110184)




Answer from SA3 is available in C1-111658.

Related Tdocs in C1-111816, C1-111817 and C1-111818.
During LTE device testing, an excessively high update activity on the EF_EPSNSC (EPS NAS Security Context) File in the USIM – device interface was observed. Depending on the usage, the UICC memory may be worn out in a few months. CT6 would like to know if it is possible to reduce the number of UICC writing by stating in SA3 specification TS 33.401 that the update of NAS security context into UICC shall occur only on a state transition to EMM-DEREGISTERED. It is not expected that using the ME memory would solve the issue.

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