Q. & A. 711 to 1707 with solved Papers css 1971 to date

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The Arabian peninsula was surrounded by the two great Empire. On its North-Eastern side was the border of Persian Empire. At that time Iraq was under the control of Persian Empire. The

ZOO Political and Cultmaural History of Islam

Northern port of the peninsuaaila was bordered by the Byz; Empire (the Eastern Roman Er*nnpire). It consisted of Syria, Pal md Egypt. Byzantine was a Greek city on the Bosphorus Byzantines were named after thmis city. It was made the capital Eastern Roman Empire in 330 B.C. by Constantine, the Grea* lame of the city was changed la~«tt:er on to Constantinople after th& rf Constantine the Great. (Now it is known as Istanbul in Turkey
After suppressing ther; rebellions of internal tribe: Adjoining small states, Abu Ba_Zkr (Rad.A) turned his attention idjoining territories who were -Mdoing a lot of damage to Musli Islam and were continuously ccrsnspirmg against Muslims. The Siddique was not only to suppress their conspiracy against M but, as a matter of fact, to spresssad the universal message of Isia we will see later,, each expedLJition was advised first to invi £nemy towards Islam in a prseaceful way. If they accepter massage of Allah. They were C reated as brothers otherwise M had to accept their challenge.4 ’JHThe s,word was used as a last resc: self defence. Some of the maiam expeditions would be discussi following Hnes in hn’ef which t^ok p!t>ce during the lime of Abu Bakr (Rad.A). DESPATCH OF ELEVEN EXPEDITIONS
For the purpose of con«nducting operations in the variou of the country, the map of _Arabia was divided and the e expeditions despatched as follo»»ws: (1) Khalid bin Walid was tzo undertake operations against T
and later on march aga iinst Malik ibr> Nuwairah.
(6) (7)
Ikrimah ibn Abu Ja=ihl was deputed to fight a_
Ibn Zubayr was sent to subdue Aswad Ansi.
Muhajir ibn-i-Abi-Un-nayyah was to invade Yamar-
Al-’Ala was to be responsible for the reduction
Hazifa was to reduce iW-1lahran and Uman.
’Amr was sent with tw<=> columns to curb the Bani Qoza,
A column was despatcfched under Khalid Ibn-al-Sa’id to
the Syrian frontier.
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