THE FALL OF HIRA AND BATTLE OF FIRAZ (634 A.P 13AJL) Hira was a famous fort< ^f the Persians. After fighting the small battles Jescribed above i sazrat Khalid besieged the city of Hira. Persians, resisted in the beginning but later on they surrendered
Hazrat Abu Bakr (Rad. A.) 205
to Muslims. Hazrat Khalid bin Walid imposed Jizya (Defence Tax) on them. Then he captured other places including Dumatal Jandal. Some frontier Arab chiefs also submitted to Khalid. The last battle of this expedition of Hazrat Khalid took place at Firaz. A huge force of Persian Arabs (residing in Iraq) and Syrians who joined Persians in that battle crossed the river Euphrates. A fierce battle was fought on the 15th Dhul Qadah, 12 A.H. Hazrat Khalid routed the enemies and conquered the place. By this victory whole of South and most of ..he North Iraq was conquered. Then Hazrat Khalid returned to Hira.