Acceptance of Islam Hazral Usman (Rad.A) accepted Islam when Abu Bakr (Rad.A) preached to him. He was one of those Muslims who accepted Islam in its very early days. Though ”Banu Hashim” (the Holy Prophet’s family) was rival to ”Banu Umayyah” (HaTrat Usman’s (Rad.A) family), and the latter was in power a( thai time
Political and Cultural History of Islam
Hazrat Usman (Rod. A.) 265
yet Usman (Rad.A) did not hesitate to acknowledge the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) which meant authority and supremacy over ”Banu Hashim”. This was one of the reasons why Qurayshi leaders, beionging to Banu Umayyad (like Abu Sufyan) were opposing the HoJ-y prophet. Thus acceptance of Isiam in such a position shows the clear mindedness of Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) when he accepted Islam, the Quraysh who once loved Usman (Rad.A) became his enemies. Even his relatives like Hakam (one of his urcies) began to rebuke him and chastised him severely. Emigration to Abyssinia
When life in Makkah became hard for the Muslims, he went to the Holy Prophet and sought permission to take refuge in Abyssinia, along with Bother Muslims. The permission was gianted. Hazrat Usman (Rad A; and his wife crossed fhe Red Sea with other Muslims and migrated to Abyssinia. At the time of his migration the Holy Prophet remaiked: ”Usman is the first man of my Ummali to migrate (for the sake of Allah) with his family”. He stayed (here for a muple of months and came back to Makkah when he was wrongly informed by somebody that die Quraysh had accepted Islam.