Conquest of Khurasan and Tabrastan In the year 30 A.H. Hazrat Sa’d bin A’s newly appointed governor of Kufa, marched towards Khurasan with army in which some prominent figures like Hazrat Hasan, Hussain, Abdullah bin Abbas, Abdullah bin Umar etc. (Rad.A) were also included who had returned from North African expeditian. At the same time Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir (the governor of Basrah) also marched there before Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir reached Sa’d bin A’s conquered a number of places including Tabrastan and Jarjan. In the year 31 A.H. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir again marched there after hearing the news of rebellion. Then he conquered the remaining part of Khurasan, In the meantime, Yedzgird, the exiled Persian emperor reached the north in Turkmenistan and tried to collect an arm> but was again defeated by the Muslims at Sistan and fled there upon one of the Turk chiefs and Naizak Khan invited him while he was going to meet him he stayed in a village there some body killed him while he was asleep for his precious garments and cash in this way the last emperor of the vast Persian empire passed away.