Rebellion of Azerbaijan and Armenia Azerbaijan and Armenia were conquered during Hazrat Urnar’s (Rad.A) time. There arose a rebellion against Islamic government after his death. Hazrat Usman (Rad.A) ordered Hazrat Walid bin Uqbah (who was the governor of Kufa at that time) to crush the rebellion. He sent Islamic forces and regained the territory taken over by the rebellions. This happened in the year 26 A.H.
During the same period, Hazrat Amir Mu’awiya (Rad.A) sent an army to Armenia to face the Romans. The Islamic army was under the command of Habib bin Muslimah. He occupied some of the forts but Constans II sent a huge army of 80,000 men to face the Muslims. Seeing the situation Amir Mu’awiya (Rad.A) wrote to Hazrat Usman (Rad A) for reinforcement. He ordered Walid bin’ Uqbah. He received Khalifah’s order when he was returning from Azerbaijan after taking it over from the rebels. He immediately sent an army of eight thousand men under the command of Salman bin Rabi’ah to Armenia. The two armies conquered the whole region of Armenia after defeating the Roman forces. They also conquered some more parts of Asia Minor including Iran and Garjastan. Thus
Hazrat Usman (Rad. A.) 269
by the end of the 26 A.H. the territory upto Caucasus Mountains (now in the U.S.S.R) came under the sway of Islam.